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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. I got it as a single when it was first released in 1981 and it also turned up on the YesYears compilation as well as the Swiss Choir Christmas album (which I hadn't heard of till recently and would love to get a copy) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chris-Squires-Swiss-Choir-Squire/dp/B002Q9VPG6
  2. I can’t believe no one has mentioned this gem yet.... Not a hit, admittedly but, along with Greg Lake, one of my favourite Christmas songs.
  3. If it is a Rickenbacker then my previous voice-of-reason post is null and void. Buyitbuyitbuyitbuyit.
  4. It's a Rickenbacker, isn't it? In which case, buy it just to annoy Young Teebs.
  5. Can you afford it? Seriously? Can you afford it? If you can't, don't buy. Or sell first, then buy. Hope that helps
  6. Plus one for the Fenders. I've got them on all my basses and guitars. Rock solid and an easy on/off action
  7. Sir! Sir! He said it, sir! He said that word what you said we weren't to say, sir!
  8. I just bought a Vox guitar amp off Mike. Great guy to do business with - a smooth and easy transaction, just as it should be! Thanks Mike 😁
  9. I'd play the gig, personally. Making sure that we had "a last drink together to toast our farewells and no hard feelings". I'd anticipate a decent laxative kicking in after about 40 minutes so one would need to time it so that things get interesting about third song in...... Oh, and a few minutes after sound check and before showtime with a spanner to detune the drums, alter the throw of the kick pedal, smear vaseline on the guitar strings and generally make sure that whatever they tried to play sounded awful. So I'd deffo play the gig. But then, I'm not one to hold a grudge, me. No sirree.
  10. .....and coming away with a complete set of organs*. *specifically, the same set of organs with which the day was started and all of them in their original location. You can never be completely sure with Dr. Mondeaux
  11. Me and the lads are going to bid for the job of repointing Hadrian's Wall.....
  12. Don't feel left out - Teebs mines his emojis from the tears of orphans....
  13. Could do you a swapsie? I've got a stash of Polly Pockets too, if you're interested? And it's not even 10am. How can you use up all of your TLRTs so soon? Have you found a way of giving them out by the handful? Are you leaving a trail of them through the woods in the hope of luring travellers to your cottage?
  14. Yeah? Whatcha want? My Little Ponies - got 'em all, mate. How many you need?
  15. So long as the splitter is wired in parallel, not series then you'll be fine - two 8ohm speakers connected in parallel will present a 4 ohm load to the amp. If there aren't two outputs on the amp or two sockets on one of the speakers then you'll need a splitter as you say - just make sure it's wired in parallel. Edit: i just read your post again and it seems like the 2x10 has two sockets so you can use them quite happily - one in from the amp, one to feed the other cabinet. Oh, and so long as it's not a valve output (which it isn't) you can run the amp without speakers and just headphones
  16. Felt Fuzzy Dunlop. The new winter tyre that won't let you down......
  17. I have one of these and it’s excellent. Really well made. I also have an unbranded one that I got from either GAK or Gear4music. It had the issue where the foam reacted with the finish on one of my guitars - I got some sticky-backed felt and wrapped a length of that around the foam. Sorted. That said, the stand’s nowhere near as good as the Quiklok one....
  18. This....... Last band were definitely mates. This band? Colleagues for sure
  19. Beat me to it with that one 😁 I think that makes us one-all doesn't it?
  20. The White Hart in Hemel is another one where theres every chance of a drunken punter taking out a monitor or worse. If not during the dancing then during the fight at 11:40 or thereabouts. It's a great gig but you can guarantee that some drunken tosspot will try to dance with his pint slopping everywhere before face planting a monitor. We ended up moving the PA speakers well back onto the stage area as i was always terrified that someone would end up underneath a 15" EV speaker. And why is it that the girl who wants to request her favourite track always singles out the bass player to ask? Is it because we're so incredibly cool that we look like we have all the time in the world to chat? No, i didn't think so either - but there must be a reason and it's not my boyish good looks....
  21. Yeah, sorry. Just a right one, though...
  22. Wow. The Irwell's looking nicer than I remember......
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