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Everything posted by odysseus

  1. Damn straight. There are 2 types of music: music I like and music I don't like.
  2. I was in my local pub five years back watching 6 Nations rugby with a bunch of mates, one who is a bassist for a ska band. The second game was just finishing when 2 exasperated band members pitched up demanding to know how he had forgotten they had a gig that evening. His missus had packed up his gear and the guys loaded it into the van beforehand, and they whisked Gary off to the gig.... about 9 pints in!!! He had a shocker, so I hear, but he did play! Not ideal gig prep....
  3. It is what it is. Take it or leave it, I guess. Can't remember the last time I watched any of it....
  4. I learned We Used To know a few years back. Really enjoyed that!
  5. Yes indeed, it was a toss up between Analog and Digital (arf arf!) Analog is likely to take a while to get up to standard, so I may well have a go at Digital Man as well. In for a penny etc....
  6. Reminds me of someone's quote about how punters don't know what they like, but like what they know!
  7. Fair play. 🙂 But what is awesome is subjective, of course. Yes, the more people who think of a song as awesome, the greater the likelihood of it being deemed a 'classic' by the music press, and thus into general acceptance. But this must bring age into the discussion. My dad considers Elvis, Chuck Berry and the Beach Boys to be classic rock. I turned 50 last week, so what I consider to be classic rock may well be deemed musty old cr@p by people of 25, say. So by the time they turn 50, won't they be more likely to consider Muse, Queens of the Stone Age or {insert more recent rock band here} as classic rock? Quite probably... I never did like Layla though......
  8. I've seen a few bands who purport to be classic rock bands including songs by the above bands in their sets. Presumably the bands have agreed that such songs, rightly or wrongly, fall under their definition of classic rock.
  9. OK, when I was a laddie it was Thin Lizzy, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Maiden, Motorhead etc. Now we've got Chili Peppers, RATM and (to me great surprise) Stereophonics creeping in. (Dakota... always bloody Dakota!) So... what are the criteria for a band or song to be included in a classic rock set? How long does the band or song have to be around? Where do we draw the line, if at all? Spice Girls? Is classic rock just whatever the band playing the set decides it is? Rhetorical question, I guess, but it's Sunday and I'm sat here waiting for the washing machine to finish its grim task....
  10. Amen to that, sir! The last album 'Shade' was a stormer too!
  11. The music is written by myself and the guitarist, the lyrics and vocal melodies by the singer and the drummer, who is also a singer. A song started by me tends to be more bass-oriented, so maybe more 'adventurous' bass-wise then one started on guitar, but that may change depending on what we think the song requires. I guess I use the techniques I know, while anything new I've learned may be phased in and used once I get fluid with it. Some stuff I might not use at all if it doesn't 'fit' with what we do. Learning songs by other bands is good for increasing my knowledge and technique, which in turn can also lead to new ideas for songs. I'm quite happy to learn stuff just for the sake of learning...
  12. Good call. I love Got The Time, both on bass and guitar... I'm a crap guitarist but I like to pretend!!
  13. My mum and dad got me a set of Status Hotwires and Riverside's 6 CD back catalogue. Happy days!! 😎 EDIT - also bought myself a Source Audio C4 last week!
  14. I don't play covers live, but I have resumed learning some just to push my knowledge and technique. I've been returning to my youth and last week I re-learned Wrathchild by Iron Maiden - quite simple apart from a couple of fills that needed a couple of sessions to bed in. Currently trying to learn Rush's The Analog Kid. Whoa... that's a different ballgame. Couldn't find a tab for Guitar Pro, so I'm transcribing one onto GP7 from a YouTube channel. The first riff was enough to tax me - I've got it up to about 92% of max speed while remaining reasonably fluid. It's going to be a while, but that's what I wanted - to stretch my playing. Otherwise, I don't learn much and end up playing similar things all the time. So... anyone else learning a particular song, whether it be for live, for playing, or for the hell of it?
  15. Riverside have been one of the best discoveries of 2019 for me...
  16. Not really new year resolutions as I've already started, but.. learning more covers to extend my technique, and learning Spanish.
  17. I try and avoid NYE gigs. Did it once in The Lugger in Penzance. 3 hours in a brightly lit function room playing to grannies dancing with their toddler grandchildren while mummy and daddy get sh*tfaced in the bar next door. It was a long, sober night.... I'd rather jam with my friends down in my mate's barn conversion miles from anywhere.
  18. When I used to mod on another forum, alternative accounts were known as 'sock puppets' and got shut down, and the offending member warned.
  19. Leprous are fantastic, and Baard Kolstad is excellent!!
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