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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. I think he's flogged that now and got a Corsa...
  2. Just Saturdays, what with him not touring so much these days. It gets him out the house and keeping active.
  3. And quite right too. Even if it’s not your fault this time, you’ll have got away with something somewhere else so it all just balances out if we blame you for everything. Stewblack’s electric shocks, Sam’s smutty innuendos, Ricky’s dress sense, my inability to pass a guitar shop without buying what Mrs S calls “another bloody bass”....All your fault. I could go on.... ...in fact, I think I will. Brexit. The 2008 financial crash. England’s inability to get close to the (men’s) football World Cup since 1966, that bloody awful Three Lions thing, the git that shoved a trolley down the side of my car yesterday, the fact that I couldn’t sleep last night. All of it the fault of That Teebs. Bad Teebs. You should be ashamed of yourself....
  4. Only when worn with a nice, sensible cardigan.... Beige, preferably
  5. What you on about? I want to be him. Or at least, be on whatever he's on....
  6. On the table in the hall. Obvs. 😁
  7. I was the one in the double denim. 😁
  8. Thanks! Just spoke to my old mate who was with me and it was Lancaster! Not a festival at all. He did confirm that we went to Knebworth in 78 and 79 though. As someone just said, if you can remember it, you weren't there - turns out i definitely can't remember it 😃 Now, why did i come in here?
  9. I just checked my old program and you're right. It wasn't 78. So where the hell did I see him then? Sometime between 1977 and 1979 at a festival in the UK (I know because i remember driving back from the gig in the Hillman Hunter I had between those dates, playing the Salmon Song on my very much aftermarket cassette player). Research needed, i think
  10. I saw him in 1978 at Knebworth Festival (Genesis headlined) although i doubt he remembers me. I'm fairly sure I was wearing flares, not loons.
  11. Given the number of rip-off merchants out there, I like to ask a couple of questions just to see if the seller really has the item for sale and that they know basic facts about it. But that's a world away from some of the idiot examples quoted here....
  12. Greetings! Welcome to the forum 😁
  13. "Performing every night on stage with a cast of 1,200". I wonder how many of the 1,200 others are performing for free? Oh, hang on.... They say that the tattoo is the preserve of military personel. My guess is that the military bods who perform just get their normal service wages, plus board and lodging - so the REMT are used to having performers who, as far as they're concerned, do it for "free". They're applying that same principal to this band, conveniently forgetting that anyone who signs up is not actually a paid employee of the Queen.
  14. I think Archimedes may claim trademark on the screw.... 🤫
  15. I'm so sorry to hear this. 6 weeks or 6 months - it's still not long enough to say goodbye. Thanks for sharing this at what must be a difficult and emotional time. That's a fine looking bass and it will be forever special - play it with pride 'cos the old man will be listening and tapping his feet.
  16. And, as you say, Amazon are only taking advantage of the rules. They're not the only employers who follow these behaviours - the agencies who provide workers in the agriculture and food prep sectors are even worse - and it's all perfectly legal. Even worse, it's not just a Tory thing - Big Tony and Little Gordon played along too.
  17. 'Ere, I wanna terr yew a stowry..... My grandma's favourite.
  18. Which is put under even more pressure when real people start to be replaced by robot pickers, software algorithms, delivery drones and the like. Robots don't pay tax so the more that jobs are de-skilled or even replaced altogether, the less income the government has.
  19. They can - but it would cost more than they’d get back. You need the economies of scale for it to work. If a company (A) is in a high tax area (the UK, say), the basic trick is to set up a parent (B) in a low-tax area (Dublin, Luxembourg?) and cross-charge A lots of fees for Head Office services such as HR or PR or whatever. You make all of A’s departments cost centres with all the revenue going to the Parent entity. You can also have B load up A with a pile of debt that has to be serviced with interest charges. All these “costs” reduce the profits of the subsidiary so they pay less tax at the high rate while B makes more profit on which they pay tax at a much, much lower rate. There’s lots of other stunts and many variations on this theme but, as I understand it from someone who set up a Cayman Islands/Dublin/London-based structure to minimise corporation tax, that’s the general approach....
  20. I have no problem with Amazon setting up their corporate structure in such a way that they can have their different corporate entities lend each other money and thus move their profits to the most advantageous (to them) tax jurisdiction. Them’s the rules and if they’re not breaking the law then we should lobby to change the law rather than single out the Companies who use it to their advantage. My gripe is with their employment practice. They’re not the only or worst offenders but that doesn’t mean they’re a decent company to work for. I recommend reading “Hired: 6 months working undercover in low-wage Britain” by James Bloodworth for a compelling and accurate insight into the various strategies that such companies use. I don’t subscribe to his political views but I can attest to a lot of what he says from close personal experience.
  21. Er...... There on the stair. Where on the stair? Right there! A little mouse with clogs on. WTF? (Must stop eating those brownies......)
  22. And yet he speaks so highly of you. We were chatting in bed the other morning and he said "Fwar, fwar, er, that Teebs, fine chap, Victor Ludorum, semper wotsit, no a little higher, yes, Teebs, sound fellah, fwar, fwar" Honest, not a word of a lie....
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