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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1329078' date='Aug 5 2011, 06:37 PM']Two salient points (outside of the taste/talent argument) [b]Where'd he get the bass / pay for strings / pay for lessons (if applicable) There's some sort of advantageous scenario behind his ability. Will he still be able to do that when he has a considerably larger right thumb. I can lay my thumb parallel to the strings on an instrument with 16.5mm spacing, and cover 3 strings with it. That ought to be useful, but it ain't. [/b] Hope he manages to keep going and enjoy a career in music if that's what he wants in half a decade's time.[/quote] I've read and re-read your post and still not sure I understand what you're saying.
  2. Jeez...you guys! You're a tough lot to impress. OK, so it's a bit scrappy, a bit clankety clank and lacks form, but the kid can't be much over ten.
  3. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Modern-Reading-Text-All-Instruments/dp/0769233775"]Louis Bellson's Modern Reading Text in 4/4 [/url]
  4. A couple of weeks ago - Lorely "Rock the Nation" It had been p***ing down for most of the day, so credit to the punters for sticking around and giving us a very warm welcome :-)
  5. [quote name='Jase' post='1303055' date='Jul 13 2011, 11:57 PM']Cool! Who were you playing bass for at the time?[/quote] Manfred Mann's Earth Band, and still am to this day.
  6. [quote name='Jase' post='1302952' date='Jul 13 2011, 10:19 PM']Who endorses Warwick here?[/quote]In the mid 80s after a show I was approached by Warwick (fairly unknown in those days) and given 2 basses. I asked, "What's the catch? I'm not used to being given stuff!" I was told, "No catch, If you like them you'll play them, If you don't then you won't" And that's how it was. All they wanted was a photo to use in mags and promo stuff. Guess that makes/made me an endorser. Coincidentally, we've renewed contact in the last few weeks. They've done an excellent job in reworking those very same basses. I don't understand the "Who holds the power" question...power doesn't come in to it.
  7. Oh, how I wish I sounded like Jaco when I pick up my fretless
  8. Never heard of strings having a "shelf life". I wouldn't worry about it.
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1299260' date='Jul 10 2011, 08:57 PM']Any good stories?[/quote]Pick a day from the last 35 years and I'll give you a good story Seriously though, 2 gigs from the last couple of years stick out in my mind, but not for good reasons. First: 5th Sept 2008, Danube Island Festival, Vienna (30,000+ punters)- Singer has heart-attack 2 songs into the set - Spends 2 weeks in Vienna hospital. Second: 2nd April 2010, Leffrinckouke near Dunkerque - Drummer collapses on stage with pulmonary embolism as a result of a broken ankle a few weeks earlier - Spends a couple of weeks in a French hospital. You would not believe some of the chaos and crap that went on backstage immediately after these incidents...needless to say, one or two people showed their true colours on those nights.
  10. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='1293562' date='Jul 5 2011, 04:21 PM']Magnificent!! I shall pass it on to my daughter who is due to get married next year. ( Hang on - that makes me the "brides father". Doesn't that involve hideous expense and/or 2nd mortgages? )[/quote]I assume that you will be making use of Derek's services. I would normally invoice Derek for 25% (my standard agents fee), but as we're all mates here on BC, and to save on paperwork, you could send the commission directly to me (PM me for details of my offshore bank account) This will, of course, benefit you, as I am prepared to reduce my commission to 20% (saving you 5%). A win, win situation for all.
  11. Seems to me, Ryan Larson is to music, what [url="http://www.derekpyephotography.com/index.php"]Derek Pye[/url] is to photography. Check out "Derek's Photos"
  12. [quote name='wombatboter' post='1292515' date='Jul 4 2011, 06:22 PM']Funny but I think he "overplays" (otherwise he wouldn't have been noticed so often)[/quote]aaaah! so that's the secret to getting noticed. From now on I shall be overplaying like there's no tomorrow. Expect to see me topping the bass players poll next year. [quote name='wombatboter' post='1292515' date='Jul 4 2011, 06:22 PM']but he does it so well that it doesn't bother anyone..[/quote] It bothers me...the fact that he is one of the most sought after musicians around, seriously contributing to and enhancing most tracks he plays on.
  13. Funnily enough, was with Mr Phillips the night before last (TOTO in Stockholm) - great drummer and lovely guy. dc2009: No law that says PSP has to be your "thing", but you have to admire the effortless style and panache.
  14. [quote name='timmyo' post='1285267' date='Jun 28 2011, 01:58 PM']I'll concede being a bit of a dick over this - I appear to be in a less than entirely positive mood this week Tim[/quote]Absolutely no worries. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1285319' date='Jun 28 2011, 02:45 PM']Touch of the blues, probably [/quote]Boom tish!
  15. [quote name='timmyo' post='1284988' date='Jun 28 2011, 09:44 AM']The one about dead children? Yeah, silly me. If you can't see it, again in those posts, then yep, that's funny.[/quote] Oh dear, I do seem to have ruffled your feathers!
  16. [quote]Making a very bold statement then drawing back with 'I don't want to make a big deal' is classic passive-aggressive behaviour[/quote] Wasn't aware that I had made "a very bold statement" [i]classic passive-aggressive behaviour[/i]?? [quote]do you want to discuss it or not?[/quote]There's nothing to discuss... said my piece... end of! [quote]I just find the whole "white men can't sing the blues" argument to be a silly one.[/quote]I'd agree with that...but, who, in this thread, has said that?
  17. [quote name='timmyo' post='1283103' date='Jun 26 2011, 04:20 PM']I'm going to register a big fat "disagree" with this Similarly unless I really have been shook all night long, is ACDC off limits? What if I don't know anyone called Angie? Stones denied? Piffle.[/quote] Yeah, you've got a point. Not knowing a young lady called Angie is really quite similar to never having experienced the appalling, brutal treatment of African Americans. Kinda feels to me like saying to someone who has lost a baby in the most awful circumstances, "I know how you feel". Fact is, most of us don't have a clue. Anyway, I didn't want to make a big deal of it. As I said in post #22 it is only my view, and having discussed this subject with many musicians over the years, I am fully aware that I'm in the minority.
  18. Can I just make one suggestion? Don't choose songs that describe the hardship/oppression of the African/Afro American people by the whites. I find it embarrassing to listen to, and it's just wrong IMV.
  19. Jake, I'm surprised that you've never been asked, by a producer, if you have a Precision. I know a couple of guys who favour that (retro?) sound.
  20. I've got a '72 P Bass. IMV a bass players arsenal is not complete without a P bass.
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='1277534' date='Jun 21 2011, 07:22 PM']I think condemning an entire genre is questionable (especially one as problematic to define as 'punk', let's not forget that early Jazzers were considered punks by their more conventional peers). But hey, pursuing that debate gets us back to matters of taste and to irreconcilable opinions, so it's another question probably best left alone [/quote] I don't have a problem condemning punk and don't think it's too difficult to define...certainly, in the context of this discussion. Many promising, up and coming bands and great musicians were dropped like the proverbial "hot brick" by record companies. Even already established bands struggled through that period - simply because the punk loud mouths kept on about "dinosaur" bands being boring and crap. Of course record companies and kids alike bought it [i]hook, line and sinker.[/i]. Those bands became uncool overnight. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I somehow found myself involved in punk (albeit, a kind of cabaret version) 1980-82 touring the UK, USA and Europe, doing TOTP and numerous other telly shows. As sildx says, it died a death... and thank f**k for that.
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='1277473' date='Jun 21 2011, 06:39 PM']Not really, punk died a quick death and Rush are still here [/quote] Poetic justice. Certainly, most of the punk bands themselves "died a quick death". Unfortunately, the attitude and ethos was more enduring.
  23. I think it reasonable to say that a true musician/artist is one that isn't prepared to compromise, and I guess that would make them "self indulgent". Now, whether you like a particular artist's "self indulgence" or not, is up to the individual. Either way, it should be respected. As for Punk? The worst thing that could possibly have happened to music.
  24. Did a gig in Sankt Polten 2006 with[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGfp-UsCIUo"] these 'erberts[/url]. We were in Moenchengladbach the night before, so had to fly from Dusseldorf to Vienna the next day. We had plenty of time...or, so we thought, till the German airline (can't remember which) cancelled our flight!!! After much discussion and raised voices, we were transferred to another flight. Our gear and 2 drivers were at the gig, unfortunately the rest of our crew were with us We landed at Vienna and jumped into the awaiting bus. En-route Phone calls were made to get the drivers to unload and, at least, get the gear onto the backstage area. In the meantime we are getting changed into our stage clothes while doing 130+kph along the autobahn. We arrive at the "Lovely Days" festival 10 minutes into our set time. The crew throw the gear on stage and plug up. The punters had been informed of our predicament... it was a case of "will they? won't they?" We walk on stage about 20 minutes late to an unbelievable reception and go down a storm. Know what? [b]I still managed to tune up before the first song.[/b] BTW I'd like to say that we blew those 'erberts off stage...but that order is just a little too tall.
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