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Everything posted by Jonse

  1. I think this one may fit. Hadn't found this listing earlier, been searching ages! Will find out next week I guess. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F111859332842
  2. It does, but it seems to be the size that I'm struggling with, I think that ones a little too large. Thanks!
  3. This switch fell to bits out the front of my Ampeg micro vr the other day and I've been struggling to get my hands on another and I can't seem to repair this one. I've narrowed it down to being a Rong Feng rf-1003 but I can't find one with the red plastic and led. Anybody know where I might find one in the UK? I'd rather not pay for the extortionate shipping from China if possible. Ampeg haven't replied to my emails. Thanks all.
  4. Like darkglass but sticking with the diamond methinks.
  5. Good: playing with the drummer, playing melodic lines, keeping time, well maintained and good quality gear, turn up to practice and gigs on time, pay my way, lift the gear, drive, good at writing riffs / song composition, good stage presence. Bad: often play too many notes, difficulty singing, often play too loud - too large of a rig (I transport it so why not) little knowledge of theory, don't speak my mind, think I'm better than what I actually am, buy too many nice straps.
  6. Gotta open a can of HEFT right about now.
  7. I'd like this if Lee doesn't take it first! Pm'd
  8. I'd like mine to have a wider variety of stock. Low tier Squiers, a bunch of Mexican and two MIA Fenders doesn't cut it for me. They may be the more common choice for most players, but I'd say 75% of the stock has been there for the last couple of years. The amplification and string selection is just as bad. The guitar section adversely is pretty well varied and stocked. I know guitarists outnumber us and probably keep the lights on but y'know, I'm biased. I actually applied for a job there at one point as a salesperson for the guitar section, they didn't have / want a bass person and clearly they still don't. I didn't get the job. I could have told them what was missing from their shop bass wise but they essentially didn't employ me because I didn't know how to use the recently released line6 helix 😅 I still go in there when I'm about in town, but it feels like they may close soon. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that the store suffers from mismanagement.
  9. I gotta say, no matter what you think of them, it's my 2011 4003 Rick. I've wanted one for about 15 years and have never been in the position to own one, it's one of those childhood basses. Anyway, I tried about 5 vintage 4001 basses and didn't bond with any of them. I tried 2 1990's 4003 basses and they were okay. I then made a 500 mile round trip to try this one and it was just right. Its the only bass I have ever been truly happy with. I thought it might have been a honeymoon period but no, here we are 3 years later.
  10. Sold mine to afford a Rickenbacker. I regret nothing!
  11. I have a nano Pog which I'm thinking about switching the mxr out for, I use some distortion and I think the pog tracks it all better. Brother uses a canyon as he loves EHX. Maybe I'll convince him to let me give it a whirl for a while.
  12. Looking to replace the Cog Knightfall on my board, it's a good distortion, but the blueberry and brown dog have its bases covered, so it's a bit redundant at the moment. Been toying with the idea off a Boss synthesiser, however I can get decent synth tones by combining the brown dog, filter twin, octave deluxe and boost chorus, so not too sure on that one. Maybe something along the lines of a Dispatch Master? Some delay / reverb? Playing rock a la QOTSA / Thee Oh Sees. What would you suggest?
  13. Jonse


    +1 I use a Diamond compressor. I don't really notice that it does anything until I switch it off. In short, it adds punch and clarity. Can't play without it.
  14. On my back up P, around 80% open. On my main player Rick, fully open. That sound is why I bought the thing.
  15. I heard Gibson are gonna start selling pre-snapped headstocks next.
  16. Great, players-grade Stingray available. Bought this a few months ago off ebay from a lovely fella in Southend, not sure if he's on here? However, I've never quite take to it. Body has dings (hard to photograph on a white bass) but in true Stingray fashion it's solid as a rock. Impressively loud and dynamic active electronics too. Bass is comfortable to wear and play. Weighs about 4.2kgs so not too bad with a decent strap. Thick, smooth satin neck that fits well in the hand. Figuring isn't too bad on the eye either. It doesn't have it's original nut, it currently has a graphtech nut fit for a P-bass which does the job and gets a comfortable action, but this isn't an exact fit. I've tried to photograph this as best as possible. The previous owner had a brass nut made for it (also included) but I thought the graphtech nut was a little better fit. The bass deserves to be sent off and have a nut built for it (£50 of work?) but I've been happy with its current set up. It's never been my number one bass so this was never a priority. Comes with a choice of 3 pickguards: the red one, white (original) and a white pearl. Think this is the cheapest Californian Ray anywhere! No trades thanks, need the cash for future bass purchases. Any trial welcome, I'm in Leicester. Could potentially ship although I have no case for this but I do have suitable boxes and plenty of packing material. I estimate £20 shipping to mainland UK but please message me about this. I'm also willing to drive reasonable distances for a little petrol money. Thanks all.
  17. Same year for me, I recognise the name. I was on the indoor stage. It was probably that gig that spurred me on to get an Orange actually. Anyway, Amp now on hold.
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