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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Omne delectamentum in se habentem.
  2. This page is good for generating a collage of your albums, like this...
  3. Met Sid this morning at a bleak and windswept Park & Ride in order to give him an unused bit of kit. Had a cracking laugh, wish I’d had more time to hang but I’m due at The Vatican at five to be installed as a Cardinal. Deal confidently, a gentleman and a scholar.
  4. Well I’ve got four and they are excellent, I think @Stub Mandrel’s theory about bulk buying is almost certainly right, business models aside the designacables are top quality.
  5. Blimey, really? I saw them twice and never noticed, then again I was very, very drunk.
  6. @Lee-Man Sorry to have headed off so quickly, I had Stomp GAS (which sounds like an ailment acquired in South Carolina) you know how it is..!
  7. Man, if there's one guitarist I miss it's John McGeoch...
  8. I certainly have, I’ve been a huge fan for many years, I love all their albums up until ‘10’. The Stranglers have been a constant throughout, they hit me at just the right time so their music never ages or diminishes in potency for me, proper. I think Baroque Bordello is possibly my top track from The Raven, I have the record with the prismatic cover, almost as treasured as my copy of Meninblack (my favourite Stranglers album) signed by Hugh Cornwell.
  9. An absolutely cracker, what a sound, everything about it is sinister and unpleasant. Perfect.
  10. Damn, how did I forget Bow Wow Wow and the brilliant Leigh Gorman, along with Dave Barbarossa, surely one of the best rhythm sections ever. More slap bass that I’d forgotten I loved! Another great band live.
  11. Strange how different people hear things, one of the reasons I love the bass on that album is because, to me, the bass sounds organic and a bit rough, the very opposite of the sterility I hear in other slap players. I’m trying to think of the aural equivalent of horses for courses...
  12. Could you ask him if it is confusing performing in one European capital when you are named after another? Thank you. 😁
  13. I’m not a fan of slap bass, it always sounds dry and mechanical to me, then again my experience of it is very limited, Mark King and some Primus, I have never heard Stanley Clarke nor do I really have any idea who is considered a good slap player. That being said it might also be because one of my very first experiences of slap bass has never been surpassed, the playing of John Wilson on Heaven 17’s brilliant album Penthouse and Pavement. Someone on BC mentioned him the other day, possibly on this thread and I remembered seeing something on a documentary about him. Anyway here is some interesting info about the making of the album with a bit about John Wilson, he doesn’t seem to be playing now, such a shame, brilliant playing...
  14. The first two Bauhaus albums were (I was going to say influential, perhaps not the right word) eye-openers for me in a kind of ‘sonic palette’ way, what was actually possible with guitar, bass and drums. Excellent albums and a great live band especially around the time of Mask.
  15. Enough what? Biographical data? No, where do you buy your socks? Welcome btw.
  16. Totally agree, I think @Chownybass have been at every Bass Bash I’ve attended, not just the big shows and that’s to be applauded... ...even though I’m dead to them, ahem.
  17. It went to the first person who expressed an interest, unfortunately I think @mcnach was second or third. I wish I had six to sell then you could all have had one!
  18. I have never been to the show and I was thinking of attending this year but was put off by negative comments about past shows. Having read the post-show comments I think I will attend the next one because it easy to sit here clicking across the web making decisions based on feedback and or whinging but there is nothing like personal experience to make up one's mind, that sounds blimmin' obvious but I think it is particularly salient since the Internet arrived. This thread has made me realise that I personally make far too many decisions based on what folk say online, I'm not saying online advice/opinions aren't valid or extremely helpful (I mean just being a member of Basschat has utterly transformed my bass playing world!) but I've avoided the BGS for reasons that, on deeper thought, I can't recall and I think I really I should go and see and form my own opinion based on the experience. I was the same about the Bass Bashes, I heard a couple of negative comments (not on here I hasten to add) and given those and my misanthropic leanings I just assumed a Bass Bash wouldn't be for me, a not very good player with a couple of basses. How wrong was I, I love a bass bash! I sit there with my FRFR rig often unable to hear myself and I don't care, it's great to meet and hang out with other Bass Chatters and even get your dream bass built by a dude you've only met a couple of times! So, next year I'm going to this Bass Guitar show just like last year I went to my first Bash and had my preconceptions upended by great people and a lovely day... ...I've kind of lost my thread. No gathering together of enthusiasts can be tailored to suit each individual and as such we should accept that some compromise has to be made, take what you can from the event. Although I wasn't an attendee I do know one way in which this event could be improved and that's to get the wonderful and gorgeous catering team in from the Great Big SW Bass Bash to do a food stall at the show, attendance would rocket and it is so difficult to whinge with a huge scone stuck in your gob.
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