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Everything posted by pnefc42

  1. Queen's 'A Night At The Opera' maybe? Recorded during 1975, still sounds pretty fresh to my ears
  2. Greedies (Lizzy/Pistols collaboration) -Merry Jingle, best Xmas tune ever!
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1386343272' post='2299056'] I'm 30 now, I'm never going to make pro, I play gigs with no problems, couldn't give a f*** from there on. [/quote] +2
  4. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1386281219' post='2298361'] How's this... [/quote] Quality!
  5. [quote name='rumour6' timestamp='1382473255' post='2252691'] (oh they sound great too.... ) [/quote] Too right! My GB IV sounds the dogs!! Good luck to the OP with the sale, will make someone VERY happy!!
  6. Beautiful bass! Just to say I have known Simon (Soggs) for good many a year and can confirm he's a top bloke - deal with confidence! Cheers Dave
  7. My self put together J with J Retro - lovely! [URL=http://s52.photobucket.com/user/pnefc42/media/P8090065_zps3f18d912.jpg.html][IMG]http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g26/pnefc42/P8090065_zps3f18d912.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Cheers Dave
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  10. The magnificent 7 - The Clash (awesome tune!)
  11. Do you have a photo showing the routed cavity without the cover in place? Cheers, Dave
  12. Hi Alex I have a Carvin R1000 Head (very powerful & versatile) that I don't use at the mo (it's rack mountable) that you'd be welcome to borrow for as long as required until you get yourself sorted. Only problem is I'm in North Devon so logistically may be difficult - offer is there though mate Cheers Dave
  13. Just bought a J Retro off Mark. Pleasure to deal with as previously said - good coms, no messing about & quick delivery - highly recommended! Cheers Dave
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  15. I've bought a couple of pre-amps off John - a J retro which I bunged into a Fender Geddy Lee then subsequently stupidly sold on here a few years back, and, this time last year, a modified U retro with no balance control for my single pick up SB1000 which I am currently gigging with my 80s band (John even fitted an LED battery indicator as the exisiting SB100 circuit had one) Needless to say on both occasions John was an absolute pleasure to deal and a true Gent. The pre-amps sound fab & are highly versatile and I am currently considering buying another J retro to bung into a project J bass that I'm currently putting together As others have already said an absolutelt top bloke ans would recommend him to anybody
  16. [quote name='rushbo' timestamp='1360447146' post='1970744'] Ah memories....here's my Jaydee story. About 1988, I found myself in a band with two of John Diggins' sons - a very useful guitarist and drummer. We used to rehearse at his workshop in Brum after hours - a bench got moved to the side and a PA flung up and off we went. This meant we practically had the run of the place and I had a number of delicious Jaydees to twang on. My favourite was a Supernatural which apparently was a "second" - the bridge was slightly askew if I remember correctly. I saw some amazing stuff - instruments belonging to Tony Iommi, Dave Hill and of course, Mark King. One of Mr Level 42s basses was in for a post tour service and I was very impressed that thanks to his powerful slappage, he had managed to wear grooves in the pick up covers. That and the fact that they weighed A TON raises Mr King in my estimation. I got to have a good ol' prowl around the facility and see some beautiful instruments being made, including the legendary Jaco Jaydee. I even had a chat with the Bassie from Cutting Crew (remember them...?) when he picked up his instrument after a service. What a nice man. I only managed one gig with the Diggins boys - I was sacked because the singer didn't like me. Hey ho. Ironically, I used the Supernatural at the show with my custard yellow BC Rich as the back-up. The BC Rich had a case. The Supernatural didn't. I remember having a post gig curry with the Jaydee leaning against the table, caseless, with numerous waiters nearly falling over it. Then, slightly tipsy, I wandered through Brum with it over my shoulder as if it was a hobos backpack. Even though I'm a Fender man nowerdays, if I had the cash, I'd grab one of these beauties in a hot minute. I wonder what happened to that shop soiled Supernatural? [/quote] Great Story!!
  17. Great to see 'I believe' from the Darkness in there - that song is sheer rock poetry!! (There finest/definining moment without a doubt) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFtywrOTnHw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFtywrOTnHw[/url]
  18. [sub]In response to a few enquires, the specs of the bass are as follows;[/sub] [sub]Body: Single piece American Swamp Ash (finished in 'Old English' White which is now starting to yellow nicely)[/sub] [sub]Neck: Flamed Birdseye Maple[/sub] [sub]Fingerboard: Rosewood[/sub] [sub]Circuit: GB Rumour 3 Band (Bass, Mid, Treble) [/sub] [sub]Series/Parallel switching[/sub] [sub]All PM's replied to[/sub] [sub]Cheers[/sub] [sub]Dave[/sub]
  19. [quote name='TOMAS' timestamp='1358301163' post='1936785'] Would give a £900 trade in price against my Wal 5 Mk3 for sale on basschat..? [/quote] Sorry mate, specifically looking for s Status SII
  20. Yes this was the bass on the website (it was still being displayed in one of the galleries the last time I looked) And you're right it is a stonking bass, just not being played anymore! Also just to be clear the value I've put on it is a 'trade guide' against a Status SII, not really after a cash sale as it's specifically an SII I'm after Cheers Dave
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