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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. Wasn’t offended at all. Just saying this one wasn’t due yet, had a couple more years in the metaphorical sherry cask to wait
  2. Sone varied opinions, better watch it do I can make up my own mind
  3. Who was on hootenanny? I’ve stopped watching years ago I liked ricks backing singer, the one with bleached hair
  4. You could always dribble wine on them and claim it’s a rare kind of tort ? would make a change from dribbling wine over “buy now” buttons
  5. Medium Cheap as chips and at least as good at being bass strings as I am at being a bass god … hang on, I’m supposed to be persuading you…
  6. I shall Do so. After I’ve filed my toenails and hoovered the cat. 😛
  7. That’s the bass equivalent of those black and white photos of bombed out streets in Dresden, Germany Look below for Andy’s new bass, those frets (with rather novel windows) look very wonky to me that must have been particularly strong Malbec to make you buy a total POS like that. Still with a skip-full of work it might turn out nice after all
  8. And when is yours arriving ? @AndyTravis
  9. Me too. You’ve probably done so once already
  10. Put sellotape, or better masking tape over your pickups first if you really must use wire wool
  11. Holy fcuk that’s purdy would you mind telling me how much such a thing costs ? Approximately is fine
  12. Not greedy I loathe turkey, NBD much more interesting
  13. It’ll be days … you’ve ruined my Christmas by proxy now. You utter basket. Whilst eating turkey and trying not to be sick, I’ll be thinking “how did @wingnutkj get on with that bass ?”
  14. Not many people mod them that I know of - what exactly is wrong ? I’ve trodden this path myself and it leads to Mirkwood
  15. There’s that nice young lady who is a member on here
  16. Blasphemer !! I agree. Too many notes
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