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Everything posted by 3V17C

  1. yeah happens to me occasionally, even songs i've been playing for years... best thing is to just relax and 9 times out of 10 your fingers will remember to go even when your brain doesn't. peace c
  2. Loving the look of the unlined fretless maple boards on those Precisions - I want! Friend of mine recently got a 50th anniversary lined fretless P (i've not seen a lined P before) - played and sounded fantastic - much nicer than my fretless jazz. c
  3. just listening to the new album now...yes its severely lacking the funk, but is a pretty good, nicely chilled kinda listen anyway. peace c
  4. I use an AKG wireless all the time - it has switchable frequencies so on the very rare chance of interference from something else a quick flick of a switch sorts it out. I move about alot on stage and it really does free you up - just a pity the guitarists in the band won't go wireless too! Some units do affect your sound, but my doesn't seem to have any issues like that at all. Like others have mentioned I always have a cable handy just in case but have never had to use it... (oh and i've got a OBBM cable from transmitter to bass!!) peace c
  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='624087' date='Oct 12 2009, 03:46 PM']The guy I'm auditioning (for) on Wednesday has asked me to bring my Fender 4 string 'cos they are "traditional" Cheeky get. I'd not dream of telling him to play a Taylor 200 rather than a Martin D1 Shuker P5 it is then [/quote] Fight the Power!!
  6. we had an annoying one lately - trying to get a singer for a new tribute band project - guy rings up, sounds like he could be ok, so ask him whens a good time for him to come over and try out and agree on a sunday night. i tell him i'll get rehearsal room booked etc and get back to him to confirm - but on doing so he says, 'oh i can't make it that late at night'... erm is 7pm late at night? and why say he could do it when he couldn't!!? so he says can we get something earlier? so i re-arrange for an afternoon slot instead - again ring him to confirm and apparently he can't do afternoon either because he's rehearsing with his other band!! aaaargh!! why did he not say that when he said to sort something for earlier!!?? and apparently he can't do evenings during the week because he has to be at work for 9am!!? erm.... doesn't everyone? so sod him. no matter how good a singer he may or may not be i'm not gonna keep chasing someone who clearly isn't going to be reliable or make any kind of effort. Had a few complete no shows too which is annoying when you've still got to pay for the rehearsal room etc. Idiots, the lot of 'em!! peace c
  7. [url="http://www.cuntz-guitars.de/en/instrumente.php"]http://www.cuntz-guitars.de[/url] [url="http://www.fuchsaudiotechnology.com/"]http://www.fuchsaudiotechnology.com/[/url] c
  8. Jimmy Nail - 'Ain't no doubt' - sooo cheesy but quality bass work c
  9. Once, many moons ago in my youth, I was well into the weed in a big way and was in a trip rock, Hawkwindy style band that got booked to headline a bike show - we got there nice and early in the afternoon, lovely sunny day and as the band were all serious stoners proceeded to get well wasted - weed, beer and maybe other substances too - who knows!! By the time we're meant to go on i am soooo caned after about 8 hours of solid substance abuse that I can barely stand and after strapping my bass on have to straight away sit on my amp as my legs had stopped working. I then remember (vaguely) playing the first note of the first song...and then looking up and it was the end of the gig. but that is it! - absolutely no memory of anything inbetween, despite the fact that we (apparently!) played a full two hour set!! no one ever said what my playing was like but hey, there were no complaints as i guess everyone else was in the same state!! not good though, and since then (approx 20 years ago) i never drink or smok weed before or during a gig. kids eh!! peace c
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  11. I owned the Spitfire prototype for sale elsewhere on here and i also owned the very first ever Goodfellow bass sn.001 which was pretty similar to yours 'cept with gold machineheads, bookmatched walnut (?) body and a weird grain running right down the fingerboard longways. c
  12. ah yeah thought so - in fact its just popped up for sale on here! unfortunately its the Goodfellow serial 001 that I need back not that one. bah. peace c
  13. 3V17C


    Just to say this GB used to belong to me and is a very nice instrument at a good price - if i had the cash i'd buy it back again!! peace c
  14. 3V17C

    ESP J800

    don't know anything about it other than that it looks way nice!! c
  15. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='610887' date='Sep 28 2009, 02:55 PM']Only moved it on (trade) quite recently myself as I needed to access a 5er for a project and the GB was [b]criminally[/b] underused by me. If you talk nicely to[b] giblett123[/b], he might let you buy it back off him. On the other hand......................................... Will we[b] ever [/b]learn? [/quote] did you have the original no.001 same shape as the OP's one in this post or did you have that prototype Spitfire style with the maple neck? . . . c
  16. damn that makes me miss my old Goodfellow serial no 001 !! bad move ever selling that on!!!! aaaaargh.. no bucks for this unfortunately but hey, its a bump! peace c
  17. i did read somewhere that a European release was on the cards... October sometime i think, but no doubt won't come with all the bells and whistles of the import. cheers c
  18. cool! is on my shopping list when i have some readies!! c
  19. hmmmm very tempted with this....but very skint.... ...hmmm goes off to ponder....... c
  20. 1 brand new unopened set of Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky Bass Strings - 45-105 roundwounds [color="#483D8B"][b]SOLD[/b][/color] 1 Jazz Bass pickguard - white/black/white 3 ply off Fender Mexican jazz (10 screwholes) - normal light wear [color="#483D8B"][b]£7 posted[/b][/color] 1 Dimarzio ClipLock strap - 2" wide, black [color="#483D8B"][b]£12 posted[/b][/color] 1 John Entwistle Bass Culture book - as new, hardback, immaculate [color="#483D8B"][b]Sale Pending[/b][/color] [i]Paypal prefered - any questions etc just drop me a PM.[/i] cheers c
  21. Well I've only ever been interested in doing original material and for years fought against going the covers band route but being in the arse end of nowhere and now the wrong end of my thirties I did finally succumb to forming a covers band. All in all we're pretty good at what we do (classic rock/metal covers - Maiden, Whitesnake, Ozzy, Saxon etc) and its all stuff I grew up listening to so quite fun but I am constantly annoyed by the singer's lack of 'frontman' skills and occasional sloppiness on the part of the guitarists. Also not a big fan of playing pub gigs with no stage etc and the poor pay from most venues though we do always seem to go down well. Still need to be doing something original alongside it really but nothing mch about at the moment and I've got bigger things to worry about at present, though have been working on some solo bass bits n bobs lately... peace c
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