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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. If this includes your sizeable entourage, then surely it's worth it for both the venue and the band? They're going to sell a lot of Bolly....
  2. That hurts... *sniff* 😢
  3. What's wrong with me? I read that as "something to garrotte to". I been watching too much Killing Wotserface and Game of Thingies
  4. Absolutely, old chap. Absolutely. Well, as you say, jel.
  5. Well, Teebs English anyway. Quite another thing altogether 😁
  6. Or maybe it is and these are all coded references? Hmmmm? Hadn't considered that, had you? 😁🤫
  7. Like American car ads..... SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! WE'VE DRIVEN A BULLDOZER THROUGH OUR PRICES (and over a sh*t-ton of our guitars but let's not talk about that....)
  8. Asinine Hep Cat? I’m guessing that’s an anagram?
  9. Not surprising. It looks like the woman on the Boots make up counter got the skin tone completely wrong. He needed No 7 ‘Sesame’ not Pale bleedin’ Ivory....
  10. A "rarebit" of casting? Hmm? Geddit? Huh? I'll get me coat....
  11. "as mad as Jones the Bon-kers...."?
  12. Exactly. I dare not even start to calculate the amount of money I've blown on cars over the years. I suspect i could have retired ten years earlier....
  13. If I recall correctly, the Firebird X didn't really set the world on fire, sales-wise? So what are Gibson going to do with all that unsold stock? When their dealers are refusing to buy more Les Pauls unless Gibson take back all those unsold Firebird X's? When they've spent all that money telling the world - and their investors - that this is the future of the guitar? They could discount, of course. But that devalues the brand. It's an embarrassing admission that they got it wrong. Far better to quietly gather them all up and destroy them. Just like all the major design houses do with their unsold stock. There's a reason you don't see last year's Gucci stuff in the discount stores - it all gets shredded. It happens all the time - quietly and without fuss. So laying them all out in a big line and driving a bulldozer over them while taking a video of same seems a bit odd. Maybe they genuinely were unsafe. Returns from the Chernobyl branch of Guitar Center? Edit: I was typing this when Mr Subsonic posted the video above - I haven't had chance/bandwidth to watch it yet but hopefully it sheds a bit of light on things
  14. You pose a number of intriguing questions. If Raoul had been travelling on Southern trains there would have been no mystery. Indeed, the only question would have been whether he'd paid for the first class ticket. But on the TGV? One's curiosity is quite rightly picqued. But, as you say, it may be best not to dig too deep. The executives of Southern trains can be a prickly bunch....
  15. It is the height of vulgarity. But then again, no gentleman would ride the TGV, within or atop. I think we can all agree that, whatever other qualities he may have possessed, the late, unlamented Raoul was no gentleman.
  16. Interesting. Thanks for this.... Hard to tell from the articles of incorporation and the accounts just what the business actually is......
  17. Ah, but that was tyres. Bloody expensive ones. Plus, as you say, I didn't want to meet you and have you mock my Rickenbacker. There are plenty who've heard me play it can do that....
  18. Elegance, sophistication and a certain raffishness..... (Disclaimer: i drive a Jag and thus identify with many of it's fine qualities. I also expect to break down (literally and emotionally) by the side of a motorway any day now....)
  19. When i were a lad we used to 'ave to wash up in't t'horse trough in't market Square. It were al reet unless it were't time for fhather's bath. 3rd o' June every yeer, rain or shine. Pots 'ad to be dun at' toe end. Sorry, Ricky. Had to be done....
  20. Ricky, Ricky, Ricky..... You couldn't be more wrong. 😀 I hated beetroot as a kid and avoided it for years. Was then forced to have some and loved it! Beetroot is brilliant. As are Yes, Genesis, King Crimson and Gentle Giant (IMHO) Not so much ELP though - and i agree with the observations about Robert Fripp. New Standard Tuning my fat ar$e.....
  21. As Premium Members would we get more TLRTs? What other privileges? Marketplace adverts, sure - but what else? Should Premium Members' opinions count double in some way? Or a nice badge? A gold one? I'm up for that
  22. Not wishing to derail this but while we're on the subject, you've reminded me..... I recently got an email telling me my £18 was due. I'm not keen on clicking links in emails - but i can't find anywhere on the site that allows me to pay my dues . This is no doubt because I've very stupid but please help a confused old man and tell me how I pay my £18 😀
  23. I think he's flogged that now and got a Corsa...
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