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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='730826' date='Jan 31 2010, 05:31 PM']Those wear patterns look really odd.[/quote] agreed... the bit that stood out to me was how worn the neck joint/heel is... the bottom of the heel is seriously chipped worn and thats not a place that naturally would pick up alot of dings. aside from that (and the new frets) it does look pretty tasty though! incidently, my reliced jazz has uber rusty pickups and they work fine and dandy!! peace c
  2. [quote name='Sue' post='730185' date='Jan 30 2010, 11:27 PM']....I try to change the state of feeling nervous, to one of feeling excited - the two emotions actually feel quite similar, but one is empowering, the other not.[/quote] yeah good call - thats something i need to apply to many things not just gigging!! peace c
  3. go for it! I've been gigging for over 25 years and still get nervous (in fact more so now,than in the past!!) - the best thing is to try to relax as much as you can and if you get a memory blank during a song and think you can't remember the next part, then just switch your brain off and let your fingers do the work . 9 times out of 10 they'll find the right notes!! the other thing (especially as you're only playing a few songs) is that it will be over almost before its begun - the time will fly and then it'll be the end and you won't want to get off! good luck! c
  4. i've got one (Mexican).... Mines passive though. Bought from new a few years back. pretty much does what it says on the tin! As well as the Jazz pickup it also has a jazz width neck. Routing round the Jazz pickup is terrible it has to be said (though only below the pickup so you can't really see it - guess thats just coz its mexican) and for some reason with both pickups on full power it loses some volume so you have to back the jazz pickup off a little to increase the volume again! slightly odd! I put a Gotoh bridge on mine and the p-pickup has now been replaced with a Dimarzio Will Power . [attachment=41236:precisionspecial.jpg] peace c
  5. +1 for rush!! how about something by The Police? a three piece and good pub rock fodder. or... you could get one of those Akai Unibass pedals or similar that can double up/harmonize a guitar part along with your bass..handy for when guitarist goes for solos etc..... peace c
  6. thought this was pretty good ... peace c
  7. no, not seen those before either..... me likee! peace c
  8. probably not the 'best' solo but i've just spent the evening learning Billy's bit from this: (bass solo @ 1:20ish) - gonna give it a bash at rehearsal tomorrow..yoinks! NV43345 of the first Talas album is pretty good though i reckon.... peace c
  9. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='710025' date='Jan 12 2010, 02:20 PM']Right. Here's a perfect example of my problem with the pictures in reviews. I recently had a look on the Yamaha website, and was surprised to discover that the BB2024X (the silly-expensive one) strings through the body [b]diagonally[/b]. [url="http://uk.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/el_basses/bb2024x_bl/?mode=features"]Take a look[/url]. Now, I may have led a sheltered life, but I've never seen that before. Certainly not on a mass-produced bass. I think it's an interesting enough feature to warrant a picture in the BGM review, but no. Not even a mention in the text, IIRC.[/quote] yeah totally agree with that - an interesting/unusual feature on a review bass that doesn't even get a mention! odd. also think it was a bit cheeky having the brit-funk issue one month, followed by the zender issue the next month when surely they could have all gone in the one issue. peace c
  10. agreed.. a good story all round
  11. in no particular order mine are: finish writing/recording all the odd little solo bass ideas i have finish writing/recording all my 'proper' songs i have DON'T GET DE-MOTIVATED/SIDETRACKED SO OFTEN!! get a new bass get a new bass rig practice, practice, practice get in a new originals band gig more and get better gigs and maybe even the odd solo gig and, improve my fretless playing (as it seems to be all the rage round here!) did i mention not getting de-motivated/sidetracked so often!?! peace c
  12. good stuff... makes me wanna dig out some early RHCP! c
  13. drummer needs to learn the proper fills in Black Night!
  14. cool - how do you get a music player on facebook? been wanting to do that for a while now but not been able to find anything...... c
  15. yeah i know its a bass guitar forum, but i'm guessing theres a few on here who know a thing or two about home recording etc... not really sure what you mean about matching the mic to my vocal qualities? - if thats the case i'd prob be best getting something for about a quid from tandy!! need all the help i can get to get a decent (ish) vocal recording hence the original post. AKG mic is nothing special - a D190E (?) i believe... don't even know where i got it from tbh! also got a few JBL mics in the band box in my garage which may or may not be slightly better for recording... friend of mine also has a thomann condenser mic that i can borrow which i'm guessing could be ok. all irrelevent at the mo anyways as i've got an evil sore throat and can barely speak let alone 'sing'!! peace c
  16. ok, so recently i've been writing lots of 'proper' songs (as opposed to bassy noodles!) and i'm looking to attempt adding some vocals to some of them. Now, i'm seriously not the best singer in the world but would like to give it a go rather than getting someone else in as the songs are quite personal... so... i need recommendations for a good budget vocal mic and mic preamp (i'm currently just using an old 70's AKG mic direct into mixer > pc. and also any tips on getting the best of my 'performance' recorded (i'm using Cubase SX3) any thoughts, ideas etc gratefully recieved! peace c
  17. quality song! we used to play it a while back too - nice bass line and a good laugh.
  18. so.. after much delibaration... i decide to stick with current band!! after some discussions we figure we'll work a bit harder, get more gigs ourselves etc plus they said they'd definitely not continue as a band if i left so a bit of guilt/loyalty was involved... so i tell the new band 'thanks but no thanks' which they're fine with, no problems there. and THEN.. the very next day, guitarist in current band suddenly says hes thinking about leaving! hes been offered some regular sound engineering work meaning a similar position as i had with clashing gigs etc... but.. he knew about this all the time i was deciding whether to leave or not but somehow failed to mention it!! would have been much easier for me if i'd known about this!! and cannot believe he didn't mention it!! aaaaaaaaargh.. what a tool! peace c
  19. thanks for input so far - and yeah the old thing of 'the grass is always greener' could be true. of course my daughter is supremely important to me but this could actually work out well. i've been thinking alot lately about things and i reckon with all these new band gigs, plus bass teaching that i do and maybe a bit of other part time work i could leave the old 9-5 behind.... (i've been out of work a while anyhow) - also my daughters mum (we're seperated) is looking to start her own business in the new year so me being able to have my daughter more during the week could be handy for everyone. the current band is pretty solid but i do know the singer is in the process of doing another band and the guitarist is possibly going to do some sound engineering work for yet another band which would mean having to cancel some of the gigs etc anyway... AAAAAAAARGH!! i hate decisions!!! c
  20. hmmm so my band (rock covers) is very good and we all get on really well BUT i've just been offered a position in another band who are more established and therefore make more money. They have 70 gigs booked for next year (all of which pay more than with my current band) and my band has a mere 14 gigs so far. My main reason for doing covers is the money so the new thing would definitely seem the obvious choice on that basis but i'm really torn between the two now! Current band could get more gigs but because we play quite heavy stuff we are choosy about where we play (real mainstream pubs don't 'get' us so we stick purely to rock pubs therefore less gigs) New band has loads of gigs - which moneywise/playing wise is good but it might be a few[i] too[/i] many in reality as I often have my daughter most weekends so could be a pain with child minding etc that often. Current band all get on really well and are good friends who i've known/played with for ages. Plus we're very tight. New band all seem ok from brief audition meeting and as they've been going years already they're tight musically too. Current band have previously said that if i was ever to leave they'd split up (!) so i'd feel well bad if it came to that. Of course there is the possibility of doing both bands i guess but in reality its gonna mean alot of gigs clashing etc. So all in all a bit of a quandary! thoughts......? suggestions......? peace c
  21. is there such a thing as 'fingernail problems'!!?? not seen the new dvd yet so can't comment really.. email billy and ask him - he normally replies! c
  22. we play lots of biker events and 9x out of 10 always have a good time - crowd always seem well up for it, can get a bit hectic sometimes but we always play up to that! worst ones we've done have been local Harley club gigs.... blimey, it was like playing in an old peoples home!! peace c
  23. i doubt you'll find a wider neck than the Yamaha Attitude! although i remember an G&L L2000 bass i had was horrifically huge in the neck! - wide and deep it really was ungainly! pity as that bass sounded great but really had to go because of the neck. peace c
  24. i'm just starting to look around for some new projects but as is the norm its pretty dead round here so am thinking about looking a bit farther afield. only trouble is of course that means more travelling time/petrol etc to and from any rehearsals. i'm incredibly lazy and easily distracted so it'd have to be a very good band for me to travel any serious distance. so... how far do people here travel for rehearsals.... and does it rapidly get to be a chore?!! peace c
  25. not often i delve into the recording section on here, but i'm in the process of writing/recording some similar(ish) solo bass pieces (though with less slappiness!). very good work - think i'll have to up my game!! c
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