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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. Did Paul invent the B-Bender? 😂
  2. When you say oomph, do you mean something tonally that it lacks or is it just a lower output? If it's a tone thing, well, you've already got a preamp in your amp. See if you can get the kind of tone you're looking for with the existing pickups and the EQ and gain stage of your amplifier. If you still think it's lacking, you may need to replace your pickups to get what you need. You don't need to get actives, there are plenty of passive pickups to suit all kinds of tonal requirements these days. The choice has never been greater but you still need to be able to define what it is you want and then hunt down the pickups which will do it for you. For me, the pickups are the most important part of the instrument. Get them right and you should be able to run with no EQ and be really close to your desired tone. If I have a bass I need to tweak the bejesus out of to get the sound I want, then either the pickups get replaced or the bass gets eased on out the door.
  3. I used to think so but now I think I was just using it as an excuse to buy different kinds of basses. I play like me and will adapt to the style of music no matter what I’m playing.
  4. Do you know which way the coils are orientated? Is it one over the other or one coil for E&A and one coil for D&G? There are quite a few bass humbuckers built that way and, if you go single coil, you're just turning off the coil under a pair of strings.
  5. This is also my experience. I find these kind of videos excruciating. Few can resist injecting “wacky personality turned up to eleven” and a minimum of 70% of the video is yapping not playing. Horrible.
  6. Do remember that you’re auditioning them as much as they’re auditioning you.
  7. Alternatively, there will always be purity to the name. Every Pedulla will have had Pedulla's involvement. That's a great thing and very rare.
  8. That is surprising, maybe things are changing after all this time.
  9. In Communism, there is no copyright.
  10. It would be fun seeing the roadie crouched down in front, carrying it to the far end of the stadium stage while Angus noodled away.
  11. Taking death metal and jazz fusion to places neither of them ever wanted to go, I’d like to hear Sean Reinert - Drums Tony Choy -Bass Chris Poland - Guitar James Murphy - Guitar John Tardy - Vocals in their 1991 guises.
  12. This is the answer. He played a variety of brass horns live.
  13. Great work, very well done 👍
  14. He's a superb player, tight as fook. His vocals played such a huge part in the VH sound, too. Very underrated musician.
  15. This never fails to hit the spot. I always have a copy of it with me
  16. I'm no defender, I owned one and eventually sold it on. I don't see another one in my future. I just gave an honest account of my interaction with the man which some seem not want to believe, for whatever reason.
  17. Past-tense. You can think what you like, but Hall cares about his product and backs it up.
  18. I had an entirely cordial exchange with him, also via the forum. I had a small neck issue with a 4003 I had asked about. He contacted me directly and offered to personally inspect it as he was going to be holidaying in Ireland in the not-too-distant future. Top man.
  19. Doctor J

    Anti GAS

    While not necessarily cheap (I paid £300 for it back in 1992, choosing it over a 75 Precision at £250), my ESP 400 Series Jazz is definitely nowhere near as expensive as some of the basses I have bought since, including a Sadowsky, but it remains the one that I know will always be just right for me, like Mama Bear’s porridge. I think it would be foolish to stop searching, all the same. I mean... the next one... that could be the one 😂
  20. Read Geddy’s book to him in the Ladybird style and it’ll be smooth sailing away from Drum Island.
  21. Sadly had to sell a few over the last couple of years bur, for a time, these were a lot of fun
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