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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. Mrs S made the basic error of leaving me on my own with time to kill in Nottingham for the afternoon. I made the even more basic error of nipping in to Hotrox in Sneinton. They had this.... I wasn't going to buy it until i realised; a) that it is medically necessary as the binding on a 4003 is a bit sharp on the forearm, and b) that it will annoy Young Teebs. Oh, and; c) it is bloody lovely. Mrs S did the rolly eyes thing until I mentioned (b) then she understood why i had to get it. Of course, I've broken my one-in-one-out rule so expect some major activity in the marketplace shortly. Or I have a kidney if Raymondo's interested.....
  2. Tell anyone who asks that it's a Doug Ferguson tribute bass......
  3. True - but at least the drummer knows what he's playing and gives him a chance to start bringing the tempo back to where it should be
  4. I’ll check with the drummer and let you know, Gary. Andy still getting over excited from time to time 😁 Try and keep him off the Red Bulls if you can 😀
  5. Our drummer has some phone app thing which tracks the actual tempo he's playing at and he uses that to make sure he's playing -broadly - in time. It's early days with this band but it seems to work. There've been a couple of occasions when the guitarist has queried the tempo and the drummer's just pointed at the trace line on the app. Discussion closed.
  6. Welcome to the forum! Another member in Lincolnshire? Excellent - we can hold our very own Linc's Bass Bash (a Bass Bash is a bit like those gatherings of modified Japanese cars but with less tyre noise. And generally held indoors rather than a car park. In fact, the whole thing's less car and more bass. But there are donuts. Well, baked goods of all sorts, really). Thinking about it, a Lincs BB might be a little ambitious. We could hold it in a lift somewhere. But we're definitely heading towards an East Midlands event! Anyway, welcome. Don't worry about the age thing. I started when i was fifty. There's a reason why gear has got lighter in recent years and it's directly correlated with the age of those who have to lug it around! Me and Greefy are just up the road if you need anything 😁
  7. How was I to know? He could have changed his name to Jazzy4000. Or Used-to-be-Ricky-but-now-not-so-much4000 *Sigh* Where's that sander......?
  8. Aaaaaaaarghhhhhh!!!!!! Noooooo-oooooooo! Not again
  9. Well, it's better than "I heart Teebs". I got this one for Ricky.
  10. It was an orbital sander and a bottle of Scotch at the finish. Got this one instead now......
  11. It's gone now, thank goodness. Just waiting for my ar$e to grow back.
  12. Odd, isn't it? I never imagined you wearing glasses......
  13. .....had been sealed using Vaseline and silicone. "I don't know if it will ever work again," he added. ....And how often have those words haunted my nightmares?
  14. All the difference according to Mrs S. I'm 5'10" these days - down from 5'11" at my peak
  15. I just bought a Zoom H2n recorder off Dave. It was despatched yesterday and arrived this morning having been sent (at no extra cost to me!) for guaranteed next delivery before 1pm. The recorder itself took some getting at through all the packaging but when i did finally unearth it, it's in superb, just-as-described, condition. This was a perfect BC transaction and Dave is an absolute gent to deal with. Thanks, Dave!
  16. Three album limit makes it tricky but..... Still Life (Talking) - Pat Metheny Group Moonmadness - Camel Amarok - Mike Oldfield
  17. He does like to wear a kagoule indoors. it must be nippy in that back bedroom
  18. It’s the standard procurement mechanism used by Greene King that maintains a database of approved suppliers (in this case, your band) along with their payment details and contacts. When the venue make a booking, they go onto their end of the system and raise an order asking you, the supplier to provide them with a specific set of goods or, in this case, services for an agreed fee. You get an email notification of this order and go on to your end of the system and accept it. It then goes through whatever approval processes GK have in place before ending up in the system as a pending order. At the appropriate time you confirm delivery of the goods (service). The venue confirm receipt and this kicks the payment system into action and a couple of days later a BACS payment ends up in the account associated with your supplier record. Provided everyone does what they need to do at the right time, it works well - as others have said, you need to add a five or so to your usual fee to cover the admin charge and you may need to chase the venue manager to either raise the order or, more often, confirm receipt. There is nothing to say that this can’t all be done in a compressed time and for repeat gigs the pub often timed things so that we got paid on the morning of the gig. The Invapay website itself is quite helpful - IIRC you need someone at the venue to raise the initial order and ask you (via an email address) to provide the service - that prompts the system to ask you to create a supplier record which then goes through the supplier approval process. Once that’s done, you’re ready to accept your first Purchase Order. Remember that the system is designed around ordering crates of beer and boxes of crisps and it starts to make sense.....
  19. And Rickenbacker. Don't forget Rickenbacker. Imagine if John Hall called in on one of the Royal Progresses.....
  20. This. The full subtext of the letter is ; ”Hi Chris, Our legal bods have told us that, what with discrimination and employment laws being the way they are, and our managers being a bit careless with their phrasing now and then, it’s better if we send everyone the same rejection letter. Rather than us say ‘we looked at your application and decided you’re not for us because you’re too old/young/male/female/white/non-white/gay/straight/disabled/tattooed/chavvy/posh/whatever’ (delete as appropriate) and leave ourselves open to all sorts of moaning and whining about discrimination and sexism, racism or some other -ism, we figure it’s just easier to send you a letter that says ‘Aw, Chris, mate, what a bummer. You’re probably awesome but wouldn’t ya know, we just took someone on’. This way, we can safely junk your application because you’re waaaaay over qualified and old when really we just want a young school leaver - preferably a pretty one with nice legs (not that you can say that these days, see my point above, God, what is this world coming to? It’s political whotsit it gone mad) - and you’ve got no comeback. So, like, thanks and all that, but, hey, vacancy filled So, y’know..... Good to hear from you though. You have a great day.....”
  21. I know the Yam well as that's what we used in the last band. I'd happily get another but i just want to check first to see what digital options there are these days and whether they'll be easier to use. Thanks - that's really useful. I'll check the Mackie out. Ive used Beringer before and they're excellent for the price - they also have a digital mixer which could be worth a look. I have a couple of BF One10s but I'm not sure they have the full range for PA (no tweeters). Certainly light though and worth a try
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