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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Only saw that once Col, so no big deal, but i'll clear cache. Site mostly ok, just a bit on the laggy side
  2. This was one of our staple tracks i'll simply tell you how i attack it. I may even be doing it wrong, but it worked for us Kicking off on the B note on the E string is one pluck, forefinger...two plucks on D note A string , forefinger, one pluck on B note E string , forefinger , one pluck D note A string , forefinger , one pluck on E note A string , middle finger. Repeat for the moves, even on the octave which doubles over the guitar octave
  3. I can see those full announcements too, but the site is speeding along for me - quick loading. Maybe i'm blessed
  4. Someone's been out with a cloth and some Mr Sheen !!
  5. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1509977995' post='3402973'] Def Leppard's synthetic, sterile mush that is Hysteria. [/quote] I'm not a fan, but when i heard Hysteria i thought well crafted and well produced.
  6. Its about 4kg, according to my scales. I actually left the strap on which is a monster 4" leather job and weighs a pound , so it could be slightly under 4kg
  7. You didn't ask, Tom, but i shall see what i can do about it I only have bathroom scales but it will be close enough for jazz
  8. The filed flat frets area looks like it was done by a Bonobo with a rasp
  9. Nah, you're thinking of a drummer. You heard about the drummer who was suicidal about his bad timing ? Threw himself behind a train. Baddum tish !
  10. Its possible yes, as basically, you dont actually fret the string on a fretless, and you wouldnt touch the fret on a fretted either. If you have a very low action, its quite hard But the sound of a sliding harmonic on fretted basses is nowhere near as distinct as a fretless
  11. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1509467798' post='3399187'] God can't help you on this one, what with him not existing and everything... [/quote] There you go again. It has nothing to do with god. Amen means " and so say us " or something similar I dont have to be believe in god to say amen. Seems not only are you some keyboard phoney feminist warrior , you want to steer things in other directions You might like to get out more
  12. [quote name='clivem' timestamp='1509467303' post='3399176'] There isn't a problem! You guys are making one where there isn't one! The OP complimented someone on their appearance, their playing, their instrument and their composition! That's it! Nothing more, nothing less! [/quote] Amen
  13. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1509382578' post='3398485'] Thanks mate. I was beginning to wonder. [/quote] You're not alone. Check the Daily Annoyances
  14. Yup, i agree there's discrepancies in manufacturers figures, but not enough to really bother anyone that they're down on power. If say a TE 300 was 50 watts louder than xxxx 300 watt amp, there wouldn't be a noticable difference
  15. So then, how loud is loud enough .. 200 watts ? If 450 watts is very loud indeed, then going to a 200 watt amp isnt going to make much difference, according to the maths
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1509013823' post='3395992'] The amp is capable, with a 4 Ohm load, of delivering 900 W. With two cabs, that'll probably be extremely loud, at full tilt. Do you [i]really [/i]play with that sound level..? [/quote] Its my understanding ( mainly from info on BC ) that 900 watts is not much louder than 450 watts. I've read on here that to hear a perceived doubling of volume, you need 10 times the power. EG to hear a doubling of volume from a 200 watt amp, one would need a 2000 watt amp, not a 400 watt amp. I could have got that wrong, so hopefully a leccy guru will shoot it down or agree
  17. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1508969875' post='3395776'] Sounds dangerously close to that guy who practices ear splitting solos while rest of the band is trying to discuss song arrangements, presumably because he's already decided what he's going to do in that song. As you say, a bullet dodged. [/quote] Ditto, but this gitwrist was already in the band when i joined. I left before we got too many rehearsals in , as i knew i was wasting my time
  18. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1508778352' post='3394369'] ...unless you are practicing some awesome moves/ shapes too? [/quote] I never considered that I think my busting a few shapes on stage days are over. I leave that to the gurning guitards
  19. If you move your gear from a crowded TV room to another room, you're not wandering around. You simply moved to another room. I was under the impression that some want to wander about AS they're playing. Seems a tad daft and uneccessary
  20. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1508758784' post='3394160'] Have some of us missed the point here? The Amplug plugs straight into the bass without a cable, and the headphones plug straight into the amplug. You don't need anywhere to put extra bits & Pieces and can walk from one room to another if required.The other solutions suggested all involve a free standing additional unit of some kind. I use a Tascam GTR 1, which is great, but I have to find somewere to put the trainer and if I want to move to a different chair, change room, or just want to wander around it becomes a bit of a pain. I have no idea how good the Amplug is aurally or technically, and obviously it does a lot less than some of the other ideas meantions, but conceptually it seems a great idea. [/quote] Is there a great need to wander around playing bass ? What's so bad about sitting in one spot while playing ? Its just practice, after all
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