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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Oh, my word I see Mani's 4005 has been reduced by three grand, two more reductions like that and I could take a punt on it.
  2. I've only bought one album that was actually released this year. Last week I bought 'Villains' by Queens of the Stone Age and am quite enjoying it, 100% QOTSA but a hint of Gary Numan and Dead Kennedys in places, which is no bad thing, and the single 'The Way You Used To Do' is rediculously catchy.
  3. What sort of music do you play?
  4. Currently learning 'The Real Me' by The Who. At first it seems like 90% fills, it's one of the trickiest I've had to learn but I'm getting there. Someone mentioned Rio, in my acoustic band I have to do that one on doublebass
  5. A Ricky 4005 is one of the few basses I covet but they are crazy money, IMO. I can't see this being less than five grand. Although all my family are doing the whole "we don't know what to get you for Christmas" thing. When's the auction
  6. Thanks for the reply JimBob, if I do decide to get something I'll go for maple then I think, save a load of hassle.
  7. Slightly off topic, sorry. Would I need to go through this if I were to buy a bass from China? Thinking about buying something from Ali Express as a base for extensive modding but don't want to go through this palaver.
  8. Should've looked back, their best stuff came before that
  9. I was always under the impression that, roughly speaking, the higher the ohms the clearer the sound but the harder to drive. So in theory, if you've got a powerful enough headphone amp then the 250ohm ones should sound the best. I could be, and usually am, wrong though.
  10. Looks like they're counterfeit, like the sort of thing you get on Ali Express, but if you do actually receive the bass then it's surely a good start for some modding?
  11. I had an advert pop up in my Facebook feed for an Ibanez Artcore, presumably because I've just bought an Epiphone Dot (shh don't tell anyone :D). Anyway curiosity got the better of me and I had a look, OMG they have a mint green Talman bass in their Black Friday sale for less than fifty quid. I don't even want to look into it because I really don't need or have room for it, but it is beautiful. Just thought the site might be of interest to some here, or it might be too good to be true, buy with a credit card and claim it back if nothing shows up. Best of luck weak willed compadres http://www.ibanezmall.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=526&products_id=9381
  12. I used to love the version by The Slits, quite a funky feel to it. I had it on a compilation lp called 'We do em our way' but lent it to a mate and never saw it again. It's been taken off YouTube as well.
  13. I like whatever the song's called they're plugging on the radio at the moment. A clever mix of Plastic Bertrand's 'Ça Plane pour Moi' and Ricky Martin's 'She Bangs'. And people will still buy it.
  14. I've had a think and I don't think I've bought anything this year, apart from strings and things, so can mine be imaginary? Best - The Ashdown LB-30 Drophead for sale on here a while ago. One of the coolest amps I've ever seen and sounds amazing. Worst - The Ashdown LB-30 Drophead for sale on here a while ago. In one band I play doublebass and a dirty valve amp really isn't the sound I'm after. In the other band I play electric bass and this sound would really suit but I always DI and use a floor wedge, no amp, so it just wouldn't get used. Would make a lovely object dart though.
  15. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1509313559' post='3398053'] One of the reasons a fretless is on my Christmas list! [/quote] Add a twelve string to that list if you're doing 'Jeremy' as well
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1508844643' post='3394768'] Only play at Oi gigs, as the regular audience don't tolerate the black Friday idiots [/quote] This is true. We play Mod/Northern Soul/Ska and the largest percentage of our audience are skinheads/scooter boys (not the nazi skins mind) and while to the uninitiated it might look terrifying, they really are a great bunch who won't tolerate w***ers. The dancing can get violent but only ever amongst themselves. I've found generally the scarier folks look, the nicer they are.
  17. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1508776120' post='3394340'] There are plenty of people, me included, who can't cope with "Come On Eileen"! [/quote] I don't think Eileen was ever too enthralled at the prospect.
  18. Our Mod band had a brilliant gig last night supporting Secret Affair at The Hub in Plymouth. Our normal pub set is mainly covers with a few originals thrown in, but last night we decided to do a full set of originals. Chatting in the bar area to people before the gig we found out that quite a number had come early to especially see us as they had "heard good things" on the scene, so we were a little nervous as due to the drummers mum being ill and passing away last week, and the guitarists young daughter being hospitalised and diagnosed with a rare life changing condition, we had missed lots of rehearsal time. We had a blast and needn't have worried as we got a lot of positive feedback after the gig on our own material. Secret Affair were ace and were really nice to us after the gig, making time to chat backstage and thank us and give encouragement. All in all a very successful night.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1508428352' post='3392146'] Me Blue [/quote] It was a humorous quip following Dad's post about the sharing of cake Blue. Only quoting half of my post is kind of pointless. Nevermind. Although that being said, if anyone wants to take a gig of this nature and gets something good out of it, be that money, the warm feeling of happiness, a weekend away with the family, etc, the it's really none of my business anyway.
  20. Take the gig, don't take the gig, who cares? But if you're having cake and aren't offering me any there's going to be trouble.
  21. Wasn't the Bass Synth Wah discontinued? Such a cool little pedal for so little money.
  22. Ooh I like that. I keep wondering about making one out of a suitably sized violin/viola. The body won't be big enough to be loud but it would be plugged in with pickup anyway. As long as the scale length was suitable. Or a TB10 sort of thing with a small cello. Or a..... no, must stop
  23. [quote name='OliverBlackman' timestamp='1507730862' post='3387568'] So nickels wear less than steels? I generally use steels so I had a set on the bass when I got it, but I was shocked at how quickly the board marked. Might be worth buying some nickels and tape wounds I guess and comparing? [/quote] The speed of strings marking your fingerboard could be technique related. On a fretted bass you can achieve vibrato by using the same type of motion as a string bend, if you use this motion on a fretless the board will mark quicker. Vibrato should be achieved using the technique employed on all traditional 'fretless' string instruments and a string bend becomes a slide. This way you are merely pressing the string into the board rather than grinding it across it.
  24. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1507911447' post='3388781'] ..... Singer was adamant..... [/quote] A band I used to be in did Ant Music
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