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Everything posted by MacDaddy

  1. [quote name='fender73' post='1352177' date='Aug 26 2011, 11:09 AM']No love for the Attitude? :-)[/quote] lots of love for the Attitude but no spare £'s
  2. [quote name='chris_b' post='1344636' date='Aug 18 2011, 05:32 PM']...well, for the price of the MU subs.[/quote] tru dat. but the yearly sub total is often cheaper than some PLI quotes.
  3. [quote name='ern500evo' post='1344576' date='Aug 18 2011, 04:46 PM']Priceless!! Could be straight out of a movie called "Carry on music shop"!! [/quote] and in to the Famous Quotes it has to go
  4. if you are a M.U. member you get oodles of Public Liability Insurance for free
  5. [quote name='steve-bbb' post='1321321' date='Jul 30 2011, 02:16 PM']or maybe instead try the over-keen inexperienced amateur approach with something like 'im thinking doing my hair purple and spiky for my new band and wondered if you had a bass that would go nicely with it .... AND keep a straight face[/quote] someone has to do this, idealy while I am there
  6. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1341859' date='Aug 16 2011, 01:24 PM']The chord sequences? Have you heard the chord sequences to most songs?: [/quote] a lot of blues songs sound similar. I think they may use a similar chord sequence.
  7. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1341765' date='Aug 16 2011, 12:22 PM']So what's the etiquette then, from a legal perspective? Say if I liked one I'd come up with - what level of tweaking, reengineering or rewriting, won't see you hauled over the coals for infringing some copyright or other?[/quote] Oasis seem to have gotten away with it.
  8. I had a BC and like you loved the neck. I have an Iceni and the neck on it it quite similar, obviously try before you buy, but it might be worth having a look through the for sale if any come up. Otherwise you can try mine if you are coming to the SE Bash. edit: Doh! Just seen your info and that you are on the other side of the country, so probably won't make it to the SE Bash.
  9. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1338104' date='Aug 12 2011, 07:45 PM']Cooorrrrrrrrrrrrr![/quote] isn't it
  10. gently squeezing a foam ball or one of stress balls (or whatever shape they are - I have a beer bottle one) can help but remember to work both sides of each hand. Also keeping your hands warm can help.
  11. [quote name='bartelby' post='1340520' date='Aug 15 2011, 11:43 AM']I much prefer 4 piece (vocals, bass, guitar and drums).[/quote] As God intended.
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1341486' date='Aug 16 2011, 08:49 AM']The important thing to do is to find the right instrument for you. As I said before it doesn't matter whether it's something you picked up for a tenner at a car boot or a vintage Fender or custom made Ritter Royal costing £10,000+[/quote] this
  13. [quote name='PerfectionBG' post='1341248' date='Aug 15 2011, 10:12 PM']I've just looked in the 'For Sale' section of the forum, and it seems that there are several £1000+ basses for sale, so many infact that they are all I saw for the first 6 topics! This made me ponder, is ~£1000 about the cost of a bass used at professional level? i.e. for gigging or for ownership by professionals? I recently tried out Fender American Deluxe Jazz and Precision basses, and I have also played an american MM Sterling and a Stingray and german Warwick in the past all of these cost a similar price and they seemed like very nice basses, and I understand their popularity from their play-ability. Though, I played my Jaguar after playing these £1000+ forerunners of the bass world and could hardly notice the difference other than some tonal differences and comfort. Are these expensive basses really worth the money? Or do we buy them for the fact they did cost that much money, and that makes us psychologically assume that they are better? Anyone have an answer? I'm seriously intrigued about this! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, you haven't got what I'm trying to say. Does one have to spend x amount of money on a bass, for it to be considered a.. ermm.. bass? Confused yet? Well. The MM Stingray is between 1-2k new, as is the American deluxe fenders, and many warwicks, and Rickenbakers. Why this price? I'd say, a bass costs 1-2k becuase of that reason above. You may think a bass costs ~£500 as that is how much you need to spend to get a very decent, proper bass. Maybe more, maybe less. If you don't understand the question, tell me, it's not vague - but it can be read that way. It's hard to explain, I might just give up on this and think about it myself in my own encrypted, messed up mind![/quote] Plenty of budget basses can do the job according to this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39330&hl=budget+basses"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...l=budget+basses[/url]
  14. so will there be enough room for kit, 2 guitarists, keys, and bass?
  15. [quote name='51m0n' post='1340779' date='Aug 15 2011, 03:39 PM']Nice one! You guys are going to have to think about some kind of air con in summer though aren't you?[/quote]
  16. [quote name='karlfer' post='1321953' date='Jul 31 2011, 08:50 AM']Main reason for posting is that the last 4 gigs I have used my 95 Yamaha Attitude Special. It looks naff, but it's the bass I have been looking for all my life [/quote] if that is it in your avatar it looks great.
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1337056' date='Aug 11 2011, 09:56 PM']Owing to the bizarre history of this site, my garage is roughly 30 yards from the nearest habitation - a very rare situation in Chiswick.[/quote] yet your Orange Terror was still capable of shaking the windows when cranked up in the (pre) garage
  18. i don't think it's about the recording medium, but the know-how behind it. If I was let loose in Trevor Horn's studio and he had a go on my Boss BR600 it doesn't take an industry expert to work out who will get the best quality recording.
  19. when they first came out I considered one. Thought the neck was great but the bass is a bit heavy and you can't go wireless. Some of the models weren't quite there, but faffing about with the sound was part of the fun.
  20. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1329421' date='Aug 6 2011, 12:07 AM']It may not be the best gear in everyone's opinion, but in mine, it sure is! The sound, feel, and playability just work for me.[/quote] and at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters.
  21. will have a watch when I get home.
  22. i don't remember seeing any of you there
  23. [quote name='Sibob' post='1311902' date='Jul 21 2011, 07:07 PM']I'd prefer the side-stack live (as I already raise my cabs off the ground using a flightcase), but I will say that the handles prevent a flush stack, there's obviously an easy solution which would involve the top cab being marginally tilted (no bad thing), so I'm not fussed.[/quote] or possibly a nice little recessed space for the handles to fit in to, also providing a modicom of support? Not sure if there is enough depth to the cab bodies though? Over to Alex...
  24. saw them twice in 88 - Monsters of Rock and Wembley Arena - then a bit of a gap until seeing them at Twickers.
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