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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. Sounds like good advice from Rabbie - ta for that Good luck ikay - hope it goes well, let us know how you get on
  2. Just received my Shadow Double Bass pickup, Which I bought from Hector Great pickup, fast posting, and well packed for safety Top bloke to deal with Trade in confidence BC'ers
  3. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1428306318' post='2739981'] Great story, restores your faith. Those tops are excellent [/quote] Indeed! Well done to chaypup & your mate too The Blockheads are still cool, in fact, they're ultra-cool
  4. [quote name='Ghost Rider' timestamp='1428011675' post='2737150'] I hope not John but what a can of worms I've opened... I might buy it then stick a Poundland Decal on it & then start the bidding at £2.00 Fair play to the seller for withdrawing it. [/quote] Yes, you did indeed open a can of worms But good on you, otherwise some poor unsuspecting individual might have been ripped off The very fact that it got to £350 demonstrates that some individuals couldn't spot it was a fake, and it's quite worrying that ebay aren't interested, even when several people report an item Well done Ghost Rider and thebrig.... I'm pleased the seller decided to pull it from ebay - he did the decent thing I sincerely hope he or his late Dad weren't ripped off.....
  5. Looks amazing. These Fender Roadworn basses are great
  6. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1427902295' post='2735695'] Well I hope you're satisfied. My bass playing brothers. Because of your evil and bad bad advice..I've just pulled the trigger on my very first jazz bass ( after 40 years of playing). �� [/quote] The same thing happened to me a few years ago I was after a vintage Jazz sound, for a band I'm in I didn't particularly like Jazz basses, or even Fenders for that matter However, I now love the Jazz tone, sound, feel, comfort & look Nothing else is quite like it IMO.... Welcome to the world of Jazz Converts Yes, go on a Jaco bender as Elias Mooseblaster says There's nothing wrong with trying to incorporate sounds, styles & "licks" or riffs that other players use However, listen to other players in the meantime too and do what feels right for you Enjoy your Jazz .... and post some piccies when it arrives
  7. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1427901289' post='2735672'] Fake Rick copy on as well, have John halls E-mail if you want to contact him to report it. [/quote] If it's being passed off as the real thing, just inform ebay.... I've no problem with copies - were it not for them, most of us would never have been able to afford a bass in the first place It's when people are trying to pass the thing off as the genuine article, and rip someone off I have a problem If you're being told it's a copy - you have the choice to buy, or not.... and as someone with the knowledge and experience to spot a fake, it's the right thing to do, to inform them If I spot the Rick fake, being passed off as a genuine Rick, I can find John Hall's email myself.... but best to inform ebay first.....
  8. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1427897897' post='2735609'] Then they are a counterfeit product, you can have one or the other, not both. [/quote] If I had a Limelight, it would be because I chose to do so, as they are not described as genuine! Once again for the hard of understanding - no-one is attempting to sell them as the REAL thing! (there's even a Limelight serial number on the back!) This ebay fake is being described as the genuine article If you wish to make a point, please explain why you would choose not to help someone else who hasn't spotted this as a fake? It's simple enough to report to ebay - it would take a few seconds of your time Would you not expect someone else's help, if you were unwittingly about to make such a purchase?
  9. Hi there Acesn8s, Welcome to basschat Don't worry about being a rookie at 60 I took 25 years off playing bass! I wish I never did, but there you go The main thing is to enjoy it as much as you can Sounds like you've made a good start, by hiring a tutor Glad you like your upgraded bass It's important that you find it comfortable to play Have a good time on here, and post questions, answers, suggestions, pics of gear etc Just contribute - we're a friendly lot, honestly Marc (saying "croeso" - from Wales)
  10. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1427882818' post='2735322'] If a Limelight with fake Logo is acceptable then whats the difference. I am quite sure even the most stupid buyer knows its not a Fender, but given what other copies sell for who are we to estimate its value. [/quote] The difference is quite obvious.... Limelights are custom made, and though they have a Fender logo, the builder is NOT trying to pass them off as a Fender! In fact, Limelights in particular are rather higher quality that most basses priced much higher A "let some mug buy this" attitude is just immoral If you saw any other crime, you'd report it, wouldn't you? I mean, what if someone was trying to sell you a "cut & shut" car? If a passing mechanic saw you showing interest, you'd want him to warn you.... Yes, many of us might be able to spot this fake, being passed off as something it isn't But this might be someone who isn't sure, or is taken in by the sellers' blurb.... Let them know - it's what you'd expect - someone to help & inform you..... This bass IS being passed off as a Fender
  11. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1427822226' post='2734704'] Has anyone reported it? It may stop some poor sod from being ripped off [/quote] Yes, a pal of mine says he reported it - nothing has happened though.... Quote from seller info; "[size=5][color=#000000]it as a serial number on the head stock and rear plate A969165 ." [size=4]No - it has a STICKER on, with a serial number on it! A rough, home-made looking sticker at that! Really hope someone isn't taken for a ride with this If it's still there later today, I'll report it too And I'd urge everyone else who has seen this thread to do so.... ... Lets look out for one another, and stop these scammers.... Please, everyone report this......[/size][/color][/size]
  12. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1427832025' post='2734871'] Very nice looking. I have a black and rosewood P/J bass and often wondered how it would look with a tort pickguard. Now I know! [/quote] Back with tort pickguard = awesome! White with tort pickguard = awesome! Blue with tort picguard = awesome! Red with tort pickguard = awesome! Fiesta Red with tort pickguard = awesome ++ ! PS. I quite like tort pickguards..... Fab looking bass Hardwired!
  13. Definitely not a Fender! I'm no expert, but the logo is wrong, the neck / headstock looks wrong and the neck plate is definitely wrong I've seen a few Japan Fenders - none with a plate like that! I can't believe there have been 11 bids already I hope the winning bidder realises before paying
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427791583' post='2734172'] Very nice! These are great basses by all accounts, I really must get round to trying one. [/quote] Yes you must discreet I went along to try my RW Jazz, as I'd heard others praising them so highly On trying it, I just had to have it.... never looked back [quote name='nick' timestamp='1427795558' post='2734246'] I've got a fiesta red 50's RW precision. TBH, I was never into the relic thing on basses & pretty much looked down on anything by MIM Fender. I picked up my early 2009 RW cheap on ebay, and bought it with a view to selling it on & making a few quid. However after playing it, totally fallen for the bass despite the relicing and the colour (which I'm also not a fan of)...It must be one of the nicest Precisions I've ever played and now has been my main bass for quite a while. [/quote] My RW Jazz converted me too I didn't particularly like or dislike RW guitars before and I'd played a couple of Mex Fenders, one awful two pretty good, and one very good (that stick in my mind...) But the RW's are better than US Fenders IMO (played and owned a few US's too) I have to say, Fiesta Red is my fave colour lately... I've seen pics & video of a few roadworn / relic Fiesta Red basses, and I like RW Fiesta Red even more Lucky you, to have that colour
  15. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1427741395' post='2733760'] I'm interested in the manufacturing process on these.....do they make them then "Road Wear" them or is it just built into the production line? Happy NBD by the way.....looks nice [/quote] I know the parts are separate from parts of other basses They have a stamp on them, to identify them in the factory I also know that although they're Mex assembled, they are finished in the US Fender factory, on a separate line to the US Fenders Not sure at which stage the "roadworn look" takes place But I can say the finish does feel genuinely worn.... There is a smoothness to the finish, rather than an edge to flaking paintwork, the neck finish also feels like it's been played for hundreds of hours I keep harking on about these basses, but they've completely converted me I can't eulogise enough about these top quality, superb feeling, sounding and playing basses... Yes, it's a shame they only seem to do one colour of P bass Lozz On this forum, someone recently sold a couple of Jazzes, in Fiesta Red Don't know if they've done a RW P in that colour? But a few more colour choices would be good (personally, I like the colour of my Jazz, and the P bass)
  16. I've used it quite a bit As others say, make sure you wipe it off with a decent cloth after application Used before you play, and then again afterwards really increases the life span of the strings They definitely stay brighter much longer I have used it to revitalise old, very grubby strings (they were on a bass I bought 2nd hand - they were even rusty! Strings were very dead - but a few applications of FF and a bit of playing really brightened them up)
  17. These Fender Roadworns really are fantastic I have a RW Jazz, and I love it to bits As you say, the rolled edges on the neck just feel soooo comfortable Like the Limelight basses - I just don't know how they get that "worn in" feel Also as you say (and this is something not to be underestimated) You don't get too precious about Roadworn / relic instruments .... I'm not saying bash the thing about, but it's no big deal if it gets another scratch or ding I've gigged mint condition instruments, and tend to panic if anyone else knocks something anywhere near them But playing a RW is just so liberating My RW Jazz is the best, most comfortable bass I've ever played The quality of everything about the bass is absolutely top notch it feels and sounds so vintage Trouble is, I now want a RW Precision or Limelight P to sit alongside my Jazz Great bass - lucky you Glad you're happy with it Cheers Marc
  18. Oh no - don't sell it I think this is my fave bass I've ever seen.....
  19. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1427481570' post='2731041'] Re. the gap. Get hold of some wooden veneer (I have mahogany) and cut to shape and glue to the sided of the neck pocket. I've done it a few times on mismatched parts and it works a treat and is easy to cut/shape/sand etc....you can cut it with scissors no problem. Great build and I would have had that flame neck off you if I was a righty! D. [/quote] Thanks for the tip deksawyer! Nice work on the decals rumple
  20. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1427207674' post='2727158'] Thanks Marc. Next question, I wonder if he sells them separately. [/quote] I don't think so.... but he seems a really helpful bloke Drop him an email - you never know, he just might
  21. I really shouldn't have any GAS But I do keep coming back to look at this; It was posted by Dazed on the Limelight thread (apols for borrowing your pictures Dazed) But it's just such a gorgeous colour and the wear & tear just gives it a real vintage look ... but maybe I'd go for a P, rather than a Jazz - as I've already got too many of those!
  22. Sorry to hear you've got arthritic probs mate This bass looks a stunner It will be awful to let it go But needs must.... How do you get on with slimmer necks? - Like a Jazz for instance? You may find you can play a bit longer, or a lot longer, or hopefully, the pain will go away.... As my own years advance, I now understand people when they talk about the weight of a bass, or the comfortable positioning of hands.... I couldn't afford this bass sadly, but have a free bump and don't forget to let us know if you find other instruments more comfy to play Cheers
  23. So glad to hear you're getting on better with the neck Was it a simple enough operation to swap over? I too prefer Jazz profile necks, or the more modern P necks (very similar IMHO) As JimBob says, excellent build diary Thanks for sharing this with us EDIT: Re the gap around the neck pocket, I wondered about using a thin bead of decorators-type flexible filler? It won't harm anything, and will just take your eye away from the fact there's a gap there .... if it offends you Also, re Decal - if it were me, I'd probably put one on there - just to get that "look" up to you of course - maybe a very similar "faker" logo? Don't forget to let us know what you decide.....
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427277485' post='2728083'] This I like a lot! [/quote] Me too That's lovely
  25. Hi, do you still have this pickup for sale?
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