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Everything posted by Sonic_Groove

  1. Hi MrWalker Try [url="http://statii.com/status_cats/index.html"]http://statii.com/status_cats/index.html[/url] For a starter Brendan
  2. What weight is it and what is the scale length? Thanks Brendan
  3. Neither of them seem to be available anywhere -- Can't even find them on the Manufactures' web-sites! Love to try one B
  4. Has anyone updated their POD HD500 & installed the Bass pack yet??? Worth it? Any comments thought? Brendan
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  6. Ideology & Rationale [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lvVCrLU76E[/media]
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1420466279' post='2649594'] Bloody funny-looking Wal, that is ... [/quote] To be fair he did advertise in all the "Comics" with this Eastwood. Don't know if he used it on the updated Dali's Car stuff? B
  8. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1420479306' post='2649801'] Carol Kaye told me that she'd played that one. [/quote] GLOL
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]Yep La Bella 760M Original 1954 set. They are great!![/size][/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][size=4]​Don't know if anyone mentioned he [/size]kept[size=4] the foam mute in his pBass? A cut piece of car sponge under the strings does a similar job, then [/size][/color][/font][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]you need to hit them HARD!!! [/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]Brendan[/size][/font][/color]
  10. Thanks for the info. Enjoy your beautiful bass. Brendan
  11. What a Beautiful Bass!!! Well done Billy Apple! I think there were a few of us peeping down the internet at this before you secured it! It will be very interesting if you & discreet get to try your US & his Euro together & report the sims/differences to those of us looking at Spectors! I don't suppose you got to try the [color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Helium [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Forte at BD when you [/font][/color][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][color=#000000]tried yours for a comparison/report??[/color][/font] [color=#000000][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Brendan[/font][/color]
  12. Paul What does it weigh ? Thanks Brendan
  13. [quote name='RipperDen' timestamp='1419447385' post='2640122'] Sure, if you would send us some of your rain. We're dry here in California. [/quote] Stick it in, Twist it \, Pull it out!! LOL I live near Manchester UK, we have plenty of rain (snow at the moment!!!) How much do you want?? Remember your Sun Cream in your gig bag (funnily never had the need for it) !!! B
  14. Hi RipperDen, Welcome Send Us some of your Weather Mate!! LOL Brendan
  15. What do those extra two switches do? Good price & nice Bass P.S I think it is actually a Stealth 2 not a S2 Bren
  16. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1419260693' post='2638092'] Off topic, but just how lush is Al DiMeola's Les Paul tone on this? Makes me want to trade in my Tele for an LP. [/quote] I wouldn't mind "trading in" my clumsy podgy mitts for Al's dextrous digits!!! B
  17. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1419247475' post='2637891'] Saw him recently with Hiromi and didn't really enjoy his flabby, piezo pickup tone on his new Fodera bass. [/quote] Oh I thought it sounded superb! But hey ho you have saved yourself GASsing for 30 grands worth of Axe! LOL Brendan
  18. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1419176522' post='2637225'] I have no idea what age you were at the time (1982) but it's probably as much about social comment of the time as it was about the music. [/quote] Big +1000 [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1419176684' post='2637227'] That's why it's aged, it's not really relevant any more I'm sure it was great at the time but issues move on and new artists take up the baton. [/quote] If you think the "message" in "The Message" is not relevant at the moment! You really need to open your eye's!!! B
  19. Caught him in London this year playing with Hiromi, FANTASTIC!!! Also, that Al Di Meola album (Elegant Gypsy -- but Anthony plays on a few Al albums) is a must B
  20. [quote name='notable9' timestamp='1418939726' post='2635131'] Great responses but i think most of u have missed the point. My point was that it seems old fashioned analogue recording techniques reached a peek in the early eighties, especially on the pop stuff. Nothing to do with dig, or mp3's or whatnot. Listening to those old tunes via the PC through phones and inspite of all the compression the signal has gone through today you can still hear what I call the "soft seperation" of instruments, it all sounds kinda chocolatey but crisp and that is all to do with studio technique, personel and above all.....money! It takes a lot of money to record music properly.....I dont hear it today anymore, not even in live TV. As I said before it all sounds to me anyway grey...mushy. Horrible! [/quote] I tried to point this out Notable9, but no one seemed to listen!! B
  21. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1418908960' post='2634706'] All I know is my iPod played through our EV PA system, sounds amazing. I don't claim to know all about sound quality, but I think a lot of folk join the emperors new clothes bunch who bemoan the humble MP3 . What I'm saying is, when played through an amazing sound system, pretty much anything sounds good! [/quote] There seems to be some cross purpose here? The OP said he was listening on a computer? So the final playing media was not the problem, iPods, MP3, etc, are convenient & can sound great. The original criticism seemed to be about how the music was recorded & produced. The compression of MP3 was not the issue, The record everything louder than everything else as cheap as possible & "blast me subwoofer!!!" is! GIGO!!! B
  22. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1418858006' post='2634264'] It was all done in professional studios using high quality, often analogue, equipment by people who knew what they were doing, not knocked up by some herbert with a music "degree" from his local "University" (technical college as was) on a laptop in his bedroom..... [/quote] + 1000 and Amen to to this. Spot on Rhys Brendan
  23. Not exactly John McLaughlin is he!! How to play solo's without thinking? Practice, Practice, Practice B
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