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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. Now then, Young Teebs. No politics, remember.... Tsk, tsk.
  2. "Fwar, fwar. All right, Teebs, mate. You can let me down now......Hey, Ricky, I can see your house from here, fwar, fwar."
  3. That makes much more sense.....thank you!
  4. The Flashing Blade, Belle and Sebastian.....
  5. Ooh, Young Teebs won't care for that. Unless, of course, you consider Manchester to be just the top bit of the Midlands and the North to start properly somewhere around Newcastle, ha-way the lads, like, why-aye pet, hinny-man, na-thin....?
  6. Alas, i fear I'll be grazing my nuckles on the inside of my coffin lid by the time the post becomes vacant. Plus, I suspect that in these more enlightened times the Powers That Be would prefer to appoint someone more relevant to today's society than an ageing reprobate like myself. My guess is that it will be that Diseased Rascal chappy (I may have misheard his name but you'll know the one i mean. Stocky cove, fond of hats, appropriately enough....)
  7. I let these little fellas do the talking for me....
  8. Didn't Dr Seuss write a book about all this ...and then something went BUMP! how that bump made us jump! we looked! then we saw him step in on the mat! we looked! and we saw him! the prat in the hat! and he said to us, 'why do you sit there like that?' 'i know it is wet and the sun is not sunny. but we can have lots of good fun that is funny!' "Just look at my bass It's a Fender you know, And tell me it's ace And not just for show If I play you a song You can all sing along But cover your ears When i get it all wrong" And there on the mat With his ludicrous hat There stood the prat The prat in the hat With a smile on his face As he played on his bass The children all applauded the prat And threw coins in his hat Where it lay on the mat And they shouted and shouted And all sang along Till the prat in the hat had ended the song "You should be on telly, On one of the Beebs, Oh please play some more, On your bass, Mr Teebs" But the prat was tired His hat was too tight So the prat in the hat Bade the children good night. And off he went with a swish of his hat That marvellous hat On the head of a prat.
  9. No. What he needs is a bag...... 😁
  10. Gets my vote then! Come on, vote Sombrero!!
  11. Which is perfectly fine and whilst I’m sure the blog is excellent, I for one would respect your wishes to let “I was Hitler’s Bassist” become a thing of fond and distant memory. But there is definitely a clamour for more of the Del Var wit and wisdom. Your many contributions to this forum are, I think it’s safe to say, universally welcomed and appreciated - but is there not an opportunity for you to free yourself from forum constraints and give your imaginings full reign with an occasional series of blog articles? A view from the porch, as it were. The bass-based equivalent of A Letter From America. Or just the collected memoirs of one who used to run a burger van with one of the most influential figures of the era? Then, when you have enough material, gather it into a book and chuck it on Amazon to make a few quid like the rest of us.
  12. And then you look around you at your fellow musicians and discover a policeman, construction worker, naval rating and a cowboy on stage with you. Bad things come from bad hat choices. Some people can wear hats, some can't. Some could stick a plant pot on their head and look cool, trendy and sophisticated. Others (and i count myself among them) could wear the coolest of cool hats while stood in a fridge in the middle of December and still look like a pillock. Every hat I've ever worn has managed the trick of looking embarrassed to have me stuck to its a£se. So, listen to Del Var's sagacity and wisdom, heed his advice, take his words and hold them to your bosom like the cherished pearls they truly are - but be prepared to accept that, regrettably, The Hat may be for others to bear and not for you....
  13. You're looking well, Ricky. That hairstyle suits you
  14. You could buy a new one.... http://www.speakergrills.co.uk/ Or, as you're a tightwad according to your original post, just live with the dents. If the grill is still doing its job of protecting the cone why bother? In fact, why not 'relic' it? Stencil band name of your choice on it and then rub the stencil till it looks faded. Stickers, peeled and torn off. You know the kind of thing... Hey, people do it to very expensive guitars so why not amps, cabs and combos?
  15. What you two get up to in the privacy of your own bedroom is your business..... I'm sort of surprised she lets you though...... Odd woman. 😮
  16. You don’t realise he’s a soul singer until his Bill Withers...... (20-odd years I’ve been waiting to get that joke legitimately into a conversation. Twenty-odd years. My life mission is now complete)
  17. This is also a tactic that has been used for years by people (and developers) buying houses near motor racing circuits and then bringing actions about the noise. Croft, Donington, Mallory Park, Oulton Park - all had similar complaints and forced to introduce noise restrictions, cut down on race days, testing, etc. Again, did you not notice the signs when you bought your house near to the racing circuit?
  18. Hahaha! That man is an imposter! I am Skinnyman (and so is my wife!). weirdly, it does look as if they filmed it outside our house....
  19. With his strangely tiny right hand?
  20. I’m down with the kids so I was going to respond with “word” and a couple of little fist-bumpy icons. But the nice man from the broadband people didn’t show me where the little emoji-ma-flips live so you’ll have to make do with a “well said, sir” instead. Searing analysis as ever, Mr D. Oh, and isn’t Flash tough on grime?
  21. Worried? They're terrified.....
  22. I've got the studio time booked but no producer will work with me. Not since.....y'know
  23. Tain't moi go an' oi'm not one to push in, loik. 'Tis Bartelby's go if you two'd shut up an let 'im get a word in....
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