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Everything posted by SteveK

  1. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='1192996' date='Apr 8 2011, 03:57 PM']Thanks guys! Re the tuning thing - it's bizarre. My tuning is spot-on, and all the info I can find shows the song starting A then D, etc., but you're right, it just doesn't sound correct. Weird.[/quote] You may be in tune, but the track may not. Remember, it was common practice to speed up a track after recording. EDIT: Just thought, you may be too young to remember analogue tape. Engineers/producers would often speed up a tape after recording. It would add a little extra life, sparkle and tightness to the sound. Bit of a bugger when you're tuned to A440
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1192293' date='Apr 7 2011, 09:27 PM']The problem with flying with instruments nowadays is that there are no set rules, so it doesn't matter what has happened to other people previously. I would always prepare for the worst.[/quote] BA has a very clear policy. Quote:[b] "Small musical instruments may be carried as hand baggage if they are under 126cm (50in), as part of your free hand baggage allowance."[/b] Don't know about other carriers. BA is my airline of choice If in doubt check with the the airline.
  3. [quote name='Doddy' post='1192284' date='Apr 7 2011, 09:19 PM']Then it gets put in the hold. Like I said,it's happened to me a couple of times and it was fine.[/quote] Let me get this straight... you've checked in a bass, its only protection - a gig bag??? And you collected it the other end unscathed??? Good grief, man! You have seen baggage handlers at work? Not to be recommended. BTW My, one time, main bass has been checked in and flown at least a couple of hundred times (full flightcase). Never once did I slacken the strings - and perfectly in tune the other end.
  4. If we're not allowing fusion or jazz rock then, I've got to say, I'm still waiting. I've got loads of albums by the greats, Coltrane, Davis, Parker, Mingus et al. I bought them because I knew that in my formative years these were the guys to learn from if I wanted to be serious about music. I listened, I studied and absorbed all I could, but... ...nothing I heard pushed my buttons in the same way as a good rock song. I'm often amazed at the complexity and virtuosity in some jazz, I still listen to it, but most often it only reaches as far as my head, and not my heart.
  5. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1191886' date='Apr 7 2011, 04:12 PM']I can't take the bass on board with me because we're on a really strict budget and avoiding all costs that we can (a flight case can be re-used indefinitely so it's not something I'd consider an issue with budget for one trip). Plus with a whole band going, there'd be too much kit between us to try and sneak it on, or potentially even storage if we did get it all on.[/quote] I certainly wouldn't advocate sneaking it on. What airline? I don't know about other airlines, but BA allow instruments up to 50" as part of your normal hand baggage.
  6. [quote name='voxpop' post='1191793' date='Apr 7 2011, 02:58 PM']I flew to Italy with a Spector bass in the hold. I wrapped the neck and body in bubble wrap and put it in a hard case and then wrapped the case in bubble wrap and covered it with 'fragile' tape. As soon as it came off the plane I unwrapped it to give it a check over before leaving the airport. It arrived and returned without a scratch. It can be risky but you just have to be careful. Hope this helps.[/quote] I'm sure, 9 times out of 10 all will be well... not good odds though. Of course, as has been said, it all depends what value you put on your bass. A full flightcase with foam cut for your specific instrument [b]is[/b] the safest option. If it's just for the one trip, why can't you take it in a gig bag on board with you?
  7. A full flightcase, without question! You have to see baggage handlers at work only the once to know that a flightcase is worth every penny...about £150
  8. I'm on my laptop, so can't be sure of the little details, but, you seem to be playing it ok However, I couldn't listen to much as your tuning is well adrift.
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1191197' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:40 PM']My understanding was you can record CDs of covers to get gigs so long as you don't sell it at gigs to make money[/quote] Can't see the problem...providing the appropriate payments are made.
  10. Looks interesting. I'll 'ave me a good butchers later. Cheers
  11. [quote name='Doddy' post='1187253' date='Apr 3 2011, 11:17 PM']Just buy a copy of 'Modern Reading Text in 4/4'. There are plenty of rhythmic ideas to keep you going for years.[/quote] That's the spirit! I would participate, but haven't a clue about adding attachments
  12. [quote name='JTUK' post='1185513' date='Apr 2 2011, 06:29 AM']Not something that most bands want or are up to do tho,[/quote] Sadly, you are probably correct. [quote name='JTUK' post='1185513' date='Apr 2 2011, 06:29 AM']and the audiences can take their time getting to know anything but an easy listen.[/quote] I've always been of the opinion that, an audience will know, and appreciate, when something is done well. Even when it's a little off the wall.
  13. [quote]Do Covers Bands 'pull' an audience?[/quote] I don't have a clue. But, personally, if a band tried to play covers as per the original, then I would avoid like the plague. However, If a band took songs apart, put a completely different slant on them, and did them exceptionally well, then I would be interested.
  14. [quote name='Eight' post='1179827' date='Mar 28 2011, 06:15 PM']I hate the falseness of having to stand around and clap... you know the band is coming back out because the song everyone has been waiting all night to hear still hasn't been played. Ban encores. There's no need for them.[/quote] It's a brave/foolish band that adopts a "no encores" policy.
  15. Bilbo, I think your post is a little unfair. I can honestly say that I don't remember hearing anyone talk about music with a kind of dueling mentality. I experience nearly every day people talking [b]enthusiastically[/b] about the [i]when, how and who[/i] of music. There's certainly no point scoring involved. I'm a musician, but I'm not [i]just[/i] interested in becoming a better player, I'm also interested in the trivia, who played on what, where and how, because I'm a fan of music.
  16. Absolutely, consistency of tone being the main reason.
  17. [quote]i just dont get the same GAS for amps...[/quote] I think most of the players that are forever chopping and changing have more money than sense and an insecurity about their ability. They're looking for the rig that will make them sound [i]great[/i], when maybe they should be looking a little nearer home Fact is, when you get above a certain price/power threshold there's very little in it.
  18. I've had a few dealings with the Bass Centre over the years, both as a store and more recently on line. I've never really had a problem with them or getting to speak to someone. If the amp was in stock then a month does seem a little long to wait. Barry, the owner, is a good guy. However, if no one is answering the phone, then I too would be a little concerned. Hope you get it sorted. EDIT: If your awaiting delivery in France, then obviously this will take a little longer. I've known a simple letter take 5 or 6 weeks.
  19. 2mm? Yeah, that's pretty thick! When I started playing bass, I only used a pick, but over the years, slowly crossed over to [i]mainly[/i] finger style. Since I can remember, I've used .73 JDs. It will take some time getting to grips with using a pick. Practice alternate up and down strokes, aiming for smoothness and consistency. As always, start slow, gradually increasing tempo.
  20. [quote name='MartyBRebelMC' post='1170756' date='Mar 21 2011, 03:09 PM']My guess is the guitars are kicking out too much mid low and clagging up the sound but before i annoy the guitarists by telling them how to eq their amps does anyone have any tips for getting a good mix? Martin[/quote] Yeah, ask your guitarists to reduce the lower mids to stop clagging up the sound. Seriously though, if that's where you think the problem lies, then that would be the place to start. Get yourselves some extra long guitar leads and take it in turns to go out front and take an objective listen. A question: Do your guitarists use effects? There's nothing worse than over processing for "clagging up the sound".
  21. Cos without it my Precision wouldn't look like a proper Precision, and the knobs and socket would be dangling by their wires It was probably easier and cheaper to mass produce Fenders that way, and being as Fenders are the most copied...
  22. [quote name='JTUK' post='1169239' date='Mar 20 2011, 10:03 AM']Are we more impressed with the 'name' than the player..??[/quote] If, by [b][i]we[/i][/b], you mean the general public, then the answer is... [b]mostly, yes![/b] If you mean the discerning musician, then the answer is...[b]sometimes, yes![/b] It surprises me that anyone should be surprised by that.
  23. [quote name='BottomE' post='1168860' date='Mar 19 2011, 09:17 PM']There are probably bassists that i admire that use effects.[/quote] Without a doubt! Another advocate of effects. Can't be doing with compressors though.
  24. Almost certainly down to your hand position. Don't grip the neck or have your thumb over the top. Unless you have tiny hands, the only part of your hand to touch the neck should be the ball of your thumb (positioned about half way down the back of the neck), and the tips of your fingers. Try playing with your bass higher. See if that helps.
  25. [quote name='JTUK' post='1168080' date='Mar 19 2011, 11:32 AM']By the same token...ELP...?? oh dear god..!!![/quote] To be fair though, ELP were never good live, regardless of their age. Made some great albums though. [quote name='Doddy' post='1168283' date='Mar 19 2011, 02:33 PM']There are great young players,and there are great older players,it makes no difference.[/quote] I'm interested to know who the great young players are (jazz excluded). They don't seem to be making much of a stir
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