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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. [quote name='spinynorman' post='865606' date='Jun 12 2010, 11:06 PM']Really you answered your own question - "I took my P bass along and that just seemed to fit better sound wise! ". I had a similar problem. I never wanted a P, but one came up at a price I couldn't miss and, from the moment it came out of the case at the first practice it felt and sounded right in the band. It was a wrench, admitting that the boring old P worked better than basses that appealed far more to my image, but the sooner you admit it, the sooner the pain will go away. [/quote] hmm yeah maybe so! used the P bass at rehearsal again tonight.. and again... soundwise it was bang on... only thing is, compared to the Zon its nowhere near as nice to play!!! Aaaargh!! Got a few gigs away this week so think I'll take both and decide on the night. The other thing, which is stupid really, is that I prefer using the Zon because its much more unusual! The gigs we're doing are heavily populated by fellow musos and i always like to stand out a bit and Precisions are ten a penny!!! haha oh well. peace c
  2. ah go on then.. heres one from couple of weeks back.. first gig with new band! peace c
  3. Is it just me or can anyone else never decide which bass to use?! I've got a few different basses (2x Yamahas, Fender P, Fender J and a Zon Sonus) and whenever it comes to gig time I can never decide which bass i want to use!! Aaaaargh! I'm sure many of you have been in a similar position but its really annoying! The idea of me buying the Zon was to get a good all rounder bass and its so easy to play/sounds great and ticks most of the boxes but despite having used it exclusively in my new band, last rehearsal I took my P bass along and that just seemed to fit better sound wise! But then I like the look/sound of my relic Jazz bass too! and whenever I have a gig i can never decide which basses to take!!! i guess it doesn't really matter and no one in the audience probably even notices but it bugs me! Wish i could just make my mind up and stick to one bass + one spare and thats it!! bah. peace c
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='861720' date='Jun 9 2010, 12:38 AM']your myspace has your equipment sharing policy on it! just show the promotor that.????[/quote] yep.. a policy which says 'no exceptions'.. so stick by that - you let it slide once and it'll happen again,... and again.... peace C
  5. i'd buy it, but then i have been known to wear nail varnish onstage from time to time!! nah.. is good, go for it. peace c
  6. i've used these before for small runs [url="http://www.screensprinting.co.uk/"]screens printing[/url] - 10 nicely screenprinted, good quality t-shirts for £30 including setup etc. peace C
  7. to the OP - don't do it! you're clearly not comfortable with it, you've been burned before so i think thats fair enough. Like others have said, how can you be in a band and not have amps or transport of some kind?! (Obviously sharing a rig would save change over times etc, but honestly.. how long does it take really?!) I don't let people use my rig these days as a rule BUT i've got a handful of dates supporting an American band who are touring over here and they aren't bringing any amps with them so want to use ours (fair enough in this instance to save on their tour/travel expenses). I'm reasonably OK with that as they're all mature musicians who (i'd hope!) respect gear and know how it works. My guitarist/bandleader is bringing a spare bass head along too just in case so if I don't like how they're using mine they can go with that instead. peace C
  8. Les Claypool from Primus has been known to rock the pith helmet look from time to time I believe - am personally thinking of going the bowler hat route myself! peace c
  9. would like to go but its miles away from me!! I am playing at that same venue in Sutton on 17th June though!! peace c
  10. I live in Lowestoft but couldn't make it down to Kfest this year as was busy with other things (have played there before). I think its in its 3rd year now and raises money for Cancer charities as it was set up by friends of a local female bassist who succumbed to the big C. But yes, normally a good day out (weather permitting - often windy as anything down there - when we played the roof had to be removed from the stage because it kept trying to take off!!) peace C
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='839403' date='May 16 2010, 11:51 PM']TBH, the only way a band is going to get truly as tight as a duck's backside is to gig often. No amount of rehearsal can come near the tightening effects of regular gigs IMO, there are so many other factors in a gig that you can't replicate in rehearsals.[/quote] agreed. my covers band is ok because we gig regularly and just rehearse occasionally if we've had a lay off period or want to chuck a few new songs in. c
  12. i'm in the same boat as the OP. Recently joined new band, been rehearsing once a week but now first gig is getting closer band leader has upped it to twice a week... we're only doing a 45 minute set so does seem overkill to me..theres only so many times you can go through the same handful of songs!! Also most of the rehearsals are 45 minutes away and in the 9pm til midnight slot which twice a week is a bit much i reckon. Admittedly the band leader pays for all rehearsal costs and is aware that i'm more than up to speed with the songs (extra rehearsals seem to be for drummers benefit) and he's even offered to pay my petrol money (which i won't take as thats not an issue) but i dunno... i don't want to get bored with the songs before we've even gigged them!! peace c
  13. Must admit I was always one to dismiss blues bass playing as 'easy' and up to a point, yes it is. However having just recently joined a bluesy band with a [i]very[/i] accomplished blues guitarist I have found there's more to it than initially meets the eye! One thing I would add to what others have already said is to play with feel and listen out for light and shade/when to bring it down etc. peace C
  14. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='828634' date='May 5 2010, 04:43 PM']Any good shops in the Seattle area too? I'm there at the end of this month.[/quote] [url="http://www.bassnw.com/"]bass northwest[/url] lots of goodies in there!! c
  15. most annoying... My band was meant to be playing at a local venue that we play at regularly on the 15th but somehow I came across the website/myspace of another band and noticed they had the same date/venue on their gig list too. Contacted the venue and apparently due to useless and now sacked booker they weren't just double booked, they were in fact triple booked!! Idiots. Another venue we play at occasionally (and always fill) recently rang and cancelled all our gigs there as they were 'stopping having live music' with immediate effect. But since then I've seen in the local paper that other bands are still playing there!! Don't know what thats all about, as like I say we always got alot of people in but sod 'em! yeah, its very annoying, but it happens. peace c
  16. I'm thinking about selling my Precision so thought I'd put the original stock Fender pickup back in, making this surplus to requirements. These are the exact pickups Billy Sheehan uses in his signature Yamaha® basses. [url="http://www.dimarzio.com/site/#/pickups/"]Dimarzio Website[/url] Boxed, with screws, fitting instructions etc... I should point out that one of the plastic covers has nearly got a crack in from where it'd been tightened down too far and the pole pieces underneath pushed against it. You can just about see it in the photo but now its out of the bass and theres no tension against it its not going to get any worse. (My fault, I did try to screw it down stupidly low!!) Anyways.... These go for £70 upwards online so I'd like £40 which will include postage. Paypal preferable... PM any questions etc... Thanks for looking! C
  17. bass wise, just noodle about.. band wise we normally do Thin Lizzy 'Are You Ready' as it covers everything we need: both guitarists get a solo, backing vox etc, plus its nice and easy with lots of open E,A,D string bits which means easy amp tweaking without stopping playing. c
  18. I of course appreciate Marcus's (?) playing, but I can never listen to more than a few tracks of his because I really don't like his tone... now I love a bit of jazz bass slap/growl etc but I don't know, his sound always seems a bit too harsh in the context of the music he's playing. peace c
  19. i'm 40, and like yourself fought against doing the covers band thing for years, but unfortunately the older you get the chances of doing something original get smaller. So last couple of years I've been doing the pub covers circuit and while its kinda ok I don't enjoy it as much as doing originals... kinda feels like 'well.. is this it?' Lets be honest, who amongst us first picked up their instrument with the lofty ambition of joining a pub covers band!? Probably not many! Having said that, a chance look at the Musicians Wanted section on Gumtree the other week has led me to hook up with a freshly formed originals band with a couple of musos my own age. The singer/guitarist has quite a good reputation (and a manager!) and despite only one rehearsal so far we've already got a a handful of decent support gigs up and down the country which I'm quite looking forward to.. so i guess.. never say never! Alternatively, as jase says... home recording could be the way forward... something else i'm trying to get into also. peace c
  20. [quote name='paul h' post='791615' date='Mar 31 2010, 09:14 AM']The ESP's do it for me. Lovely.[/quote] agreed! the cream one ESPecially!! c
  21. i remember seeing an ad several years ago for an interesting looking Yamaha strap which was made of neoprene type stuff and had 'air pockets' in it.... looked really good and comfortable but couldn't find one anywhere. c
  22. Don't think its monitor mute... on different 'puter at the mo so can't check for sure, but that did pop up when i was initially playing with garageband and pretty sure i disabled it ... also like i say its the same when i'm not even in garageband... playing along with songs in itunes, playing about with audacity - basically anything where i need to hear what i'm playing[b] in[/b] along with what is coming [b]out[/b]. i even today set my old pc back up so i could try it out thru there again to make sure there was nothing up with the mixer/leads etc. and all worked fine straight off. cheers c
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