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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Yep, showing now, and you’ll fit in just right, we are all idiots here!
  2. Pics aren’t showing, at least they aren’t for me, this is what I’m getting...
  3. Just bought a Sire Marcus Miller from Laurence. Real easy transaction, excellent coms, deal with confidence. A gentleman and a scholar.
  4. The Charango is made from the shell of an armadillo.
  5. Best of all worlds, Ibanez SRC6, more addictive than crack.
  6. Excellent band, saw them at Futurama 3 (1981 I believe). Burnt my leg jumping over a bonfire I seem to recall, then again I was very, very... drunk.
  7. So much ukulele hate here, I didn’t realise ukelelism of this sort would be tolerated on this forum, moderators! Some of my best friends play the ukulele imagine their poor bare laps once we leave the EU... 😁
  8. Get in touch with Hercules, they will probably replace it.
  9. I think you can get similar faults with other stands but the thing about Hercules is that they seem to acknowledge the problem and be quick to rectify it. I actually think it makes the brand worth using.
  10. Yes. By my experience anyway and they are pretty good at sorting it out if you do have problems.
  11. I think there was a period during which some Hercules stands developed this problem, I have stands from before and after that period and they are fine. I bought a couple earlier this year and I checked with the salesperson that the stock was new and assured me that the newer stands were made of different materials. He knew about the this fault in particular and assured me that Hercules had taken steps to rectify it. Never had a problem with any of mine.
  12. Hello! It sure is a great forum.
  13. Looking at the manual it does have line level on both inputs, it might work, I’ll try it out tomorrow. Cheers.
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