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Everything posted by MacDaddy

  1. Him: Tracey, do me a favour. Google 'do farts have lumps?'.
  2. MacDaddy


    [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1325870188' post='1489191'] No, it was sort of chorus/delay hybrid. It didn't do either very well, I'm afraid... [/quote] That's a shame. The chorus and delays on mine are easily comparable - IMO - to our other guitarists for more expensive pedal. I'd assume they use the same circuits, so not sure why the pedals would sound pants? Could be wrong though, maybe they put more effort into the v-amps. Although TBF a lot of people think they're pants too
  3. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1325865065' post='1489062'] Her,"Where is the Drummer?" Him "He`s on his way.." [/quote] saw the clip yesterday, so true!
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1325894945' post='1489687'] Yep, seriously under-rated guitarist. [/quote] yeah, he never got the chance to showcase his lead playing for some reason. It's not like there wasn't room, Wild Boys is screaming out for a guitar solo. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1325865560' post='1489076'] Crikey, musical differences already...? [/quote] made I laugh mightly
  5. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1325861932' post='1488979'] maybe some Power Station and Arcadia too! [/quote] or maybe not!
  6. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1325863125' post='1489010'] 3 out of 4 ain't bad! Besides Michael Anthony is entrenched in Chickenfoot now with Sammy Hagar (who could NEVER replace Dave Lee Roth as far as I am concerned) [/quote] Even though Van Halen reached commercial peak with Hagar?
  7. MacDaddy


    [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1325710490' post='1486564'] ...I did, however, buy the multi-effect pedal which was Ebayed within an hour of purchase.... [/quote] Do you mean the Behringer X V-amp? I use one of them for the band I'm in. More than does the job, and doesn't sound cheap. I was going to 'upgrade' but then though 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'
  8. Not sure how this will pan out, as I'm in that London- SW, but if you can get a good Simon and Nick, I'll be Andy. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1325201446' post='1481007'] It'd be great to do it with the 81-83 era image but still play some of the newer material too. Saying newer I mean 7&RT onwards, hardly new really.... haha [/quote] Agreed but possibly augmented with selected later material such as Electric Barbarella, and Ordinary World?
  9. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1325795518' post='1487979'] Here we go [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/82-other-instruments/"]http://basschat.co.u...er-instruments/[/url] There's no post limit requirement and any registered member can post. We'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Enjoy! [/quote] cheers Ped!
  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1325703137' post='1486416'] If I understand correctly, though, MacDaddy was implying that the guitar-related subforum on BC would be specific for those of us who play both instruments, not like a normal guitar forum like many you can find elsewhere. (Happy to stand corrected if I got it wrong.) [/quote] nope, that's spot on
  11. As a bassist I've always been against the idea of Basschat having a wee corner where those who play both guitar and bass could congregate and speak in hushed tones. It is [b]Bass[/b]chat after all. But seen as I am now playing the guitar in a band myself, I'm suddenly thinking it's not such a bad idea [size=2]*looks for 'hypocrite? Me?'[/size][size=2] emoticon*[/size] Any thoughts?
  12. "bu99er! I think I've just followed through".
  13. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1325676566' post='1485880'] The Pod and the M-series are different products - the M5, M9, M13 are purely for effects and have no amp sim - they're supposed to augment or replace your pedalboard. The Pod stuff contains the effects, amp simulation and speaker/mic modelling and is intended to replace the whole pedals/amp/cab signal path and allow you to go direct into a PA or recording interface without all that heavy lifting! Bartelby is right on the money with the Pod X3 Pro, sounds like just what you're after. [/quote] the X3 Pro fits the bill, but ouch! I'm sure you get what you pay for, but is it over £450.00 better than the Behringer? It doesn't seem too portable for gigging.
  14. "The USA, Japan, Mexico, Korea, China, doesn't matter where really. We''ll take any old crap and just stamp Fender on it."
  15. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1325671352' post='1485787'] Ah, I take it you're looking for something that has both bass and guitar amp sims? [/quote] yep
  16. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1325669286' post='1485760'] The new Zoom B3 is worth looking at. Due for release soon-ish. [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b3/features/"]http://www.zoom.co.j...ts/b3/features/[/url] [/quote] nice, but doesn't have anything for guitar.
  17. The only ones I can think off which are specifically for bass and guitar, are the Behringer bass v-amp, and the Pod M9 and12 boards - although they don't have amp sims. Are there any more?
  18. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1325603186' post='1484958'] 2. Although each string of the 5-string bass guitar covers 'only' two octaves, the range the instrument can actually play goes from its lowest B (B0) to its highest G (G4). How does that compare to the 'full' range offered by the piano?[/quote] The bass guitar is actually a transposing instrument (sounds one octave lower than written) so in concert pitch (A440hz) middle C is equal in pitch to the C played at the 17th fret on the G string of a standard 4 string bass.
  19. he usually makes the point that 90% of what he does, is holding down the bass in a band. But if I went to see a band featuring Billy Sheehan, I would be a tad disappointed if he didn't do a bass solo.
  20. with that level of knowledge of the products they sell, I'd be happy to buy from them
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1325380435' post='1482736'] Super generous. [/quote] +1 someone - goblin? - has a happy new year!
  22. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1324811078' post='1477904'] Watched the double DVD recently and thought it was pretty good.. Still I thought the whole image thing which was displayed on the DVD-cover (baddest motherf*cker, etc..) didn't make any sense.. They try to give you the impression that he is the king of danger while he seems to be a really down to earth lad who seems to enjoy playing on the machines in a bar for hours (not really rock n roll to be honest) and collecting knives (I know other people with the same hobby) Sure there are drugs and booz and all that but imo they seem to make a lot more out of him than he himself normally does.. He's polite, has his views on life and seems to be a loving dad.. The image one has of him is apparantly a lot more rock n roll than he himself probably is.. [/quote] was quite shocked that he lives in rent controlled accommodation and doesn't even own his own house.
  23. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1324668135' post='1476958'] Showing again on Friday Dec 30 2011 at11:30 pm. Thanks, MythTV . [/quote] this! just about to put the kettle on and settle down in front of BB4
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