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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. Assuming that you're a half decent player and have got the music nailed... Smile, talk positively (ie, don't say, "He's crap", "That's crap" etc), nobody likes a bitcher and moaner. IME A positive personality runs a very close second to ability, especially with a gigging, touring band.
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1318419316' post='1401827'] [url="http://www.starnow.co.uk/"]http://www.starnow.co.uk/[/url] Dunno if it's any good but it sort of fits the description. Also has visit-worthy sections for models, actresses, etc [/quote] OI YOU, behave! My daughter's got a profile on there
  3. According to Lennon: [i]"It was a piece of garbage."[/i]
  4. [quote name='jaybyname' timestamp='1317129983' post='1387105'] On a similar note, is there a specific reason why my individual bass bridges are in a stepped formation. If I was to adjust, what harm is there in lining them all up again to create some symmetry to the neck. That make sense? Im thinking of stripping and re-fitting the 7 individual bridges in line with eachother then correcting the saddles/intonation later. [/quote] If I understand you correctly, then, the reason they are in "stepped formation" is for correct intonation. If you line them up, the higher you play - the more out of tune.
  5. Hey guys! Aren't you worried (what, with all the threads on the subject) that, with all this chopping and changing basses, [b]you[/b] won't sound like ...[b]you[/b]? Cos it's a well known fact that yer sound comes from yer bass. So, it stands to reason that if you change yer bass, then, [b]you[/b] won't sound like[b] you[/b] any more. Actually, I have a favourite that I keep coming back to, a 1985 Warwick Streamer that Warwick have recently reworked and given a new lease of life. A couple of instruments haven't seen the light of day for 5 or 6 years.
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1316385605' post='1377533'] Despite not being a fan of the show (and its ilk) I was quite chuffed to get the phone call. The big question is - J or P? [/quote] X Factor winner?...Can't really see how it's going to make much difference.
  7. [quote name='squire5' post='1371719' date='Sep 13 2011, 01:17 PM'][b]Bm with a G sharp?Hmm.[/b]That actually seems right.It works.my problem had been that we dont have keyboard in our lineup so we were trying to make it work with just guitar and bass.But that combo definitely works.What does the team think?I had thought that Garry's E7 might have been right.[b]PS how d'ya get the 'Sharp' icon on your keyboard?[/b][/quote]That'll be a Bmin6 then #=# er, I mean[i] hash key[/i]
  8. [quote name='ojwethorns' post='1371649' date='Sep 13 2011, 12:24 PM']Yes. It is G#minor7. Cheers[/quote]Nope! Whether it's Bmin6 or E7, it's a B on the bass, so let your guitarist/keyboard player decide...on the night
  9. Blimey, there's a lot of nonsense in this thread - James Jamerson; tin cans; crap hi-fi and [quote]I do get the sense that there is an undercurrent here of "I'm good enough a player to have nice gear, but I've noticed there are players who are not quite as good who also have nice gear, and somehow that's not fair"[/quote]I mean, wass that all about??? There's only been one bass that I[b] needed[/b] to buy - my first, a Fender P (in 1972), which I'm seriously thinking of getting resprayed and bringing out of retirement. The rest were the result of a whim, or gifts. There's nought wrong with buying new gear, we live in shallow times, it makes us feel good, but don't hoodwink yourself into thinking that it's essential. Once you've spent several hundred or more on one instrument, providing you've done a modicum of research, you should be sorted.
  10. A quick Youtube... In that verse there is a keyboard line which plays a G# on the B minor chord, implying a B min 6 EDIT: Just checked a clip with Glenn Tilbrook on his own, and he does appear to be playing E7 ...so, take your pick!
  11. I so desperately want to go wireless, and have done for many years. I hate all that spaghetti around my feet. I've tried a few systems over the years, and IMO not one sounds as good as a cable. There's just something about a cable that sounds better. Technology moves on, so maybe it's time to try again! Funnily enough Steve Lukather (I know he's not a bass player) has been wireless since I can remember... until this year. He's now ditched his wireless for a cable. If you're happy with the sound and you don't get tied up in cable, then I envy you...I really do! EDIT: I should add that I haven't tried a Line 6 relay G30 - maybe I'll check one out.
  12. Come on guys! You're all giving reasons why [b]you[/b] think they're great - or not so great. It's of very little use to TheGreek who obviously loves the look of the bass. He needs to check the feel and sound out for himself. I can see this ending in disappointment for TheGreek...again!
  13. Seems to me that you're intent on wasting money. The Kingbass may well be a great intsrument (never tried one), but it may not be for you. Why not wait until you've had a chance to, at least, hold one and give it a good trial?
  14. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1361581' date='Sep 4 2011, 10:23 AM']It comes across as lojo not being a permanent member of this outfit,[/quote]OK, if that is the case, and he's just doing them a favour by filling in , then, it's his decision and has every right to say "I ain't doing it".
  15. [quote name='Doddy' post='1361672' date='Sep 4 2011, 12:06 PM']He's really not. [/quote]Oh dear! So, apart from the: zillions in the bank; big movie parts; his good looks; women falling at his feet etc. he doesn't really have much going for him.
  16. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1361559' date='Sep 4 2011, 10:01 AM']I was reading an article the other day which said that Keanu Reeves out of the matrix is left handed but plays the bass right handed apparently.[/quote]Even if he plays it with his left foot, he'll still be a better bass player than he is an actor.
  17. And if your drummer says, "I don't want to play East of London". Your guitarist says, "I don't want to play South of London". etc etc You see what I'm trying to say here? You're part of a unit - this means occasionally you'll be required to do things, that perhaps, you'd rather not. To say, "I'm not doing the gig, 'cause I don't want to" is a bit lame.
  18. [quote name='Doddy' post='1361475' date='Sep 4 2011, 01:37 AM']'Headliner' is a bullshit term that promoters and bands use to make them feel better about themselves because they are last on.[/quote] Eh? 'Headliner' is usually a term that describes a band that the majority of punters want to see: They are the main attraction. Most of the shows that we do are as headliners and often there will be a band, or bands, on after us. The last band on is usually considered to have the 'graveyard' slot. We won't usually go on much after 9 to 9:30. Nobody wants to go on when the punters are knackered and pissed.
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1359214' date='Sep 1 2011, 08:45 PM']Sorry Steve, I'll stop now.[/quote]Sorry Nigel, my post wasn't aimed specifically at you. As for your OP... There really is nothing to feel guilty about re: reading. Since my early 20s I've been fortunate enough to have always had a reasonable to well paid gig. However, if someone thrust a couple of pages of music in front of me and said, "Play that", I'd be stumped. My reading was at best[i] fair[/i], and now best described as [i]barely adequate[/i]. I've simply let it go. But i've been lucky! I would also say that some of the best (world class) musicians that I've played with...Don't read! Don't let it get you down You're the best judge of what you need/want to do.
  20. Come on guys...you're coming across like a bunch of 6 year olds. Nobody's forcing/laying anything on anyone. If somebody asks, " How do I become a better musician?" on a forum such as BC, It's perfectly reasonable to recommend learning to read and learn some theory. On a forum it's not really possible to tailor the advice. Advice is given, it's up to us adults whether we act on that advice, or not. Of course there's more to music than reading and theory, that's stating the bleedin' obvious...but, on a general level, it's good advice.
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='1357256' date='Aug 31 2011, 10:41 AM']I see theory as much more important than reading[/quote] I wouldn't disagree with that... Problem is, by having no reading skills, learning and understanding theory will be a slower and more arduous task. Learning to read may not necessarily make you a better player, but it will make you more employable. Of course, that may not be important to you... If you don't read but you're enjoying your playing, then you certainly shouldn't feel guilty. If you enjoy it, then, there's a good chance that others will enjoy it.
  22. I've had a Badass 2 on my Precision for about 30 years. Never noticed any improvement in sound. IMV The talk of [i][b]greatly[/b] improved sustain and sound [/i]is "geek speak" for those with a spectrum analyser The only reason to replace the original bridge is A Badass looks better than a bit of bent tin, and, of course, ease of adjustment. There are better more substantial bridges around today, offering even easier adjustments, but the fact is Badass were one of the first, so there is an element of nostalgia connected to the name.
  23. I was in the MU for 35 years. I let it lapse about 5 years ago. There was a time when, to be a professional musician, it was essential to be a member... however, times change! They no longer have the power/clout they once had. I haven't done much British telly since the 80s (I work mostly abroad). To do TOTP then, you had to be a member. It's possible that to work on the Beeb today you still have to be a member, in which case, you can join when needs be. The MU fight against musicians having to play for free at charity events demonstrates to me that they are struggling to justify their existence. Just appeared to me that I was throwing a whole load of money down the drain.
  24. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76RrdwElnTU"]((( )))[/url]
  25. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1341568' date='Aug 16 2011, 10:08 AM']At the level check [u]every[/u] time I record ... [i]"The bass isn't sounding very clean"[/i] "Yeah. That's right" [i]"Do you really want it like that?"[/i] "Yep" [i]"Really? It's quite dirty sounding?"[/i] "Absolutely" [i]"OK. If you're sure..."[/i] [b]Anybody else get this or is it just me?[/b][/quote] All perfectly reasonable! Can't see any problem with that conversation at all.
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