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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. lol, I've decided a new approach. No more trying to jump up and down, or matching basses with outfits. Just the songs and maybe a few other covers in the set I trust you're well mate
  2. Having decided to retire from being 'Sting' in any tributes, I sold my 'Police' basses to stop me doing it again But you know what it's like. I had dinner with my last 'Andy Summers' (we're very good friends) the other evening and we decided to do a few gigs again. I'm not prepared to spend the thousands that I did previously but if they're any good, I would consider a s/h classic vibe Thoughts please lovely people
  3. just being able to walk my dog atm, is an achievement
  4. i shall try it when I'm better. I realise we need our core strength as we get older and will be working on it
  5. yes that's right, a bit like TENS. It really does work though. I have been very unlucky this time around but hopefully I'm on the mend. I have taken any pain relief for about a week now
  6. I seem to have a bulging disc atm. The muscles have been in spasm for about 8 weeks and that makes everything worse. If we can get the muscles out of spasm (some electric thing that manipulates the muscles) it should help stop the back joints being forced out of line and hence, stop the disc bulging. In fact, literally half an hour ago, it went mental on me. I was in agony. Eventually I managed to get myself on the floor, I did a couple of stretches that click my lower back and bingo, it has eased off
  7. my gigging gear is as light as it can be. But even loading the car is difficult atm. I sang the last gig, sitting on a tall bar stool (it was quite good actually)
  8. My word, it can be really hard work. I hurt my back just over 20 years ago and as long as I'm careful, I don't have too much trouble. A couple of months ago, I slipped over whilst walking my dog. This has left me quite useless. I went to see a new physio, whom I didn't think was very good and by chance I discovered my original Physio from 20 years ago had come out of retirement. Things seem on the up now, but when it 'pops' when I'm singing................................I discovered that I'm yelling in tune!!! I have two gigs this weekend, it could be a challenge anyone else?
  9. I used to use a Fender double bag. It was good enough to get both basses to and from the gigs, in my car (so never really chucked about much)
  10. indeed, very nice. I keep a red one of these in my office, in case I want to learn something. As you say, lovely and light too.
  11. I actually keep a list of everything I've had, bass and guitar. It's very comprehensive and a few years ago I started recording the serial numbers too I have a list of my current stock too (and what I paid for them too, including the sold ones and how much they sold for, if that all makes sense) There are glaring omisions from my years of playing. No Warwick, No Alembic, Sandberg, Lakland, etc. How I wish I could try some of the sold ones now, to see if they were actually any good. I went through a phase of buying stuff and gigging it but didn't really understand what I was doing. My JayDee, I'd love to see that one again but sadly the guy I sold it to, passed away and it was sold soon after My list Aria Bravewood Crockett (custome build by Andy Crockett) Epiphone ESP Fender Gibson Guild Hamer Hofner Hohner Ibanez JayDee J & D brothers Kay Manson Musicman Retrovibe Rickenbacker Rickenfaker Rockinbetter Spector Squier Stag Status Steinberger Tempest (actually a rebadged Kay) Vox Washburn
  12. what's it like with the new people, I played in there a lot when Dave and Jackie had it
  13. great thread lol I started in 1981 and my brother lent me a musicman combo. I used that at home and eventuallu bought Carlsbro Stngray 150. The big ported combo. next up, when I started gigging properly Trace Elliot AH150 Mk 5 through Marshall 4x12 bass cab Then came a Marshall Jubilee 300 head ( a black one) through the 4x12 A Marshall superbass 100 at the same time Then a Peavey Alpha bass preamp, through the Jubilee Then a Laney 1X15 and 4x10 to replace the 4x12 trace elliot AH350 Mk5 into 1x15 and 4x10 Trace cabs Then an old Peavey head through 1x15 TE cab then Hartke HA3500 into Transporter 4x10 Ampeg PF500 into mark bass 1x15 and 2x10 (still have all 3 of these) Now Ashdown RM500 evo II into RM410 There's a TE BLX80 in the rehearsal space too
  14. I have a Slash, AFD les paul from 2010. They only made 600 of these. It didn't really look like how it was marketed. No 'reverse chevron flame top' BUT my word, it is an awesome sounding LP. I'm not a massive Slash fan (my wife is though) but I hoped it would look good. I nearly sent it back actually. As for Johnny Depp, well I think he's a great guitar player and I would buy his signature guitar because it looks great but I wouldn't have a use for it atm, so it's not on my list (I only buy stuff that I'm going to use these days)
  15. Lovely I recently moved mine on. Iconic looking things aren't they
  16. Alex bought a set of La Bella strings from me. Super fast payment and comms. Deal with confidence cheers
  17. I'm sure my first one didnt have the serial number on it. This is about 16-17 years ago, when they first came out IIRC
  18. Yesterday I restrung my Vintage 335 a like. The neck profile is very like my Gibson AFD guitars from 2010. It plays very well and cost a tenth of what the Gibson cost. The Gibson is a far better instrument in everyway but I still like the Vintage. Is it a can of worms? Who knows
  19. they're mine, I shall reduce the price
  20. wow that's cheap I have a set for sale on here, I shall reduce the price acordingly
  21. yep get one. Until recently I had 3. Now I only have my bitsa P bass, maple board, no lines. Looks and sounds awesome. I'll keep it just in case I need a fretless in the future. I did do some rock gigs with it and it sounded great
  22. yeah paid 120 quid for mine in 1984. Sold for £75 6 months later when I bought my Manson. Mad!!
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