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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. *sigh* And it was all going so well...... Why couldn't we stick to safe subjects? Like contract killing, human experimentation and body disposal? Eh? Oh no.....you had to go and lob that grenade in....
  2. There are no guys in the cellar. There are no strange noises coming from the cellar. The power does not dip alarmingly shortly after Ray has gone into the cellar. If we all stick to the same set of "facts" we'll be fine. So, I say again; There are no guys in the cellar.. There are no strange noises.......
  3. And the Scots (or 'Jocks' as i believe they prefer)
  4. What makes this site work? It turns out that there’s a limit to the amount of internet porn that even I can watch. Got to fill the rest of the day somehow.....
  5. That's one of the combinations I want to try - the other is to have a small cab as "backline" for on-stage sound and use the PA for FOH duties. I'll report back on how it works out 😁
  6. Firstly, thanks to everyone who's taken the time to contribute to this thread - it's been enormously helpful for me and gives me a few things to try out. Sadly, funds don't run to much in the way of additional gear so new subs are out of the question till after Chrimbo. Fascinating as the KRK Ergo and Lyngdorf thingies sound, they are way out of budget (I have a pretty decent Linn system at home and the Lyngdorf is quite tempting.....but back to cold, hard reality for a second). Next year i think we'll be looking at going with active subs and tops, and I'm tempted by the Beringer XR18 if i can find a buyer for my Bergs and the Genzler Magellan.... But for now, I have some good suggestions for how we make the most of what we have - thanks again, everyone 😎
  7. Er......isn't that a G50? Not a G30 as your title suggests? Great unit, by the way and GLWTS
  8. Plonker. I'm keeping score you know..... I haven't forgotten about Tufty The Arsonist.
  9. You'll remember this conversation at your next gig when you realise that you've lost something vital..... ....most likely your marbles but might equally well be a strap or a lead. But probably the marbles. Again.
  10. Famous last words there, Young Teebs. Famous last words.....
  11. Last gig (which admittedly was a weird layout) we were in a small extension at the end of the room so my cabs were right at the back of the extension next to the drummer and the guitar was through the PA. I had to be loud to be heard put front and even then I was, apparently, quiet compared to guitar. That was an odd shaped room but it got me wondering how best to set up so that we got the right balance of sound both FOH and on stage. I'm going to try the suggestions here and see how that goes.....
  12. Thanks. It's a good thought but tricky - the guy's wedded to his Headrush. It'll be hard to persuade him to change... Interesting. So the backline is there for 'heft' and to let the drummer hear me and the PA sound is just for added support out front? I wonder if the answer is a combination of these two - use his FRFR as a backline in the normal way with my Berg's in the backline position as well but put both through the PA to project out front and keep the stage volume down?
  13. Thanks! Thread closed then. Sorted 😁
  14. Like many others on here, I'm a weekend warrior playing mainly pub gigs. In addition to the drummer and singer there's just me and a guitarist. The guitarist plays through a Headrush which is DI'd to the PA and panned to whichever side he's stood. He has an FRFR speaker which he uses as a personal monitor. In previous band I've always been part of a backline with two guitarists so amps and cabs have always been put towards the back of the 'stage' area, behind or in line with the drummer. But with this band there's effectively no backline so inorder to get a decent sound that balances effectively with the guitar and drums, do I..... 1) set up along side the drummer as usual? 2) DI through the PA and have a small monitor in front of me? (bear in mind we don't have any subs and would rather avoid the expense if possible) 3) as an alternative to the DI above, just put my cab alongside one of the FOH speakers on the opposite side to the guitarist and, again, have a monitor in front of me? 4) try some other arrangement that i haven't yet thought of? I've got a pair of Berg CN112s or a couple of BF One10s with sufficient amps and impedance flexibility to run any combination of them. Again, this is small pub gigs which will either see us stuck away in a cramped corner or given half the dining area. Any thoughts on how best to set up?
  15. Strange the way things change over the years. Back in the eighties I had a mate who sold franking machines to businesses. His manager liked to go out on a few calls with new sales reps to show them the ropes, give them some pointers, etc. A favourite "joke" call was to drop in on a Funeral Director, get in to see the man in charge and then do the whole spiel; "do you ever do mail campaigns?", "do you get much repeat business?" - all that sort of thing. This being a Funeral Directors, a lot of the questions were of course wildly inappropriate and the trainee sales rep had to keep a straight face while some unwitting undertaker was trying to explain that a mail franking machine probably wasn't a lot of use in their line of work. Oh how we used to laugh down the pub to hear these stories. And now it seems that the laugh's on us. Funeral directors cold calling punters? They'll be offering 2 for 1 deals and loyalty points next. It's a crazy world. Everything i thought I knew is turning to quicksand....
  16. It’s my not-patented thumbrest what I modelled in clay. And which I gave to my mate who used the CAD modelling and 3D printing kit in which his company has invested thousands over the years to produce a couple for me. Thats the other reason for buying the new bass. I had a thumbrest with no bass attached to it 😁
  17. That looks lovely - is that a pickup surround on the bridge pup? Nice sheen to the walnut - do you polish it?
  18. Oh yeah.... I still need to tweak it to my preferences (raise the bridge pickup a little, fit my not-yet-patented thumb rest properly, swap the strap locks and fit my preferred NYXLs) but it has the same clank-and-growl that the 4003 has.
  19. I've had a regular 4003 for over ten years and love it - but this is so much lighter and the neck is gorgeous. All the others will be going now....
  20. If it's only a few days at this time of year they'll be fine in the loft. Middle of summer might be more of a problem but the risk of overheating in mid-November is probably minimal. And they should also be safe from flood damage 😁 Wrap them in a couple of bin bags to stop the mice/bats/whatever else might be up there from crapping on them and you'll be fine.
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