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Everything posted by steantval

  1. Very sad news. The harmonies will never be the same again.
  2. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1449827343' post='2927175'] Wilko Johnson (supporting) and Status Quo at the BIC in Bournemouth last night. Excellent night. Wilko seems to be back in fine form, which was a relief after seeing him on TV after his operation. Status Quo were also excellent, although I am not sure Rick's heart is in it anymore. It was a interesting night, being the youngest person in the balcony section at a gig. That hasn't happened for some time! [/quote] Not sure mine would be either after playing the same three chords for the last fifty years.
  3. JellyKnees You state you would rather watch 10 original bands of which only one or two might be any good. You must enjoy Jools Hollands Show on TV judging by that level of satisfaction.
  4. This topic has again brought up the age old debate of covers/tribute v's original bands. All my playing career I have played in many cover bands and one tribute band, we are just about to start gigging a new covers band in February after a year of not playing and I cannot wait. There appears to be a musical snobbery that the covers players are deemed to be inferior musicians to the ones playing in original bands, I think this attitude stinks. For a bass player to perform in a class tribute act doing i.e. Rush, Yes, Steely Dan you need to have a high degree of musical ability, on the other hand to play bass in the majority of "indie" bands, musical ability is way lower down the scale........just stick to the root notes will do. In response to the fake festival question, I would sooner pay £20 to see Limehouse Lizzy perform than Florence and the Machine who somehow managed to headline "the real festival" Glastonbury, there is certainly no accounting for taste.
  5. Very sad news. One of my musical heroes and influences. I am now at an age when sad news like this is now becoming all too frequent.
  6. There is one song in our set where I use a pick and play with my fingers. First part of song is hard pick playing, quiet bit in middle - pick in mouth, then use fingers - outro is hard pick playing again.
  7. I was very surprised by her death at a fairly young age. Just read she had serious crack cocaine and heroin addictions in the past. Pumping that stuff into your body will inevitably have it's consequences as you get older.
  8. This band are the muts nuts, I'm pretty sure they are top session players. www.getfunked.com
  9. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1449828749' post='2927205'] Pretty much punk in a nutshell really. [/quote] I second that.
  10. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1356692280' post='1912401'] There are more rotten bands around than useless bass players. Most rock bands are unbelievably, stunningly dull and boring...but are completely oblivious to it. [/quote] You obviously don't like rock.
  11. Blimey that brings back the old memories, went to see Egg live in the 70's. Also remember the prog bands Greenslade and Badger from that era.
  12. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1443863053' post='2878203'] that needs using as an example as to why bass solos (and drum solos) should be banned by law, if I'd have been there I would have walked out, what a load of pretentious crap [/quote] My friend, you need to listen to Mr Big (live) by Free.
  13. Gunn have just released a cover of Hot Chocolates " Everyone's a Winner" I like it.
  14. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1442176844' post='2864967'] Not as big a mistake as watching it! [/quote] I actually switched off after three numbers. Rod will still be classed of one of the best vocalists out of the UK, it's just a shame that age has taken its toll on his once great voice. The first album I purchased was Jeff Beck - Truth with Rod on vocals.
  15. Not good - voice shot. Big mistake following on after Bryan Adam's excellent set.
  16. I went for an audition with a band on Sunday evening, they have two guitarists - one rhythm and one lead. The lead player did not bother to turn up, apparently out of 6 arranged rehearsals he has only turned up for 2. The vocalist was saying what a fantastic guitar he was, I replied he could be the best player in the world but if he doesn't turn up you have no lead player. I told the band I would not be joining if they continued with that unreliable tw*t.
  17. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1438729149' post='2836822'] "Slipped and died love" ? [/quote] Well out of order IMO. When someone dies it's not the time or place for joking. I think "respect" is the word.
  18. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1435852187' post='2813076'] She has actually posted a clip of her playing the bass on this forum somewhere. I thought she sounded good. [/quote] Then Sir, I will retract my "harsh" response.
  19. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1435608447' post='2810613'] Yep. It was an event. Huge news the next day. Loadsa lovers, loadsa haters. That's what music is supposed to be about. Glasto 2015 was Kayne. Proper. [/quote] Do you actually play an instrument or are on on here just to wind musicians up?
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1435534079' post='2809878'] I'm glad someone else said that before I did! I like the Who, but the energy, anger and tension which I associate them with are no longer in evidence. They made some amazing music in their time, but I'm not sure this represents it that well. This being a bass forum, it's tempting to put this down to the lack of Entwhistle, but I think I miss Keith Moon's drumming as much, maybe even more so. [/quote] The two main guys are nearer to 70 years old, your remarks about lack of energy, anger and tension do not make sense, people grow up and hopefully mellow out a bit. I'm certainly a different character than what I was when I were in my early 20's, it's all part of growing up.
  21. Not to sound like my dad, but the old ones are the best, nobody really stands out nowadays.
  22. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1435530564' post='2809825'] Unfortunately. There will never be another OX. We have to make do. [/quote] It could be worse, it could have been Kanye West's bassist - a backing track !!!
  23. Proper music from real musicians - great. Daltrey can still belt it out, he must be getting on for 70, what a comparison to Lemmy the other night a similar age. Pino on bass sounding good and I can hear the bass.
  24. I thought the bass player was great No musicians on stage, just backing tracks, if this is Music 2015 we all might as well sell all our bass gear. Considering you are on a Bass Forum, what are your thoughts, Jenny Innie and Lay Down Da Funk ?
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