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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. You ok, Hun? Sorry - couldn't resist. Seriously, I hope you're okay. I thought it was a bit quiet round here....
  2. Hopefully, neither are they..... (Sorry Mr Delvar, sir... No 'ffence)
  3. Nice. I think I prefer my more restrained approach though 😀
  4. I think we can rely on Skank to keep any adornments tasteful. A bit like this, perhaps....
  5. Oh there is, Young Teebs, there certainly is.
  6. Black and maple. Mmm mmm. Always looks classy
  7. I think this is a brilliant idea (especially for a bass forum!) and i can't understand why no-one thought of it before! I agree that if people only choose obscure songs to show off their knowledge of Patagonian Jazz or similar then it's going to whither and die. But everything so far has been pretty mainstream and gives us all a fighting chance. My only gripe is that I'm now intimidated by the level of skill being demonstrated..... But that's just me and I'll get over it. Keep 'em coming, I'm enjoying this - thanks, Stew for kicking this off 😀
  8. You cheeky little bleeder - you ain't too old to go over my knee, y'know. I tell yer, if i was twenty years younger yer wunt be ser bleedin' cheeky then. I dunno, bloody kids to-bloody-day, got no respect. 'S them wind turbines wot does it, sends 'em all crazy in the 'ead, like. An' that Young Teens, 'e's the worst of 'em 'e is wiv 'is answ'rin' back an 'is bleedin' whotcher-ma-call-ems, emoanies or some such. Never 'eard the like, I 'aven't. We never needed no emoanies in my day. Oh no, a swift one up the bracket and that left no-one in any doubt abaht 'ow you was feelin'. I remember when it was all fields rahnd 'ere and me and my mate Ricky we used to go dahn the woods be'ind old Johnson's place and nick 'is apples. Anyway, one day..... (Shuffles off, mumbling)
  9. I despair, I really do. It's not bad enough that you don't see the problem, it's the fact that you think you're part of the solution! There's no such thing as a sustainable source for emojis. Once they've all been mined, that's it, they're gone. And conditions in the emoji mines of SE Asia are terrible (there was a Panorama expose on this about six months ago). So not only are you promoting exploitation of child labour, you're also burning your way through a dwindling supply of an increasingly rare commodity - and deluding yourself that you're somehow doing it "responsibly". Get a grip, you hippy!!
  10. Just where do you get all these things from? Some little child somewhere in South East Asia is working night and day for pennies making these emojis just so that you can sp#nk 'em all over the place. Now listen to Mr Delvar and stop with the emojis before this thread becomes another worthless cesspit.....
  11. Thats what one was afraid of....... Still, welcome back. Did you have a nice time in Northumberland? Presumably, TLSMT (The Long Suffering Mrs Teebs) stayed at home for a well-deserved break? 😛
  12. It's been very quiet round here for the last week or so. You been away? Any plans to go again? Please?
  13. Who said "who said that"? I've got everybody on ignore. The forum's been very quiet recently
  14. Interesting. The Flying V registration was filed in 1994. Dean started making the V in 1977. Hmmmm
  15. In the case of the Les Paul registration, it's the shape. There's no size or measurements specified on the registration so presumably it would be determined by a judge's subjective opinion of it came to a court case.
  16. Stop saying "The"! I'm losing count.....
  17. Or 14,251,024 depending on whether Skank's original total included the 12 in his post. Plus another one, just there....
  18. Nail. Head. The wonks in question may know c*ck-all about making guitars but they know a lot about making money. Gibson is a heritage brand and the value is in its history. Cleaning up the trademarks and any IP questions may not add a huge amount to the value but it will make everything a lot cleaner and make the brand much more attractive to a new owner. The Epiphone thing is curious - some of their models are fine instruments in their own right. I have a lovely ES-175 and I've tried a few of their jazz boxes and really liked them. On the other hand, some of their output is truly dire.
  19. Er, sorry. I meant 'really good'. I didn't mean to be so parsimonious with my praise for your new pickup surround. I did mean to say that it looks really good. And £18. Bargain. And as easy to play as a Fender? Without having to be a Fender? Double bargain. So, not just nice but really good. Yes, really good. In fact, hang it, it's really, really good. Sorry. Look at me all gushing and over the top. But it really is really good and i really shouldn't hold back in telling you. Niiiicccceeeee 😀🤣🤣🤣
  20. And kept alive for many years by the peerless Leonard Sachs. I have all his albums.... 😀
  21. Wow. After all these years, surely Gibson would struggle to claim the LP shape as uniquely their own. About the only thing they can realistically claim as their own unique trademark is the word Gibson in that type face and the name Les Paul (although they could struggle with even that). I guess they must be hoping that their lawyers are bigger than Dean and Luna's and that they can get a cease-and-desist order until the full case is (eventually and after years of prevarication) heard. That effectively neutralises the competitor for the foreseeable....
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