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Everything posted by kodiakblair

  1. @sbrag I'd say it's a sensible price given the rarity of the T-20 over here.
  2. Oh that is sweet. I've the black quilted one but the red looks far better.
  3. Very nice T-20. And we don't see many in any condition in the UK. GLWTS If that's what they're worth I better increase my insurance
  4. AT I'll keep looking for a photo. It was the exact same as my BXP Grind with the scooped lower horn,just with a plate screwed to the back. Same plate went on some Milestones.
  5. The Vietnamese factory that built the Grinds years back are still producing them too,easy to spot they've no logo and the metal plate back of headstock. OT. I mind those type of plates in the 80s but I'm damned if I can remember the name,mostly for Fenders back then. Anybody mind them ?
  6. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1444195902' post='2880973'] Oops! If I was to buy a grind, I'd have to research further to be aware of mis-labelled zephyrs. [/quote] Just to confused things there's also a bolt on PJ active Grind with dot markers in the normal place [attachment=202286:peavey_bxp.jpg] Available in American and BXP flavours.
  7. That ones a Zephyr AT . Grind fret markers are along one side. Very cheap starting bid,I considered it myself.
  8. That's a bit of a strange one. Definitely reminds me of a Zephyr, I'm sure @Mojo on here has a through neck one. The Schaller 3D bridge throws me as I don't think they were standard on Zephyrs but I'm inclined to a Zephyr. Just purely guess work on my part.
  9. I've been really impressed with my Curbow,if it's an example of their work I wouldn't hesitate to buy another Cort.
  10. Actually makes three of us Since the Peavey pickup hides the mess I made on my first attempt I can try again on last Thursday's one.
  11. Asked the seller what work they did to make the deko jazz bass playable. " It's not a deko !! that's a mark left by a clamp during manufacture." Then they suggested I go do something else
  12. Was gonna say at least it's not a deko, then I check their other sale items. Yes still selling dekos
  13. It's £13.99 for medium and short, £16.99 for long scale. Free postage but still have to add the VAT so around £20 for long scale. Still a good price.
  14. Always used Rotosound tapes then last year tried the Status ones. Revelation, great sounding strings. Never thought about putting them on the Bass Collection,must rectify that soon.
  15. First heard about this on TB and what a rough time some of the posters gave him regards his trouble with city council. Typical TB,I swear some of them would happily toast marshmallows while the Wishbass workshop burned. Great doc and really nice to see someone just do something they love.
  16. I won't dispute that chris_b. My GP just said it was to be expected due to my job and wrote prescription out. Thankfully they took more interest with the CTS earlier this year,started physio sessions 2 weeks after seeing the GP.
  17. Chris_b You'll note my trouble comes when there's no resistance, fine with weight.
  18. You know I'm not suggesting that merely that the less resistance back muscles work against the less they can handle and It'll get progressively weaker.
  19. Personally I've never found a bass too heavy but then I've had a 60+lb toolbag hanging off my left shoulder for years. I do have trouble with Sciatica, interestingly it only flares up when I've been standing or walking for long periods of time carrying NO weight on my shoulder. So in my case the back muscles need to be working,I've shoulder straps fitted to the toolbelt too so the weight's not hanging round my waist. I'm not suggesting running around with a cement bag to tone up but atrophy is common with unused muscles and might explain the need for lighter and lighter basses with some folk.
  20. There's defretted Westone Concord on eBay £90 BIN and pickup in Woolwich. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Japanese-Westone-Concord-Bass-Mark-I-bass-guitar-fretless/111783794822?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122125356%26meid%3D4e1811911b0147018c2139a1aee9527a%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D331667450889"]http://www.ebay.co.u...%3D331667450889[/url] Has a couple of strange markings, 6 screw holes on the back like it's been fixed to display rails ? and what looks like an obscured serial on the headstock. My Concord has the serial on a plain neck plate saying MIJ and Matsu whereas this has a fancy Westone plate. Nice enough looking bit of kit.
  21. Just had the email from Thomann. No JB-75NA for me, all sold out. Big sigh of relief as I really don't need another bass.
  22. Not 100% sure allighatt0r. Maybe a jig and abrasive wheel,a deadly sharp spoke shave might do too. Just mulling over the idea.
  23. A cunning plan To be fair I've swithered enough not buying a 75NA .
  24. Oh dear. Andy why did I click that link ? They do look nice though
  25. My PB-50 turned up last week as well. No problems with jack sockets,stiff tuners or pots. The tape round the pickup is showing some copper and the cloth covering on the wire is frayed but hardly the end of the world. The volume of the E is a lot louder than the other strings and it appears to be set as low as it can go. I bought it to use the body after I made a hash of routing the other PB-50 but have since discovered a Peavey SF will cover that mess As the scratchplate is a 3 ply I might chamfer the edge to improve the look and play around with the pickup. Certainly no complaints and the £20 Adam Hall power strip I also ordered served 2 purposes. 1. neatly filled the 1U gap in the rack. 2.Used all the EEC leads I had spare and only 1 cable hanging out the rack. With voucher and delivery 56 euro. What's that £40 ? Bargain
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