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Everything posted by molan

  1. Easy - less strings Shame my favourite bands when I started playing were Yes & Genesis, that put paid to my 'bass is easier to learn' thoughts pretty rapidly
  2. molan

    Ian Parker gigs

    I just found some pics from a gig when we played at the Torrington, didn't even know I had these! It was my 40th birthday I think (which is why I was allowed to wear a different coloured shirt than the usual 'all black' gear, lol). I think we were a 9-10 piece at the time so no money for us either
  3. [quote name='overwater#1' post='304936' date='Oct 12 2008, 06:14 PM']Hi there, How well does this combo handle low B, and high volume? Im looking for a small amp for pit work and rehearsals. I use an Overwater 6... Would you be able to courier it? Do you have any actual pictures of your combo. Could be extremely very interested!!!! I will be in touch tomorrow with some confirmation if you could describe the above to me? Cheers!! Best wishes, Matt [/quote] Hi Matt, The honest answer is that I've never played a 5 through it so can't be 100% sure how it would work with a low B at high volume. I did find a review from a 5 string player on TalkBass: GIG --- Small/medium room with high, raised wooden stage, fully enclosed on both sides. Much like an old high school auditorium or community theater. In this case, a Moose Lodge. I play this room almost every month and have for years. I\'m VERY familiar with its sonic characteristics (i.e. it\'s favorable for bass and adds some low-end given the \"reflex\" factor of the stage) RIG --- Hanewinckel Vintage fretless 5 with graphite neck and Hanewinckel Vintage Retro 4. Both basses feature Bart pups and 3-band bart preamps. Jacked into the combo with D\'Addario Planet Waves cable, no effects. SOUND ------- Tight and clear. Low-end was not massive (this is a single 10, folks) but it offered a satisfying thump, even on the low B of the fretless. Didn\'t vibrate the stage much, of course. How could it? What it did do, however, is sound balanced and even throughout the frequency spectrum. The highs were especially clean and free of harshness. Upper register soloing was rendered with at times astonishing accuracy. This was very noticeable on the fretted 4. I had the output on this little demon set on 4 and NEVER turned up either bass past about 3/4! Plenty of headroom and tone was very consistent. I did notice a somewhat strained sound when I dug in a bit but it seemed natural and a result of the bass and not the amp. I can\'t wait to try this on a jazz gig with my 1946 Kay upright! COMPARISONS -------------- This is tough because I\'ve never played through a combo amp this small that was even close to being in its class! A single Wizzy with the Walter Woods Ultra or EA iamp 800, for instance, is easily as portable and superior in every way but we\'re talking a LOT more money. SUMMARY --------- If you want the ultimate small combo that sounds huge for its size, look around for one of these. It\'s really nothing short of amazing. I got very lucky when I found mine and it was in near mint condition too. Obviously, this combo won\'t get the job done on every gig. But for the small room, low to moderate volume outings, I can\'t imagine anything better, especially if you seek clarity and uncolored sound. I also took some pics The one of the strap is to show that it's about the only part showing any wear. I did have a problem with an earlier one of these and wrote to Euphonic in the States about it - they sent me a replacement for free
  4. molan

    Ian Parker gigs

    [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='304961' date='Oct 12 2008, 07:03 PM']No string section. 3 - 5 piece brass section though. We never actually all fitted [b]ON[/b] the stage, just in it's general vicinity really. [/quote] I seem to remember the horns (which I mistook for strings) and maybe a girl vocalist, or even two, hanging off the side of the stage
  5. molan

    Ian Parker gigs

    [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='304931' date='Oct 12 2008, 06:06 PM']Pete does Sutton United now. I would not fancy being a promoter in the current climate - I think he does an all right job. M[/quote] I've got a lot of time for Pete really. He loves his music & does put a lot of effort into trying to run 5-6 venues. Biggest problem is that his timing & priorities sometime seem a bit misplaced, a bit more organisation & I always thought he could have added a lot more people to each gig. I'm only basing this on the Torry though as that was my 'local' for many years.
  6. molan

    Ian Parker gigs

    [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='304907' date='Oct 12 2008, 05:28 PM']Very late 90's up to September 2002 with The Danny Steel Orchestra (Steely Dan Tribute, surprisingly enough). You'd know if you'd seen us I think as there were between 10 and 13 of us on (or at least around!!) the stage, depending on the night. I think the other "Feenstra venus" we used to do were the Worcester Park and the Rayners Arms? On the other hand, I could be completely wrong on both counts.[/quote] Yep - I remember Danny Steel, I seem to recall a string section? God knows how you fitted on tot he stage at the Torry I know the Rayners was one of Pete's, awful venue, nearly always half empty, saw both Paul Lamb & Connie Lush perform to about 20 people. Had some vaguely funny evenings there, once saw Viva Santana & more than half the audience were from the Thursday night salsa dancing classes, all in full frills & lace but only one guy - the dance teacher (quaite a lucky guy as a few of the girls were looking pretty good!). Very surreal at times! Pretty sure the Worcester Park was one of his as well.
  7. molan

    Ian Parker gigs

    [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='304873' date='Oct 12 2008, 04:06 PM']I'm a "veteran" from the Torrington days too. Does Mr Feenstra actually actively [b]PROMOTE[/b] his gigs nowadays? He always seemed to have "just missed the deadline for the press ads" whenever we worked "with" him. [/quote] I haven't seen a huge amount of press promotion but the web has helped a lot in as much as the weekly newsletters for each venue have lots of details and seem to go out on time. Funnily enough I did once offer to get involved in the local promotion for the Torrington but never really heard anything back. Who did you play for at the Torry - maybe I've seen you playing?
  8. Groove Control by Dynasty - [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=g4zPTTzEDD8"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=g4zPTTzEDD8[/url] Discofunktatstic
  9. molan

    Ian Parker gigs

    I don't think I can make it to the Abbeye de Neumunster The Bull & Butcher in Whetstone is a bit closer to home though - one of Pete Feenstra's venues (he's an 'acquaintance' of mine from the Torrington days). I'm liking "Your Love" - some cool girlie singing at the end
  10. Had some interest but no firm offers yet so still available
  11. [quote name='4000' post='304453' date='Oct 11 2008, 04:39 PM']It look like it has a tweeter in it. Is it defeatable (i.e. can you turn it off)?[/quote] Yep - there's an adjustable pot on the left hand side
  12. [quote name='ahpook' post='304451' date='Oct 11 2008, 04:33 PM']one of the reasons that i plumped for a valve pre and a solid-state power amp ![/quote] That and the weight
  13. Bugger - I also just spotted this - my office is on Shaftesbury Avenue as well! Didn't leave work until about 8:00 last night so could easily have made it, damn.
  14. My SVTII is in for a re-valve at the moment - I have a feeling it's gonna cost more than £50 tho
  15. Very nice, similar to my 4 string Sadowsky and and the 5 that's sitting on EBay with a minimum asking price of £2,200!
  16. Can't beat Mr Hunt for a straight dealer on his basses & gear - I'm more than happy to vouch for him & when it comes to Warwicks he really knows his stuff
  17. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='287473' date='Sep 19 2008, 04:57 PM']I think Les Pauls are overpriced in comparison to SG's.[/quote] SG -the guitarist's guitar, so many great players have used an SG ahead of an LP
  18. [quote name='Clarky' post='301018' date='Oct 7 2008, 08:28 AM']What about this vocal-free version of Bernadette? [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LLPVqlSw_l4&feature=related"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LLPVqlSw_l4&...feature=related[/url] My all-time fave Jamerson lines though are on Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On"[/quote] I can't get enough Jamerson - I've got an entire album of Motown instrumentals, not as bare as this mix but all lead vox removed & some backing vox left in to help identify parts of songs - over 120 tracks of great musicianship from the Funk Brothers Quite a few of the tracks are up on YouTube - here's one of my all time favourites : [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FgX2r7WaIlA"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FgX2r7WaIlA[/url] It's great to listen to the earlier version of the same song and compare what Jamerson did on each : [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xzgIz8SrDgY&feature=related"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xzgIz8SrDgY&...feature=related[/url]
  19. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='301611' date='Oct 7 2008, 07:04 PM']I'll play the wrong part again later in the song so it doesn't seem overtly obvious I've cocked up.[/quote] Ah, the old "jazz" trick - make sure you stare angrily at someone else in the band, ideally the guitarist or keys person & then shake your head in dismay as he's obviously played the 'wrong' note again. . .
  20. [quote name='stewblack' post='299604' date='Oct 4 2008, 09:01 PM']Funnily enough I write the first note next to each song. It's titles that I forget so I live in dread of starting the wrong song. I figure that if I'm at least on the right note I'll recognise the song once it gets going![/quote] That's exactly what I do as well - my set list has a simple reminder of the first note in the exact position I play it. It's a bit muppet-like but I literally have stuff like E5 to signify that the song starts on the 5th fret E string so I can use this as an 'anchor' from which to remember my patterns. I play entirely by memory other than that, have never got on with chord charts etc. All I do is play them over & over, if I'm really struggling I try to play the bass part for the entire song without any backing whilst 'listening' to the song in my head. Only problem with this tactic is that stuff gets so ingrained that i wake up in the middle of the night with whatever my latest song is stuck going round & round and can't get rid of it!
  21. Must be worth more than £900 surely?
  22. [quote name='Rayman' post='299913' date='Oct 5 2008, 02:57 PM']PM'd.[/quote] Nice Speedway avatar by the way, is that a Belle Vue team logo? Reading Racers was my team back in the late 70's when we had Anders Michanek
  23. [quote name='bubinga5' post='299849' date='Oct 5 2008, 12:42 PM']Molan, the Wilton Felder album was Inherit the Wind..[/quote] I checked and the CD I have is Forever Always - which also has Bobby Womack on the title song. If you want the track Inherit the Wind as opposed to the whole album it's easy to find on download
  24. Wow, only just spotted this, I tend to bypass 6 stringers up for sale as I can barely master 4 but I love the look of this baby
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