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Everything posted by odysseus

  1. I find P basses a bit lacking in flexibility. But not everyone wants flexibility. Plus they seem to sit well in x, y and z without any 'flexibility' which is why people use them, and they are trusted etc. etc. Each to their own. I had a couple of Jazz basses though... I quite liked them!
  2. Great. I shall investigate. Thanks! 🙂
  3. Hi chaps. Just made my first serious foray into the C4. Wow! Loads of great sounds available through Neuro.... many of them created by your good self, Mr. Quatchmacher! (I enjoyed the Tom Sawyers!) So... I'm going to get a Hub to make the most of it. What is my best option for a footswitch? Am I better off going straight for the Soleman or could I get by with something a little cheaper? Any advice gratefully received!
  4. It certainly is! Just what I was hoping for!😁
  5. Awesome. Thanks mate, didn't realise! 😀
  6. Anybody else got one of these? If so, did anyone go down the Neuro Hub route and get a footswitch to operate it? There's a massive array of patches available and I'm looking to probably get a Neuro Hub and some sort of footswitch - the Soleman is a bit pricey so I was thinking maybe a Tech 21 Midi Mouse or suchlike. Does anyone have any experience of these extras? Any advice gratefully received! 🙂
  7. Blimey.... that's..... odd... but yes, it's a gig!
  8. Yeah, I lost interest after Seventh Son.... 1988ish I guess...
  9. I played classical guitar long before I played bass, so thumb and 1st 3 fingers all get used on bass too.
  10. Loads of music in Cornwall. At least there was..... Mostly bog standard pub rock and pop covers, but there is some good stuff out there too if you head off the beaten track and into some of the dingy back alley bars...
  11. Welcome to Basschat, Ozan! 😎
  12. Not bad.... some would say better than some of their recordings, according to the comments....and with 'interesting' lyrics!
  13. Just checked them out watching Kingdom Come. Not bad at all. Certainly nailed Geddy's bass sound! Edit: just got to the vocals... hell yes! Etheria is a blinding track too! I like this band. Cheers for the heads-up! 😎
  14. Same in pubs to a degree. People go off to the bar, outside for a fag, or a chat with their mates....
  15. If we're talking about bassists that aren't the frontman/woman then Flea and Steve Harris stand out for me.
  16. Amen to the Gizzard! How many kits though? Vulfpeck are known to have 2 drummers on one kit.... sound most splendid too!
  17. I'm not expecting to play any pub gigs this year. Small outdoor festival-type events may be on the cards - There's a few invite-only bashes that people put on which are ace. Suits me - I'm not that bothered about pub gigs anyway - festies are way more fun!
  18. Welcome from Camborne.... well.... just outside Camborne, so NOT the a***hole of the universe, but sort of on the ringpiece!... 👽
  19. I like it sometimes, but not when it becomes an Olympic event. Ron Pickering voice: "So we're into the last ten seconds of the one minute slap, and Mark and Victor are neck and neck* on 456 notes...." * pun intended
  20. Yeah apparently 'beard oil' is actually a thing. You could always go for the Roy Wood look....
  21. I'm told moisturising it helps. I'm no expert though... I never made it through the itchy stage....
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