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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. I watched the set and enjoyed it. Her vocals weren't spot on but there was good energy
  2. I bought this https://www.screwfix.com/p/kewtech-kewcheck-103-13a-socket-tester-230v-ac/45558
  3. I've just bought a tester, which will remain in my gigging bag from now on.
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314670018768?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l1120&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=49feab60b7ef4777beb973d63e57aeae&bu=43130519105&ut=RU&exe=0&ext=0&osub=-1~1&crd=20230626042434&segname=11021 Got to be dodgy hasn't it
  5. yes I played with someone for many years that does this. Maybe I'll buy one too. It was the shock on my bass that surprised me the most
  6. We've probably all had it, you go up to your mic and get a spark to the lips. Ouch Today, my behringer P2 for my IEMs was touching my skin on my back. I couldn't work it out. Then got a shock to my lips on the mic and THEN touched the volume knob on my bass and got another belt. Therefore first set, I ditched the IEMs and didnt sing much. I couldn't hear properly and had a really cr@p first set. I know my gear, it's all PAT tested but I had plugged into an unknown extension and that was the cause. Plugged in elsewhere, 2nd set was fab. IEMs all good. I was shocked!!
  7. ampeg PF500 is a good choice for a head. I used one for a long time but eventually went to Ashdown RM500 EVO II as I wanted to be using a British product (made in China but I still want to be an Ashdown boy, customer service etc) Has your GK got a send and returm loop? If so have you tried plugging a lead into it. Sometimes they play up and if your put a lead into it, it works.
  8. is there going to be an album?
  9. driving here too. I'm lucky that my wife will often drop me off and collect me, if the gig is local
  10. thank you. It sounds mega with it's fender flats
  11. I enjoyed that, thanks for posting
  12. I bought a boss pedal from them. Defo would buy from them again if I needed too
  13. I saw them at Wembley arena just over 20 years ago. Glen was in the audience there too. She sang great at that show
  14. I played the violin from the age of 6, till 13. At 13 I bought a bass. This was 1981. My brother played guitar and we would jam together a bit. I played along with the Jam, The Police, Duran Duran and Saxon!! My first band gigged within 6 months of me buying my bass. I had/have a very good ear and could pick stuff up quickly After a while I decided to learn the songs on guitar and used my violin knowledge to work out the chords. Firstly by playing the scale and then arpegiating it and working out the chords from the arpegios. I now know that my violin theory had really stood me in good stead. The difference between major and minor (flattened third) and sevenths etc. My bass playing wife has been studying piano for the past 6 or so years and has learned much more theory than I had and I have learned from that too. In 1989 I joined up with a guitarist to do a mainly 60s duo. I didn't know hardly any of the songs but listened intently whilst we were playing. I soon worked out what chords would be played if a song was in a certain key. Needles and pins in A. C#m, D, E, it's not really that hard. I still learn songs this way now. I'm no virtuoso on guitar or bass, but I know I'm good enough to do what I need to do and have fun
  15. No it doesn't. Custom shop '62 fender pickup This thing sounds amazing
  16. I use a vox tonelab LE for guitar, in both my band and my duo. Works great. and depping on bass using my normal bass rig, everyone has IEM, so the bass amp isnt very loud. I could probably ditch it altogether and use my Tech21 pedal IEMs have really changed my whole perception. I'm loving it
  17. I'm on Fender flats on a P bass atm. I liked the flats on my JMJ so have put them on a P bass. It's my first time using flats on a P to gig with. tension is good . Sound is mostly good too but some of the tunes I'm playing do need rounds (Clash/Jam) but I'm coping I think
  18. I sing lead and do BV when playing with other singers I'm depping with a great band and the drummer does all the obvious harmonies, so I look for different ones. We ended up with 4 part harmonies on I fought the Law, on Friday night. (guitarist sings to). Sounded quite good
  19. so in a slight change to all this, I'm currently depping in a well known local band. Their bass player, Iain (who is on BC but I don't know his user name) has a detached retina and is out for a month (maybe 2). They have an enormous set list, it's all new wave/ska. I did a gig with them 3 weeks ago but now I've done 3 last weekend and have 3 more this weekend and 4 the next. I work full time and am learning the songs virtually. I listen to them at work all day, and work the bass parts out, mostly in my head Yes I am making mistakes during the songs but I am trying to remember which ones are knowledge based and which ones are just hitting the wrong note. I managed to put the knowledge based ones right. EG, I was missing a chord in Lip up fatty. It was an E and a B flat. The keyboard solo in No More Heroes is longer than I think so I keep my eye on the guitarist's left hand. Each gig they try and vary the set, so I have lots to look at between the gigs too. It's great fun working this way and the punters don't really notice the mistakes. No car crashes so far keep smiling, laughing and dancing. It's all about the show
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