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Everything posted by MacDaddy

  1. a bit of history... I had a PJB rig - The Dalek - but then I got a new car. Although the car was bigger, it was a saloon, so access to the boot was smaller and my PJB rig wouldn't fit. I bought the above set up as it nicely fitted in the boot. The combo is great on it's own for rehearsals and small gigs. It can handle 5 and 6 strings for rehearsals, but needs to the cab for gigging volumes. I last gigged it over 3 years ago, since then it's been sat in a bedroom.
  2. here's a shot with my old sub to provided some perspective TECH SOUNDSYSYEMS NT 2X10 special, originally made for Tom [i]'Squarepusher' [/i]Jenkinson (allegedly the smallest 2x10 ever made!) TVM 600 head in the combo upgraded on the treble to give an extra 6db of boost at 11khz, 600w RMS @ 2ohm. Combo runs at 4ohms. Cab = CT 2X12 fitted with Neo B+C drivers to give 1000 watts RMS @ 4ohms. Total 1900 watts on speakers. Even has a cool blue light strip!
  3. [quote name='bridge' timestamp='1324647571' post='1476633'] Hope these help [attachment=95741:DSC01549.JPG][attachment=95742:DSC01550.JPG] [/quote] cheers.
  4. post Christmas day, fancy something to spend your christmas money on bump
  5. i've gone for the M Audion option, hoping that getting to grips with pro tools won't be too hard. I am not a techie!
  6. i'm covered for free through my MU membership.
  7. So as posted earlier these are just rebranded Squiers?
  8. Are they made in the same Factory as the Chinese Squiers?
  9. cheers for the replies! As always Basschat comes up trumps
  10. Are they uncomfortable, does the edge of the bridge plate dig in to your picking hand, and does the ridge affect picking if you want to pick over the pup? I'm guessing it's a case of adjusting technique to suit, but I'd be interested to hear from those who play them. ta
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1324369764' post='1473387'] I'd remind the bass player in my band to bring his unused M-Audio interface thingy to rehearsal tonight and see if I could maybe slip it into my gigbag when he wasn't looking. [/quote] what a splendid idea!
  12. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1324330883' post='1473194'] Thanks Ped. [/quote] this
  13. I was looking at getting one of those audio/USB things to plug my guitar in to the computer. Some come with basic amp sims and recording software and are not too expensive. But for a similar price I could get a new sound card with an audio input and bundled software. Which way would you guys go?
  14. now for sale. I've been looking at ebay BIN prices for these, and they start at £140.00, so how about £99.99 collected and I'll post it for a tenner?
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1324254249' post='1472363'] I'd like to see a 'music off topic' and a separate 'off topic off topic'. If you see what I mean. [/quote] *would be pressing the 'like' button if there was one*
  16. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1324123741' post='1471001'] The computers not going to write the song for you.... [/quote] not yet
  17. MacDaddy


    there is a lot of gear snobbery surrounding Behringer. Like any company they can make good stuff and crap stuff. Add personal taste and price in to the equation and we have the continual Behringer debate threads I'm using a Behringer X Amp multi fx for guitar, in the band I play guitar in. It does the job (some of the fx are actually rather good) and nothing else that did the job came close to the price.
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1324123463' post='1470996']Am I the only person to have felt rather uncomfortable about the sight of multi-millionaire artists such as Sir Cliff Richards lobbying for a change in the law because they felt that 50 years 'protection' of their royalties was not enough?[/quote] possibly. Why shouldn't musicians have the same rights to their work as authors?
  19. hey, the bus 37 takes you from near yours to near mine LOL. We have other Basschatters from Brixton too. Have you been to BEM?
  20. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1323544173' post='1464503'] Nope! Sixx [i]always [/i]favoured solid finish (dark coloured) Hamer Blitz basses. The striped (and polka-dotted!) ones were Hamer FBIVs (check my sig). Sadly, most of these are firewood now. P [/quote] I stand corrected. Would love to check out your FBIV, maybe the next Bassbash?
  21. If I introduce one to my signal chain to reduce hiss, will it also affect sustain? If you use one what settings do you use? ta.
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