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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. My guess is, those very same people wouldn't even be able to name their own Prime Minister/President. Although, to be fair, it's been a long time since his high profile days of The Beatles, Wings and early solo stuff.
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1329045121' post='1536335'] My feelings exactly - in general I think of Fenders as Ford Model T's - [b]did it first but everybody has done it better since[/b]..this has just confirmed it for me.. Anybody want to make me a sensible offer?? [/quote]Can't really comment regarding Jazzes (never owned one), but as far as Precisions go... Providing you get along with the feel of the neck and you haven't bought a dog, then they can be as playable as any other bass. But, for me it's more about the sound. There's something reassuring about it, probably due to the fact that, over the years Fenders have been used on more records than any other bass. I really wouldn't be without my '72 P
  3. SteveK


    You can do a lot worse than getting yourself a copy of [url="http://jimmycopley.com/albumpage.html#"]this[/url]. [url="http://jimmycopley.com/albumpage.html#"]A solo album by my compadre, mucker and general tub thumper Sir James of Copley.[/url] And who do you suppose is playing bass on the first track? And if you're partial to a little Jeff Beck...well, he comes included :-) EDIT: Should add, the link takes you to a track samples page. Well worth a listen.
  4. A couple of years ago (as 5s seemed to getting more popular) I decided that I should jump aboard the 5 string train. Did a little research and ordered a custom Stingray... which took several months to arrive. It was a beautiful looking instrument, perfectly set up and it sounded better than I had imagined. However, today I am a born again 4 stringer. I really wanted to enjoy the 5 - I practised with it for quite a few weeks before airing it in public - and used it for a grand total of... 3 shows. I just couldn't get on with the lower B. Going below E just sounded ugly and wrong. Of course for some music [i]ugly[/i] is good . Didn't really like the restricted string spacing much either, although with time I'm sure could've got used to that.
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1328200884' post='1523562'] So the common comment is the diversity of the set. I see that as an issue as well, and think it'll be quite difficult to execute convincingly. The bands I see that get the most bookings seem to be the one's that are distinctive, [/quote] Yeah, the problem with a set that diverse is, that while there may be "something for everyone" there's going to be a whole lot of songs that [i]aren't for everyone[/i]. Identify your strengths, and what type of gigs you hope to do. EDIT: Just had another look at the set. I think anyone would be forgiven for thinking that you had mixed up the set lists of a Rock covers band and a function band.
  6. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1328186721' post='1523201'] Crap innit. [/quote] It's not really possible to say without seeing/hearing the band. Depends on the main strengths and weaknesses with the band. The songs themselves are mostly OK (couple I don't recall). A few of the songs will be pretty demanding for a singer. Unless he is quite exceptional, I would drop those. Some require a pretty tight rhythm section, so unless that's the case, I would drop those... As you see it's difficult to be really helpful without knowing the band FWIW Not sure I like the diversity.
  7. Unless money's tight I would keep hold of it...You'r more likely, in the future, to regret selling it than [i]not[/i] selling it.
  8. Come on guys - a thread about 70s 80s disco - we're 6 pages in - and no mention of The Commodores(?)... That's gotta be against the law, surely? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBx6mAWYPU[/media]
  9. Wot, no Narada?... fixed! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tYIbLrco24[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVHX5OWXkjE[/media]
  10. [quote name='grimbeaver' timestamp='1327666451' post='1514982'] No it,s a reforming band that has a look with a flying V lead, explorer & Thunderbird, it's just the way it is [/quote] Hmmm, doesn't happen to be Andy Powell's Wishbone Ash, does it?
  11. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1327592611' post='1513911'] Interesting and thought provoking is definitely not trolling. [/quote]I agree, Nigel often starts [i]Interesting and thought provoking[/i] threads. However, I don't think this is one of them. With respect, It just seems to be about Nigel's inability to understand that different people appreciate music, or the components of music, for different things.
  12. Nigel, you seem to be asking, "Why doesn't everybody dig what I dig? Why doesn't everybody hate what I hate?" [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327530724' post='1513100'] Are we so deaf to [b]beautifully nuanced simplicity[/b]? [/quote]I read those 3 words, and Sade springs to mind. You may love listening to Sade... personally, I would rather rub salt in my eyes (Of course, you may not like Sade either, but you get my point). [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327530724' post='1513100'] By god I see a lot of this on here. It seems many of us judge the quality of musicians by their chops. [/quote]I guess your referring to some clips that you don't rate but others do... I haven't seen them. But It's perfectly normal for a young developing musician to be impressed with a display of "technical stuff©" It's part of motivation, learning and developing as a musician. One thing I really take issue with is:[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327533394' post='1513151'] I think that's why non-musicians seem to appreciate music so much more than most of us musicians do. [/quote]That's a helluva generalisation, which IMV is simply not true. If the guys you play with don't appreciate music more than yer average "non-musician", then you're playing with the wrong guys.
  13. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1327416616' post='1510861'] I don't think the YT poster was saying that scales on bass are any different to scales on any other instrument,just that you can play more exotic scales on bass because of the lower register. If you played some of the notes that Jamerson played on Motown, but with a bright zingy tone or on a brighter instrument people would look at you like you made a mistake. On a bass with a nice fat wooly sound it just creates a bit of passing tension without drawing too much attention to what's causing it. [/quote]I'm going to have to ask for an example, because I honestly don't have a clue what you're saying.
  14. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1327411119' post='1510703'] Where does it say that? I read through a few pages of comments and couldn't see anything about different scales. There were (of course) some comments about scale *lengths*. Sure you weren't getting confused with that? [/quote] Don't know if it's OK to copy and paste from YT. If not, Mods can delete. This is the quote: "Some bass scales involve notes that wouldnt sound too great playing on the guitar octave. the lower bass octave allows said notes to blend in and become more viable." Absolute tosh! As risingson says, a scale is a scale.
  15. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1327347852' post='1509787'] Which is why they're playing down 'The Dog and Duck' Saturday night not Wembley Stadium. [/quote]You could not be wider of the mark.
  16. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1327338263' post='1509576'] I imagine said drummers etc don't mind having a sh*t live sound then... [/quote] "said drummers" are pretty much at the top of their game, and didn't get there by "having a sh*t sound". FWIW When we arrive at a rehearsal/venue/TV etc we give the drummer 10 minutes to have a play before the rest of us get on stage. Soundchecks can be stressful at the best of times.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1327320516' post='1509161'] Hi Ben. The Jazz Cafe often has worthwhile acts and an 'intimate' atmosphere... [url="http://venues.meanfiddler.com/jazz-cafe/home"]http://venues.meanfi.../jazz-cafe/home[/url] [/quote]Or, more specifically [url="http://venues.meanfiddler.com/jazz-cafe/full-listings/featured-gigs/5464"]http://venues.meanfi...tured-gigs/5464[/url] Although,possibly a little too soon for you
  18. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1327331471' post='1509418'] You obviously haven't seen back stage at a Rush gig then [/quote]No, I haven't had that pleasure. I'm now trying to imagine Neil Peart being 'told off' by a BBC engineer...
  19. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1327323593' post='1509238'] I say cut the guy some slack, he's just trying to do his job. Chances are he hasn't been given enough time to EQ / mix the full band anyway and then when he starts trying to get proper individual levels the drummer starts barraging round the kit. In his shoes I'd probably have told her 'Save it for the show, luv' too [/quote] [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1327328624' post='1509349'] Too right, that is not the way to behave when checking the kit, at least at first. [/quote]For the most part EQing and levels will have been done by the crew before the band arrives. Drummers have a problem that singers, bass players, keyboard players etc don't have, inasmuch as they're not able to have a kit set up in the dressing room. It isn't a case of 'save it for the show' more a case of, when they've been on the road for a couple of weeks the only time that they can really stretch and loosen up is at soundcheck. The drummer will perform, or at least [i]feel[/i] that he will perform better having had a 'blat' around the kit for a few minutes before hand.
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327148735' post='1506963'] and promptly got told off by the BBC engineer on the desk saying there's no way I can get you a sound if you do that, rack tom 1 please. [/quote]I know a few drummers who, had they been 'told off' by an engineer (BBC or not), would have presented said engineer with a nice bit of bling...in the shape of a snare drum necklace. EDIT: Thinking about it, I know a bass player who would be none too happy about either
  21. [quote][size=5]do i need theory[/size][/quote] Depends what you want to do. If you only want to get together with your mates and play for fun every now and then, then just carry on having fun. If however, you want to go further (as I suspect that you do) then, at the very least an understanding of basic theory will be invaluable. Understanding the [i]principle[/i] of intervals (4ths and 5ths etc) and modes is a 5 minute lesson - to get them to effortlessly roll off your fingers in a creative fashion is another matter. There's some really good stuff in the theory section.
  22. It's said that everyone has a God sized hole in their heart... I'm an atheist... gotta fill that hole with something. Seriously though, I remember about 1964 when I was 8 or 9 my uncle had a band play for his 21st birthday party. They probably weren't that good, playing the hits of the day, The Beatles, Manfred Mann, Dave Clarke Five etc. That's when my life changed. I just sat looked and listened, I was totally in awe.
  23. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326152719' post='1493190'] You need to go a bit deeper than that, my friend. I wasn't hoping for a simple list [/quote]Oh well, that's put paid to my post then... got me some music to make... Maybe tomorrow
  24. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326151557' post='1493165'] I have too. It invariably leads to misery and disappointment, and time and financial loss, as you attempt to repoint your brickwork with dogshit. [/quote]Eh?.. How so?
  25. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1326150437' post='1493139'] Indeed, always listen to things you don't like....You'll always learn something Si [/quote]In my developing years, I and my budding musician friends would often buy albums, not necessarily because we liked them, but because we thought there was something we could learn from them. Something I've always done, although a lot less in recent years
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