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Everything posted by odysseus

  1. Middle Man by Living Colour. I'm revisiting a few songs that I used to know twenty-odd years ago...
  2. I was fussy when I was younger. These days... well.... beggars can't be choosers right? 🤪
  3. My mate's girlfriend's mum asked me if I'd like to 'do her in the shower' at one gig about 25 years ago. I said 'no thanks'. I was about 24 and she looked like Olive from On The Buses.
  4. I love it. +1 for Cory Wong's solo stuff too!
  5. Same here. I'm not expecting to gig again this year.....
  6. 01 Ever played a gig sitting down? Yep. At a sort of 'unplugged' gig at a venue that had had neighbour issues, so we played quietly... sat down. 02 Ever gigged on a different instrument? No 03 Ever shared a stage with a musical hero of yours? No 04 Any fan ever had a tatoo of your band's logo? No 05 Ever signed an autograph in a dressing room? A bloke came up and asked us all to sign a CD once. 06 Ever cried on stage? Nearly... when the guitarist/singer got hammered at a gig and might a right abortion of everything. 07 Ever worn a hat on stage? Most of the time. Baseball cap or bush hat... 08 Ever gigged with a band you hadn't met before the gig? Sort of... had 3 jams with the singer/guitarist and sax player - met the drummer for the first time when I picked him up for the gig. 09 Ever been in a relationship with a fellow band member? Hell no. 10 Ever played in different bands on the same day? Yep. At a festival. 11 Ever had anything thrown at you while playing? No. 12 Ever crashed on the way to the gig? No. 13 Ever left a band over the choice of set list? No. 14 Ever slept in the venue despite it not being a hotel? No. 15 Ever been supported by a band clearly better than you? Yep! 16 Ever played a gig suffering from some debilitating medical condition? No. 17 Ever been in a band where the guitarist was your favourite bandmate? No. 18 Ever played in the grounds of a stately home? No. 19 Ever injured yourself on stage? No. 20 Ever been told that your bass isn't loud enough? Yes - a few times.
  7. Plenty of drum tracks on YouTube if you want to try jamming out some home-made riffs or suchlike.
  8. +1 for scottsbasslessons.com I've learned a great deal from him.
  9. If I self-isolate I might finally get round to working out how to use that 4-track I bought a couple of years ago.... 😷
  10. Just found this, if anyone is interested... decent sounding live drum cam take. Mr. Carey is a bit of a beast! 😎
  11. I rented a room off Dixie Lee, one of Persian Risk's drummers (and also Lone Star), for a couple of years.
  12. Excellent. Utmost respect! Way better than rotting in front of Cash In The Attic. 🤘
  13. "I promise I'll have the gig diary with me on Wednesday - come back then" "Yes, we can jam and write some stuff together after you've learned all MY stuff" "Yes, I'll have that new crash cymbal for our recording session"
  14. I'm a qualified primary school teacher, but that was a pain in the bum, so for the last 18 years I've been making air filters for commercial aircraft.
  15. Extra shifts, weekend job, better job, sell something you don't use, cut back on unneccessaries..... From your OP, it sounds a bit like you want something for nothing. Doesn't often work that way.
  16. I started on guitar then moved to bass. I still play guitar for writing purposes. It's good to have that extra perspective.
  17. Kiss and Motley are largely all icing and no cake. But.... it's the sort of thing that gets kids picking up guitars, basses and drum sticks (and probably chop, but that's another issue...) for the first time, so it has its place, I guess. Also... a fool and his money etc..
  18. 'Fresh' wasn't the first word that sprang to mind when I thought about sharing a tour bus with my band mates! Manky, fetid, putrescent... yup. Fresh.... no
  19. She can slice and dice alright. Respect!
  20. I heard someone describe it once as 99% luck and 1% naked greed and opportunism. As a lowly hobbyist, I can't attest to the veracity of this.... *shrug*
  21. Yeah thanks! I was after a Mayones for a while - Jabba, Viking, Patriot, but none came up on here. I part-exed my 5 string Status with a guy on here who by some freak coincidence happened to have a BE4, so I took a punt on it, and now it's my main bass. I love it!!
  22. Nice little support slot at The Jacob's Ladder in Falmouth. Good fun!
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