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The fasting showman

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Everything posted by The fasting showman

  1. I think there's the cab for this head on ebay right now, sorry I can't attach the link, the ubiquitous 'bass cab' search brought it up. I remember them as nice amps, Colin Moulding from XTC used the combo of the same amp chassis at one point. I've heard them in action coping quite well in rock bands, I think it will be fine with an efficient cab.
  2. Just sold my smartest TE 1153 to Gray; wish my rat fur one looked as good as the one I sold! A pleasure to deal with, positive and decisive throughout. Keep me posted if you gig in Lichfield again. Cheers, Martin
  3. I think a very thin plectrum was all that was needed, in answer to the thickness of shim.
  4. Just remembered who recommended the shim in that position; Buzz Feiten. Hope it works!
  5. Keep it! I have an identical setup, even down to the boschma case and it's the best amp I've ever had, wish I'd dropped on mine years ago. For anybody who is perturbed about the jumper lead in the FX loop, it really is no big deal at all. My 400rb of the same vintage has the same issue, cured in the same way; it's just a quirk related to the Switchcraft switching jack. You can swap the socket, get a tech to bypass the loop or plug in a jumper lead and it's sorted, whatever. A great deal for somebody out there. Wish I could afford a backup.
  6. I'm not saying this will work, but it may be worth a try...I remember a guitar repairer (name forgotten) saying that shimming necks can break the interaction of resonance between a body and neck in a way to improve the tone. He even advocated putting a thin plectrum to ramp up the neck at the front edge of the neck pocket (edge furthest away from body) and then tightening the neck screws. Obviously this then throws your bridge action out so it will need readjusting. I've carried this out myself due to a bridge's height screws being at the end of their travel, i.e. chasing a different problem, but it does change the sound. I'm a firm believer in neck material and mass making a big difference in sound. Might be worth looking into? Won't cost much to try...
  7. The last time I lined a cab with damping wadding it was a ply cab so I was able to use a staple gun.This time it's an MDF cab; has anybody got any suggestions for an adhesive to fix it in place? Thanks.
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  9. Hi Bill, If I recall, my 2008 USA P bass was a 3/16 key. It adjusted very easily (well made necks in my experience and opinion!) with a standard allen key with the pickguard off using the long side. There's usually ebay sellers selling the T bar keys Lozz mentions but mine came with 2 small keys, saddle and truss rod. Hope this helps, Martin
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1363608260' post='2014575'] Quite like Costello's version myself, each to their own I guess. [/quote]Yes I like both versions too. Chet Baker playing on the Costello version is a bonus. Gonna have a listen to Robert Wyatt's 'Sea song' now, thanks for reminding me!
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  13. Some very neat woodworking there, the rear ports look good too. Are you happy with the sound?
  14. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1362769628' post='2004661'] I have a Boschma 4U Shallow case. It doesn't have rear rail support, and to be honest, I've never needed it. Had a GK 800RB in there for a few years now with no problems. [/quote] I have an identical setup to this, uncannily; you've got great taste in amps, sir! Likewise no rear supports in my 4u rack. I've left the feet on my 800RB and this supports the amp at the back. To the OP, could you place the power amp below the preamp, thus minimising any flexing around each individual unit's rackmount ears?
  15. Bought a cab from Phil; a hassle free deal throughout. Great to deal with, keep the faith with the Stingray and the pick!
  16. A really useful little amp to have I've found, they sound great I think. At that (too low!) price you could loan it out, keep it in your boot / van or whatever without it owing you much. It's loud enough, if you raise it up, for most full PA gigs if your band isn't too loud. Buy it somebody!
  17. The suggestion above sounds good, also try a jumper lead between send and return in the effects loop; sorted out similar sounding shenanigans in my old GK400RB due to a corroded switching jack. Not saying it's the reason but trying it will cost nothing. Good luck.
  18. A great one from the late '50s by Dave Bartholomew, I think the title is 'The monkey speaks'. Apologies for no link but it's a masterpiece!
  19. I replaced the stock Celestion in a Trace Elliot 1153 late last year with a Faital 15PR400 4 ohm and it has worked out great; I recently did a backline only gig in a pub to roughly 100 people using a GK800RB and the cab had great presence, admittedly raised to waist height on a table. From the calculations that Balcro has done it seems like the 1153 isn't too far off in terms of sizing. I arrived at that conclusion from sifting around the net, people were using them in applications as an alternative to a Kappalite 3015. I am no expert in this field I must say though. I remember somebody flogging an empty 1153 on Basschat for £40 last year.
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  21. I've got a 4 ohm one of these in a Trace 1153 and it sounds great, this is a really good buy for somebody.
  22. I can't get over how timeless the arrangements are, it just doesn't date to my ears at all. Love the cover of 'Jealous guy' too. It's funny to think how sniffy I used to be about playing covers and then you see how a band like that could make all of those songs their own.
  23. I'd get hold of a good Howlin' Wolf compilation, Chess Masters etc. At first glance simple bass parts (that's not the point though!) but interesting structural tips like songs with vocals that start on the IV chord (red rooster), and 'short changes' i.e. songs that go to the IV chord on the second measure of a 12 bar once the vocal starts (Dust my Broom). Also songs that stay on the I chord throughout (Smokestack Lightning, Wang dang doodle). Sorry if this has been said elsewhere. Great songs and captivating vocal performances, the more I listen over the years the more I hear in it all.
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1358772292' post='1944645'] No, [b]No[/b], [i][b]NO[/b][/i]!!!! Bass is not a lead instrument!!! When I think about "cutting through" it's because the beautiful, clean tone of my bass is getting lost somewhere in the mush caused by a Les Paul on the neck pickup with the amp set to the highest Bass setting. [/quote] I'm so glad that somebody else other than me has experienced this problem too, a guitarist using a neck position PAF just doesn't combine well with a P bass at all. I've found using a Stingray can help to a certain extent, along with pleading with them to use the bridge pickup.
  25. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358693351' post='1943425'] I regulaly wonder about that too ! He played on a Jerry Harrison (Talking Heads) solo album I seem to remember and then disappeared . He was/is a brilliant player who was an integral part of Bowies best ever backing band and his best albums , in my opinion . [/quote] Often wondered the same thing. Has anybody heard the Weldon Irvine albums that he is on?
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