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The fasting showman

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Everything posted by The fasting showman

  1. Did a trade today with Chris, his Stingray for my P bass. Great to deal with and very decisive and positive, he seemed as happy with the deal as i was! Anyway Chris I'm only down the road if I can help out in any way. Cheers, Martin
  2. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1357301258' post='1920557'] George Murray and Dennis Davis [/quote] I should have added Bruce Thomas / Pete Thomas with The Attractions Fred Smith and Billy Ficca from Television too.
  3. Hello, Due to us becoming a one car family I've had to sell my Marshall VBC 412, my only cab now is a Trace Elliot 1153. If money wasn't an option I'd ideally get a Barefaced Compact, with this in mind I'm mulling over replacing the stock Celestion with an Eminence 3015. Or...given that my amps are GK800rb and old 400rb ,a 4 ohm speaker could be better, perhaps. So the Faital PR15-400 4 ohm is another contender. I don't have access to a decent PC or WIN isd so I'm pretty clueless as to what would be best, it's the deeper version 1153, the later one. My sound is more of a low mid gritty P-bass sound with not a lot going on underneath 100hz really. I just don't want to make an expensive mistake with neo speakers in this price bracket. I'd be grateful for any advice or insight anybody can offer. Many thanks.
  4. The best £400 you'll ever spend on an amp, what a deal! If GK were smart enough they'd do a 'heritage edition' along with the old 400RB too.
  5. How does the GK400rb fare running at 8 ohms into the BF12 volume-wise? I'm mulling over putting together a cheaper, influenced by but not lightweight, compact (can't raise the funds!) with an eminence 3015 and a Trace Elliot 1153, this will be at 8 ohms obviously.
  6. When I got the UK power transformer for my old US 400RB it was after many an email to GK in the US had not been answered. I don't know whether Polar Audio fulfil this role as far as they (GK in the US) are concerned regarding any technical issues with GKs over here. Anyway, after contacting Polar they managed to sort what I needed, very helpful throughout I found.
  7. I'd add that GK400RBs are life changers! Mine is a similar vintage (early '90s I think), I really wish I'd encountered one of those earlier in my 30 years of playing. It took a shed load of amps to get round to owning one and it cost very little as did my 800rb. Glad you like the cab, I must try one.
  8. [quote name='KingMacca' timestamp='1352104649' post='1858608'] I Anyone know if I can order a replacement back plate for the 212 cab from GK? I can see the fault and I don't fancy shipping the whole unit back to Germany this week when it's just a 3 minute job to replace the whole back plate. [/quote]I'd get in contact with Polar Audio, they handle GK over here, they helped me out with a new UK power transformer for an old US voltage 400RB. If they can sort that out then your item, being current should be a doddle.
  9. Bill has said more clearly the point I tried to make. I think always go for NOS as the valves of that era lasted for decades, and try and get them from a non musical outlet, e.g. Chelmer. I've always found them good to deal with, I don't think you'd have hassle if you had to return something. The music industry often neglects to tell people that audio applications are very much a secondary usage compared to what the valves were often designed for, for example the military use that 6l6s were originally intended. There's also very much a concensus in the world of music of if in doubt or if there's an issue, bin the valves. I've fell into the trap of that one many a time over the years and it is a folly. Preamp valves can last for ages in my experience, it's easy to establish if they are microphonic (tap with the back of a plastic biro) for instance. I dread to think how many good valves I've got rid of 10-15 yrs ago due to bad advice!
  10. I remember also when I skim read the Guy Pratt book that around the time he worked with Zigaboo Modeliste on a Robbie Robertson album (mid '90s?), said Meters drummer had been working in a shoe shop. To think of all the times that his kick drum has been sampled...
  11. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1351858759' post='1856222'] I think, and I could be wrong, that it's a type 1 tele bass on the early Meters stuff. But yeah in essence a P bass in all but name. I remember seeing a late 60s mixing console and the panpots were a three way switch, left , right or both hence the drastic panning of the era. But yeah, 2 mics on a kit sound great, kick and overhead! [/quote] I'd add to this that I don't think whatever bass he used had any bearing on how good George Porter sounded in that band playing that material. I think i've seen pics of the P-bass mentioned by ted used fairly recently (last 10yrs), I think he'd sound good with anything!
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  13. I think, and I could be wrong, that it's a type 1 tele bass on the early Meters stuff. But yeah in essence a P bass in all but name. I remember seeing a late 60s mixing console and the panpots were a three way switch, left , right or both hence the drastic panning of the era. But yeah, 2 mics on a kit sound great, kick and overhead!
  14. ...a lot of credit should also go to a certain Mr Modeliste on drums too, you can see why he's been sampled to death and his influence on Bonham. A great band, love the 'dry' sound description also!
  15. I know that a notorious re-badger of JJ valves has stated that there can be issues with pin sizes on JJ valves causing socket seating problems. I don't know whether that's true or not, and it wouldn't put me off JJs, but it was an issue in the Bassman I revalved. Hope it's something nice and easy like that anyway, good luck!
  16. I've known valve socket / valve pin tension issues to cause this problem, I had it happen with 2 jj 6l6s I had in push / pull. The amp tech I use tensioned the socket and it cured the problem. Lots of nasty high voltages so one for a tech only. I'd guess the problem is with the socket of the EL84 that doesn't glow bright, if that makes sense. It may not be that but worth checking.
  17. I'm glad Dingus agreed, I was doubting myself immediately after posting!
  18. I'd check with Mr Foxen above maybe before contacting any outlets, he may have better stuff than off the shelf. I've just (in the last year or so) jumped ship after 20 years or so of valve amps, still like them but a GK800rb does the job better for what I want. For 12ax7s I hit upon using JAN GE 5751s in some applications, always seemed very long lasting and well behaved as you'd expect being old military spec valves. For most applications though I found getting new old stock valves (GEs and the like) from suppliers like Langrex and Chelmer were the best bet, or some of the old radio ham guys with back cupboards full of the old stock valves; there used to be a few people listing vast stocks online for good prices. One of the things that made me turn away from valve amps was when the industry of valve supply became a bit too aware of itself (last 10 years or so) and guitar valve suppliers making silly claims and hiking prices etc. Hope I've actually helped here and not muddied the waters!
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