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Status Replies posted by Dood

  1. Over the next few weeks in my podcast: Robin Mullarkey and Dave Swift. Both great guys and great players. Can't wait to publish those episodes.

    1. Dood


      Following! Looking forward to listening when I get a mo'!


       If you fancy giving my YT channel / Instagram / FB a follow i'm @DanVeallBassist





    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Over the next few weeks in my podcast: Robin Mullarkey and Dave Swift. Both great guys and great players. Can't wait to publish those episodes.

    1. Dood


      Where can we access your PodCast BassAgent?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Every now and then I get an incredible pang to return to my amplifier roots and get a Marshall. I’d love to own a 7400, at least try one out. (Although in  reality, the Marshalls were my first amps, the Ampeg SVT 2 Pro stayed the longest)

    1. Dood


      @WalMan! Same here! Mine’s a 68/69! I think that’s a job for this week! Love ‘em! It’s making the noises in this review I did


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Every now and then I get an incredible pang to return to my amplifier roots and get a Marshall. I’d love to own a 7400, at least try one out. (Although in  reality, the Marshalls were my first amps, the Ampeg SVT 2 Pro stayed the longest)

    1. Dood


      @walshy I’m gonna look in to that. I’d love to buy it back should I be able to. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Every now and then I get an incredible pang to return to my amplifier roots and get a Marshall. I’d love to own a 7400, at least try one out. (Although in  reality, the Marshalls were my first amps, the Ampeg SVT 2 Pro stayed the longest)

    1. Dood


      I think it would be one of those amplifers that I'd want to get and keep, it'd be amazing for gear reviews too. I only wish that I hadn't sold my SVT 2 Pro to @walshy when I needed to, as I'd love to have my video set include a shelf of my all-time-favourites on show! Oh, it'd be rude not to take it out for gigs though, obviously! @Lozz196, I was a lucky youngster, I'd demo'd the IBS, IBS Anniversary and DBS ranges all when they first came out. the 7400 leaving such an indellible mark in my memory that stretching my budget as far as I could as a kiddo, led me to gigging the IBS to within an inch of it's life. Yup, I'd love to get my hands on one again to see if the magic is still there! Thank you :) 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Only realised after ordering from them that DV247 in Romford is no more... Now it seems to be just the German team, who don't respond to emails and also use UPS, which requires a US address to give delivery instructions... Shame, they were really good when they had a UK store.

    1. Dood


      Its a shame, it was a good store and whilst the actual shop front is now closed, I wondered that as they were advertising a UK call centre (the number above) that they'd at least have a few people left in the offices upstairs! 

      I've not tried the number, might be worth it to see where it goes! 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Only realised after ordering from them that DV247 in Romford is no more... Now it seems to be just the German team, who don't respond to emails and also use UPS, which requires a US address to give delivery instructions... Shame, they were really good when they had a UK store.

    1. Dood


      Shame! - Is this still a thing?

      Our Callcenter in Romford UK

      +44 17 0877 1900
      Monday–Friday: 8:30am - 5pm  |  Saturday: 9:30am - 5pm  (GMT)


      - I used to work opposite the shop for many years and often popped in. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ladies and gents, my beautiful granddaughter Ellie. Born at 03:15 yesterday. 



    1. Dood


      Awwwwww Ellie! I’m made up for you mate 😊☺️

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Just been looking through the "Basses for sale" thread. 

    For the first time in ages there are some amazing, not often seen, basses for sale.

    Choice of 2 Pedullas, headless ACG, to name just a few .

    I'm glad that I'm skint, otherwise I would be buying more basses that I don't "need".

    1. Dood


      Shame secondhand prices are bonkers though...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just been looking through the "Basses for sale" thread. 

    For the first time in ages there are some amazing, not often seen, basses for sale.

    Choice of 2 Pedullas, headless ACG, to name just a few .

    I'm glad that I'm skint, otherwise I would be buying more basses that I don't "need".

    1. Dood


      Dear lordy there are some stunning basses for sale! I'd love a little windfall so I can buy back/replace some of the kit I had to lose when my 'world' turned to sh*t. 


      Oh, I might buy a bass or two that I don;t need as well.. I mean... I deserve that!! ha ha ha!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Inside the Burns factory 1965 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuuIF6mmRLA


    1. Dood


      The clip was also in the absolutely brilliant guitar documentary from 1987 - I must have watched in back then hundreds of times!




    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. My sister has a prog-tastic wi-fi password.09292320472.jpg.2b7012f82cc90f5133c542cdc84efd55.jpg

    1. Dood


      We should have a separate thread: Show Us Your music related WiFi SSIDs!! 



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Just fitted some shiny new Gotoh GB707 tuners to the Spector, replacing the cheapy no-names that were on there... oh my word, they are lovely. 


    1. Dood


      YUMMYYY!!!!! I MUCH prefer the look versus the smaller, weedy looking posts.  I recently dropped a set of res-o-lites I found cheap online on a Peavey Cirrus and they have similarly made a huge improvement. Gotoh definitely make my favourite tuning keys! 

  14. Who is the member that offers a courier service? - I couldn't find it in the Affiliates thread.

    1. Dood


      Ahhh yes @walshy's man with a van is a diamond, as is Walshy!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Does anyone know what brand of strings Ibanez put on their SR305's? Only asking so I don't make the mistake of buying any - played for an hour on Sunday and now totally dead.


    1. Dood


      Funnily, I've been using them on my teaching basses (thus no sweaty evenings lol) but I've recently put a set on a gigging bass rather than my usual Pro Steels. I have a gig tonight that might be a hot one, so I'll have some ideas over the weekend! 
      Obviously with all the cold weather = no sweaty mits, strings have been lasting ages, but, I do have hands that kill strings quickly after long drenching 2 hour gig sets, so I'd expect a hit on string life generally.

      I've been using D'addario for many years and there's certainly other brands I have used that have died significantly faster. 

      Elixir are good strings, a good choice too.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. Does anyone know what brand of strings Ibanez put on their SR305's? Only asking so I don't make the mistake of buying any - played for an hour on Sunday and now totally dead.


    1. Dood


      Are you saying that these strings were on the bass from new? It's worth noting that in this case, they may have been on the bass for months before arriving at your own paws :)

      Try a set of XT coated strings from D'Addario :) 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Any NE soldering guri's? having a headscratch... 


    What's the best time to give up soldering? asking for a friend.... 

    Ground hum, or no sound.. May have to rework some parts to fit properly in the smaller channel.

    Did a test run but it was getting abit unworldly. 

    1. Dood


      Lots of ground hum with no sound in a passive instrument: The first place to look is whether or not the circuit is completed with proper grounding. If it isn't grounded then all the components are kinda acting like an aerial to noise. If the noise goes away when you turn the volume down then its between the pickups and ground, if the noise stays no matter what you do with the volume then check the ground to the volume control and to the socket.


      Grab a cheap multimeter to test with - I got one for £5 just for chucking around.



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Jazz/Precision Bass with Ric pick-up positions anyone? I wanna hear it out of interest!

    1. Dood


      @eadThank you! I would LOVE to hear it - especially as you also have EMGs on board which will be what I go for. I may choose J pickups, but now I have seen EMG P's in situ, I am intrigued!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. A shout out to my grandson Oliver @Dasbassman who has just signed up here and may be one of the youngest at 13. He's becoming a fine player and also plays guitar and keys (& good vocals). I've pretty much given up gigging now so it's over to Ollie to carry the flag. He's currently playing a cheapo P style 30" Ebay bass through a Peavey combo I found cheap. He's saving for a decent 34", maybe a MIM P or similar. He also plays a US Strat (I helped find that😂) through a Marshall valvestate. I'm going to nag him to get posting now!

    1. Dood


      Hey @DasbassmanOliver! I started playing bass when I was 13 too! I messed about with guitar from the age of 8 I think, but not with any seriousness though! Bass was a different story! It's the coolest instrument :) Welcome aboard! 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hi, im just about to list a BXP 5.



    1. Dood


      Thanks buddy!!! :) :) 

  21. Have just become hopelessly carried away in the Maruszczyk bass configurator... oh well, there goes the morning...

    1. Dood


      The Maruszczyk basses that Mark @ BassDirect sent me for video review were really nice! The fan fret natural Jazz was so comfy. I loved the super rolled fretboard edges. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. It has only taken me X years to finally get round to switching out the two band Glockenklang pre in my MIJ Fender for a three band Glockenklang! It will, after many years, match its sister MIJ!

    I adore my Power Jazz Bass Specials!

    1. Dood


      Oh nice! :)


      As my bass originally had one large hole for a three way switch, rather than fill the hole I'm going to replace the blend knob on my Glockenklang with a three way switch again. I'd prefer the blend, but that hole is a bit big! Switch should be arriving today, finger's crossed!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. I have accepted an offer from a friend to play in his karaoke band. I have to learn like 40 songs for tonight...

    1. Dood


      I wish you all the best! There's nothing like the feeling of flying on the edge of your seat! 

      I was once called up by a mate who had 8 hours to put together a band for a headline gig for a show where the main act pulled out at the last minute.  The guitarist we managed to get hadn't even heard most of the rock songs we needed for the set! 

      It can be done and I look back on the evening fondly as it was tense, but also so much fun as the audience were told what had happened. Good luck, you'll be fine!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  24. The EMG GZR P pickup is SOOOOO good!! 
    Just dropped on one my Tokai and it sounds superb!

    1. Dood


      What didn't you like about them? - CTS or Alpha instead then @NancyJohnson

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. oops...another Shuker specced and ready to order

    n+1 in action

    1. Dood


      @andydye - Aww niiiiiiiiiice! - Funnily, I've reviewed a cheap jazz for an upcoming video in Bass Gear Magazine - and now I want a Jazz bass! I don't have one in my collection either! I'd be tempted too!


      @eude - yeah, he certainly does! Now I can't stop thinking about them ha ha!!


      @andydye , @eude - Thank you for asking! I think my Doodle (Sally @Rich!!)  headless is going to get a sister. Another headless 6, but I've been playing with the design a bit. Some sculpting here and there and a really nice theme across the instrument that should hopefully be pretty eye catching as well as ergonomic. Nothing daft though, Jon and I like to stay tasteful! 


      But likewise, I'm running out of body parts to export!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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