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Everything posted by Len_derby

  1. [quote name='parker_muse' post='1194100' date='Apr 9 2011, 09:59 PM']What do Yamaha have to do to break into the top tier of bassy conciousness?[/quote] They probably ask themselves that question a lot. I'm with you on the quality. I've never picked up a Yammy bass or guitar that hasn't impressed me. Could it possibly have something to do with cultural snobbism? Compare basses with sports cars and (to a lesser extent) motorbikes. The Japanese make excellent versions of both sports cars and bikes. But for fashion/conciousness/desirability they almost always lose out to the flashy European makes.
  2. [quote name='fifeq' post='1192450' date='Apr 8 2011, 12:10 AM']My friend is looking for coverband for the last weekend of May. some Rock Pop. More details to follow.[/quote] Here's a link to the Horse and Groom (Derby) website. This pub, in my opinion, has the best local cover bands that fit the Rock/Pop mould. It's got links to band websites. [url="http://www.horseandgroomderby.co.uk/whatson"]http://www.horseandgroomderby.co.uk/whatson[/url] Also, I recommend The Sandmen [url="http://www.myspace.com/sandmenuk"]http://www.myspace.com/sandmenuk[/url] They're really good, but mostly blues/rock rather than pop/rock. There's a vibrant band scene in the East Mids, so you shouls have no trouble finding bands.
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1193478' date='Apr 9 2011, 02:41 AM']i think its a sign of great musicians when you blend in with them but you stand out at the same time... they make you sound good.[/quote] So true. The mark of a good musician is that they make the band as a whole sound better. As bassplayers specially we should always remember that.
  4. [quote name='bh2' post='1191993' date='Apr 7 2011, 05:11 PM']Kind of Blue... bang![/quote] Yep, this was the one for me too. The bit of 'So what' where the full band 'swings in' has to be one of the peaks of human creativity in any artform. Or have I just started drinking too soon for a Thursday?
  5. I've just concluded a pedal for pedal trade with Simeon. All good. A grand chap to do with business with.
  6. I suffer from cold hands at the best of times. It's a real downer when your fingers are too cold to follow instructions from your brain properly. A lady fiddle playing friend of mine knitted me some fingerless gloves. According to my daughters I now look too much like Albert Steptoe.
  7. [quote name='tom1946' post='1187599' date='Apr 4 2011, 11:48 AM']I actually blushed when I read this It's a church band and that's what we do so on Sunday our keyboard player can't even find his music! Needless to say it's never all right.[/quote] Don't be too hard on yourself Tom. I'm in the same boat. I think of all the musical scenarios I've been in over the years playing for a church is the one where it's hardest to do a decent job. The odds are stacked against us in all sorts of ways. I reckon that if I didn't also have a 'normal' band to play in I'd be a straight-jacket by now! With the secular band we have total control over the choice of material and its arrangements, can take as much time and care as we need to get it right before playing songs live, and we're not subjected to head-in-the-clouds meglomaniacs (aka clergymen&women). Mind you, playing in a church does help you build some skills. Such as transposition on the fly when the keyboard player launches off in an unexpected key.....
  8. [quote name='Luulox' post='1185260' date='Apr 1 2011, 09:04 PM']I am pretty new to listening to jazz and i have only a few jazz cd's, miles davis, John Coltrane and a single Paul Chambers cd. I only took an interest in jazz when i took up the bass a few months ago and i really enjoy the stuff i listen to but one thing puts me off, Bass solos! i understand this maybe quite sacrilegious on a site dedicated to bass, but i cant get into them at all. one minute Miles is doing great things with his trumpet and the next thing you know a bass solo pops up and drains the enthusiasm for a great song out of me. It seems like they are put in to punish you for listening to jazz. i now have new respect for the drum solo! Is it just me? Cheers Pete[/quote] I can see your point of view here. However, the horribly compressed sound of most CDs doesn't do justice to the live sound of a double bass. If you experience a decent double bass solo live, you'll perhaps see the point. You feel it as well as hear it. So much gets lost with those tacky silver beermats.
  9. [quote name='lojo' post='1182138' date='Mar 30 2011, 01:15 PM']Most likely to do with crash cymbals at ear level in some cases[/quote] Yep, I always felt the cymbals did the most damage. Of course, we all wear proper earplugs now don't we.
  10. [quote name='simwells' post='1180244' date='Mar 28 2011, 11:15 PM']£55? No trade offers?[/quote] PM'd you with a trade offer.
  11. Thanks for the string info guys. Think I'm going to have to get me some flats.
  12. I've got Bronzed roundwound on mine. You guys that use flats, are they specifically made for acoustics or just standard flats? As for using an acoustic bass live - I do it sometimes. Always through an amp, I've never DI-ed one (yet). My experience is that you need to fiddle with you EQ to avoid 'boom' or even the dreaded feedback. Covering the soundhole is supposed to be a guard against feedback but I've never tried it myself. As you're thinking, there are some situations where an acoustic bass looks right in terms of blending in with the rest of the band. I've also got away with playing at 'acoustic' open mic nights without the mutterings I might have got with my P or J.
  13. I always loved his records. I think 'Riptide' was my favourite album. The first time I saw him was in the early '70's in a band called Vinegar Joe. It had two lead singers, Robert Palmer and Elkie Brooks. Brilliant.
  14. [quote name='Rixy' post='1173690' date='Mar 23 2011, 07:09 PM']I believe that I am a decent bassist. I've been called "very good" by others, but I don't want to get cocky. While this is nice and all, I don't really have anyone to play with. I have friends, but they're not into music like I am. I'm really into the current UK Ska/Reggae/Punk scene: Sonic Boom Six, Mouthwash, JB Conspiracy, Jimmy the Squirrel, Stuck in 2nd etc. and it would be really fun to get into that kind of music. Problem is, I barely know any musicians that are into that kind of music. I have a friend I jam with sometimes, but he tends to go out of key all the time and frequently bends notes. I'd just be happy with a simple offbeat jam, but once again I'm kind of stuck in a rut as I don't know many people with similar tastes to mine. I was going to put up an advertisement, but I'm wondering whether I'd be able to play with other people in the first place. The only amp I have is a Roland Microcube. I fear it wouldn't have the volume to hang in with other musicians. I'm completely skint, and while I can play proficiently I can't even afford a decent intermediate bass. I guess what I'm wondering is what did you guys have when you started out playing in bands? Many I'm over thinking and I should just get out there and play? I'd really like to play some form of reggae or ska. I wouldn't mind hanging in the back and laying down some low riddims. I don't really expect to be Les Claypool or Victor Wooten. Do you guys have any advice on my little dilemma?[/quote] Only just seen this. I'm PMing you with details of some friends of mine in Derby who are looking for a bassist. I used to play with them but wasn't able to commit at the time (but I'm not the bassist who's just left). They're mostly rock, (covers + originals) but with quirks, so not exactly what (you think) you're looking for, but from what you've said I think you can cut it. They used to practise at The Music Shed, where they have plenty of back-line for hire. But, don't know if they still do. They've had gigs at the Bless and in Spondon. If they don't give you a fair crack at it I'll personally go and give them all a slap, and I'll tell them that.
  15. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='1174712' date='Mar 24 2011, 02:34 PM']As well ascend usual Allen keys, screwdrivers etc, I always take the following to any gigs I do: Towel Liquid soap The reason? To remove the grime from my fingers amassed during gear set up on stage. Some of the folks I played with kind of thought it was strange, but when they too went on stage with clean hands, every one said they felt better when playing. Or maybe myself and the folks I play with are just wierdos? Hahaha[/quote] Yeah, stuff to clean your hands. One of the pubs I play at regularly gives out free food in the interval. Usually pizza, samozas etc, and no cutlery. I only ate once without cleaning my hands afterwards. Disgusting greasy smelly strings. On the spares/tools bit, I'm pretty much the same as most of you. The best string trimmers I've ever found to carry around are Shimano cable cutters, designed for bicycle gear and brake cables. Light and lethal.
  16. I've got a 2003 one, USA made with the double J bridge pickup. Bought from new, and she's done everything I've asked of her and more. I've never been tempted to change anything (apart from strings!). The body contouring (which you can see on KevB's photos) is excellent and this is an extremely comfortable bass to have around your neck for a long time.
  17. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1169868' date='Mar 20 2011, 07:38 PM']is a bit of a problem lately I think I've just decided that I suck at bass and will never really be any good, but that's never bothered me before I've always known that! So how do you guys deal with crisis in confidence, lack of motivation, generic laziness etc?[/quote] I know just how you feel. It does pass though! I think that when we learn things or develop skills our ability doesn't go up in a nice straight line, but rather in steps. Sometimes we're all on the flat bit of the step..... Assuming that you play in some kind of band, why not make a comittment to playing live? Maybe somewhere you haven't been before or with new material? I find that works for me. If it wasn't for the pressure of a looming gig I'm sure I'd find it hard to practise. Len
  18. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1168124' date='Mar 19 2011, 12:15 PM']Most people mellow after 2 or 3 decades of playing, and bands that are lively and exciting at first very often become more refined and less 'fun'. There are exceptions, but I find sometimes that I miss the reckless energy and raw performance from a mature band's performance: for me, refinement and subtle technique are no substitute.[/quote] Yes, I agree with that Mr Mariner (calling you Ancient seems rude). Players have got to still have the 'fire in their belly'. And, yes, it does seem to go out with some.
  19. The idea that, in terms of talent and the ability to play well and entertain, age =bad thing is fairly recent (in terms of the history of music) and totally mad. In my opinion it's all driven by the fashion/'pop' culture/advertising evil axis. We're dupes if we accept it. Ageism is rare in classical music, jazz and blues. Sometimes the opposite happens (which is also silly). If you've got it, you've got it. Age doesn't matter
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='1165147' date='Mar 16 2011, 11:27 PM']Nice one, thanks. Just seen the Roland Cube 100 100 Watt 1x12 Cab Combo which is £279. Might just do the trick.[/quote] I highly recommend these. I've had one for about 5 years.
  21. Success with 'new' gear. I bit the bullet and took the Ibanez acoustic bass guitar out for its first live outing (without a solid-body backup, to make sure I didn't chicken out). It was better than OK really, a nice deep resonant sound through my Roland Cube 100. The band line up was me, an acoustic guitarist playing with a piezo pickup through a combo, an electric piano and a violinist. The set was a bit 'lounge jazz' but a very nice way to spend the early part of a Sunday evening. And visually the acoustic fitted in with rest of the band spot-on. I got quite a few comments. In Britain at least, lots of folk don't seem to have ever seen an acoustic bass guitar. More than one person said 'Thats, interesting, I didn't know they made those'. It's never going to play like an electric, but for some live situations I think it's going to be right choice.
  22. Two big influences for me in the seventies were John Wetton and Ric Grech. I loved Wetton's playing (and singing) with Moghul Thrash, Family and King Crimson. I saw him in the Crimson trio with him, Bill Bruford on drums and, of course, Lord Fripp on guitar. Wetton more than held his own with those two musical egg-heads and he looked as cool as f*** I never liked Asia though. To me they sounded juvenile after Family and Crimson. Ric Grech played with Family (see the theme here?), Traffic and Blind Faith. Good, solid bassman, underrated I think. Any sideman of Steve Winwood's has to be good. Sadly passed at the age of 43 in 1990.
  23. That looks lovely. Very appropriate albums in the background of the photo too.
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