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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1326061519' post='1491875'] Discuss. [/quote] Not much to discuss really, by your own admission your 'no Victor Wooten fan'. You've managed to find an exceptionally ropey quality clip and used it to justify your view. The discussion would have more merit had you chosen a better quality clip. To criticise VW (or the audience) on the basis of that clip says more about the OP than VW. I'm not particularly a fan of VW or that style... BUT, I do know that to ignore someone of Wooten's obvious ability and not take a closer look will more likely upset your musical development more than it will hurt Victor Wooten.
  2. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1326026314' post='1491152'] it's really that percussive finger style he has when he plays above the P pickup on his pedulla bass. Anyway I was wondering what I can do to try and get that sound he has during this vids - I dig in quite a bit but don't know what else I can do to help get closer. [/quote] His style (going by the clip) is predominantly a rolling 16s. Most exercises can be adapted to a particular feel. I would suggest adapting your exercises to that 16s feel.
  3. [quote name='ObscureRyan' timestamp='1325784557' post='1487686'] I can't hear notes by ear. [/quote] [quote name='ObscureRyan' timestamp='1325784983' post='1487700'] Oh yeah i would like to add that the songs are [b]very simple.[/b] [/quote] 'Very simple'? Ryan, please don't take this the wrong way... Have you really tried to figure the songs out?...I mean [b]really[/b] tried? There's nothing like being thrown in at the deep end, sweating and panicking at the thought of the imminent gig to focus the mind... it's part of the learning process. Sit down and really try to 'hear notes by ear', try to figure it out for yourself. Work at it... don't just look to others for the quick and easy solution. If the gigs are in a couple of days and you've really struggled with it, and got nowhere...then fair do's!
  4. Black silk gloves??? Reckon that's taking [i]'getting in touch with my feminine side, man!'[/i] a step too far. Never did dig that whole [i]Dandy, New Romantic[/i] look.
  5. Normally raising the action reduces fret buzz. However, as you "know zilch", before you start making adjustments, I would advise reading some of these [url="http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&cp=16&gs_id=2r&xhr=t&q=setting+up+a+bass+guitar&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=setting+up+a+bas&aq=0&aqi=g4&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=440660d03c957758&biw=1680&bih=927"]http://www.google.co...iw=1680&bih=927[/url]
  6. S'funny, one thing I noticed pretty early on: (to paraphrase Gary Player) [i]The more I practice...the better my tone.[/i]
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1324663722' post='1476884'] Actually, I don't really care one way or the other, but I'm always surprised by inconsistencies in views - in this case the view that it's basically OK for musicians to make tens of millions out of a few years work but it's basically not OK for bankers to do the same sort of thing. [/quote]Oh, come on, comparing musicians to bankers (?)... I've heard it all now.
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1324123463' post='1470996'] Conversely, why should an artist spend 20 minutes writing a song, a couple of hours recording it, and then be able to reap millions from that half-day's work for the rest of their life? Sure, it's an extreme example, but we can all think of plenty of examples so it's a well-know phenomenon. At least artists are actually doing a job of work when performing, which is something the audience can actually relate to. [/quote]20 minutes, 20 hours, 20 weeks wtf has that got to do with anything? Sorry, the above sounds a little like jealousy. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1324123463' post='1470996'] Am I the only person to have felt rather uncomfortable about the sight of multi-millionaire artists such as Sir Cliff Richards lobbying for a change in the law because they felt that 50 years 'protection' of their royalties was not enough? [/quote]Yeah, much better that any royalties ends up in the pockets of some (stereotype alert) [i]overweight, cigar wielding, money-man, [/i]or anyone else who had sod-all to do with the songs creation.
  9. [quote][font=comic sans ms,cursive][u][b]Session musicians are becoming a thing of the past ? [/b][/u][/font][/quote] The honest answer?..Absolutely! It's increasingly becoming a producer's world, so I would not advise session work as a career path. Having said that... Chris2112 offers some [b]sensible[/b] advice...it's the kind kind of [b]sensible[/b] advice that, as a young, obsessed, single-minded wannabe... I (thankfully) ignored. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1323888337' post='1468355'] It must be great having your head in the clouds. [/quote][b]Not[/b] having your head in the clouds would go some way to explaining why music as a profession is/was not for you. MusicLover20015, I would say, if you're at all swayed by the naysayers in this thread, then music is not for you...however, if you do have your head in the clouds, are obsessed and single-minded, then go for it.
  10. Having worked, in the late 80s, with many bands from the [i]Glam[/i] era, I came across BC's Sweet many times and got to know the lads a little. I have to be honest and say that watching BC on stage was not a pleasant experience. He was clearly not well. To the normal ticket buying punter he would look drunk, I had even heard that gig reviews would often refer to a 'drunk Brian Connolly'. He wasn't drunk, the fact was, he had been very ill and was on serious medication. During one of these shows Dave Dee (sadly also, no longer with us) and I were in the wings discussing BC and his performance, I remember saying, 'Jeez, he looks and sounds awful, he should knock it on the head...why does he still do it?' To which Dave Dee replied, 'It's that or the dole!' hmm, not too much to argue with there.
  11. Sadly, my memory of Sweet is from 1989 (ish), somewhere in Europe, dragging Brian Connolly from his bed while the rest of the entourage (bands and crews) are on the bus waiting to get to the airport.
  12. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1322756720' post='1455513'] Alain Caron? [/quote] He's a great musician, a great talent...but, what I meant was, where are the [i]young, up-and-coming[/i] Robert Fripps of today? No disrespect, and it's not really relevant outside of this discussion, but Alain Caron's about my age...93! Whereas, [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1322758366' post='1455554'] It was when Fripp burst upon us, too. He was head and shoulders more interesting than anyone else. [/quote] RF was only 23 when he introduced himself with[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBfCzhYbWBk"] this[/url]
  13. Couldn't read all the above, but whatever he says is all right by me. IMV the music world of today is sadly devoid of characters/musicians of Robert Fripp's ilk... where the f*** are the Robert Fripps of today?
  14. Gauge does effect the tone of a string. If sustain and fuller overall tone are required, I would edge toward a heavier gauge string. Remember though that a change in gauge means you'll need to make adjustments to the bass: Truss rod, action and intonation.
  15. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1322307782' post='1449109'] I think the point people are trying to make is that posters with idiosyncratic habits like BBC give a forum character. And without those characters everything gets a bit bland. Ultimately if you get rid of the people who don't share the collective view on everything to keep the majority happy then the forum becomes an occasionally-used question and answer platform, with no discussion to fill the gaps, because there's no discussion to be had if you've banned everyone who disagrees with you. Conflict keeps people coming back, and in all likelihood the loudest complainants are enjoying it the most. [/quote] "What a load of sh*t." IME Those that "tell it like it is" invariably don't like to be told how it is. On a forum, such as this, the target of the inflammatory post will respond (perfectly natural), giving a little of what he has just received (again, perfectly natural), the thread escalates, and then before you know it the thread has been hijacked as the perpetrator's forum etiquette (or lack of) [i]becomes the subject[/i] of the thread. I'm sure there are BC members who would have liked to contribute to the discussion that Nigel linked, but would have been put off with that style of banter. Far from livening up a debate, that kind of 'repartee' actually [b]closes[/b] debate.
  16. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1322148085' post='1447234'] One of the first I saw was this one, I was hooked on BC from then on, and you know what, BigBeefChief was what made it so entertaining for me because he really was funny, and also had a great nose for bullshit. It was locked eventually of course [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/23404-students-squire-almost-as-good-as-my-mia-fender/"]http://basschat.co.u...-my-mia-fender/[/url] [/quote]I'm sorry Nigel, I know you liked him, but the guy didn't know how to behave. Re: the linked thread, I don't see what's funny about his opening contribution to the thread, [quote]What a load of sh*t.[/quote] or this comment in the same post, [quote]It worries me that someone with such a retarded attitude is allowed to teach music???? [/quote] Was this in reply to a sexist, racist. homophobic etc post? No, it was in reply to a fairly innocuous post about... (surprise, surprise) bass guitars. I didn't read the rest of the thread, but it's hardly surprising that it was locked. I'm not sure his 'nose for bullshit' was any keener than the next person. I think he saw an opportunity for a good scrap, lobbed his hand-grenade and, IMO, relished the fallout. My memory of him is of someone obsessed with Carol Vorderman's backdoor activities. We all like a laugh, but it did get tedious. BC is just a little bit more grown up without him.
  17. [quote]he made a number of recommendations including lifting the p/up towards the string - measured my MM Ray - gap is 4mm - set the p/ups to this - works a treat. Seems that the optimum distance between string and p/up is about 4mm..[/quote] FFS That's his gig. Ask if you can have a refund for the cost of doing your own, albeit partial, setup. I would be less than impressed. Very shoddy!
  18. Slightly OT Last Christmas is one of the most God-awful examples of Linn drum programming ever on a record. Not sure how you can make LC sound good, but to sound authentic you should at least make sure you play with absolutely no feel. Hope that helps. Sorry, you can probably tell that I'm not a fan of Wham and that record in particular. EDIT: Just found it on Youtube. My guess is that it is in C but speeded up to somewhere slightly sharper than C#
  19. OK, I've been playing bass (4 string) for 40 years, give or take. Year before last I decided I'd give it a go on a 5 string. Decided what I wanted and waited several months for delivery. It finally arrived, it looked great and sounded awesome. Spent a few months at home getting used to it before using it in the real world... To cut a long story short...I ditched it! I wasn't enjoying playing it. It was a bit like living with and loving a woman for 40 years, only to wake up one morning with another...great fun to start with, but the novelty soon wears off.
  20. Self indulgent? You guys talk as if it's a bad thing. We're musicians - we're allowed to be self indulgent. Some great music results from self indulgence. IMV we could all do with a bit more self indulgence. What you're really discussing is popular versus unpopular favourites.
  21. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1319715027' post='1417570'] We used to call it "showing off" in the old days. [/quote]Isn't that what we all do when we hit the stage(?) Isn't that the point(?) Not my cup of tea...but, as Doddy says, "it was as much about entertainment and showmanship as it was about the actual playing". Duelling basses?...why not?
  22. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1319568210' post='1415957'] The best example of '60s 'click-bass', but I'd reckon that Love Affair track is a Jazz. Curious - can I ask why you think it's a Rick? [/quote] My Ricky comment was in reference to the Labi Siffre track. I don't know why, there are one or two slightly less muted notes that just said, "Rickenbacker". Just a hunch, probably wrong
  23. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1319478904' post='1414701'] SteveK, would the effect be so percussive with muting? [/quote] Absolutely, you get the immediate attack (click) with little or no sustain. Listening to it again, I'm thinking Ricky. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Le8bH3Y8U"]Here's a similar sounding bass.[/url]
  24. Pick and heavily damped strings - foam or edge of the hand.
  25. SteveK


    He died several years ago. He suffered mental problems in his last few years. Guess I should add that the drummer from UPP, Jimmy Copley, is now currently a band-mate. A fine drummer he is too.
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