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Everything posted by wombatboter

  1. Bit of a disappointment then but as long as it stays in the group it's ok :-) Looked it up and you seem to be right.. Nathan East did a great job on "Old Brown Shoe" on the "live in Japan" album of George Harrison
  2. I've created the habit of whenever I have to clean my house to put some Beatles or Wings stuff on .. it just makes it a lot more pleasant and sometimes I even regret that I have already finished everything since my favourite tracks haven't already passed by. Recently enjoyed while cleaning : Café on the left bank, Morse Moose and the Grey Goose, Girls school, Power Cut, Every Night, She came in through the bathroom window, Old brown Shoe (what a great bassline and not easy to play), Hi hi hi, Sally G (rather unknown but one of my favourites), C'mon people..the list goes on. Everytime you get this great bassline with that one fill which makes me go "wow !" It doesn't have anything to do with technical aspects (I don't play like McCartney and am more into Mick Karn, Clarke, King) but just with very tasteful playing which everyone can learn from..
  3. It's a bit rusty but I've heard worse... good job on the bass with the consistent downstrokes and a fat bass-sound.. Keep it up and enjoy yourselves ! (I've played "Out of control" hundreds of times myself, great song)
  4. I think what would really convince some people are some sound-samples...It looks great and without any doubt it sounds really nice but that reassuring sample that delivers "the real deal" -sound might do wonders..
  5. Good that you post this since I contacted him since I was confused.. Got some story that you seemed to work together and that he sells second hand Mayones basses..
  6. En passeer eens langs Vilvoorde :-)
  7. Beautiful bass...I'm rediscovering mine again : just the best basses in the world imo.
  8. For sale is this small but powerful amp...weighs less than 3 kg 2X500 Watts into two 4 ohm speakers or 1000W bridged into an 8 ohm speaker Been using it for a while and really satisfied with it (really easy controls and just a great "natural" sound) Selling it because I have too much gear and I don't need this much power anymore.. Can be picked up (the Brussels area in Belgium) but can also be send (doesn't weigh too much so shipping won't be expensive for the buyer) Asking 900 euros Thanks for looking and check my feedback here on bass-chat if there would be any doubt Geert
  9. Fooled around a bit with my Emma discumbobulator pedal and tried to play the Superstition-theme... not without mistakes but it gives an idea (it made the cat run away)..
  10. [quote name='Starless' post='1005262' date='Oct 29 2010, 01:53 PM']There is no point comparing Macca to any of the above mentioned bassists. Macca never gave a sh*t about 'bass as art-form', unlike the kind of pretentious twiddling heroes-of-bass mentioned above. Macca was (still is and will be until he dies) a MUSICIAN and SONGWRITER. Musical instruments to him are the means to the end of a complete rendition of a song (remember those things with words and melodies?). He only ended up as the bass player because 'someone had to do it'. He has a very healthy disregard for strings or tone or technique - as long as the end product is fine that's all he cares about. His basslines are beautifully put together to compliment the complete composition and recording. And yet pseudo experts still insist on picking them out in isolation and comparing them to widdling, solo-ing, bass 'heroes'?? Eh, why? What is the point of that pray tell? Back in my day at school (late 60's/ early 70's) there was always the playground 'look at me' merchant daring to be different. One tactic they employed was to profess to 'hate' the Beatles (or anything else that was incredibly popular). It looks like they grew up (or I should say, got older), had kids and the same 'look at me' DNA has been passed on through the generations and we see it now on Internet forums. I'm not an Elvis fan, does nothing for me, but I can appreciate his impact and (continuing) influence on popular music. I can't therefore 'hate' Elvis. For someone to say they 'hate' The Beatles just highlights their complete inability to appreciate popular music in its historical context - and that context includes the shock-horror revelation that bass guitar in 60's popular music really was almost an afterthought (records were mixed to sound good on a transistor radio after all). Bad-mouthing McCartney because of his (68 year-old) face, or the fact that he might be right up himself, is just hilarious. Takes me right back to the playground...[/quote] Very well said, 12 points from the Belgian jury (my life wouldn't have been the same without McCartney). Listening in the seventies to Mrs Vanderbilt I started to like that low bass-thing going on, bought one myself and so many years later I've found my way in the Belgian music scene, having loads of fun, along the way earned some money doing what I love the most and still I can listen to McCartney any time..His music has made my life "better" and richer.
  11. Oh no : this is back up ! Saw them yesterday in Brussels (my 15th-20th time) and it was amazing..One of their best shows imo. Lots of fun, a great sound and that new drummer is just fenomenal. They sounded like a new fresh band. I made this quick youtube thing... image is a bit hazy but the sound is ok [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8-6IqymmQo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8-6IqymmQo[/url]
  12. Just sold my Fender 66 to Kim and it was a pleasure to do business with him.. Very correst and very trustworthy... I can only recommend him a lot. There is nothing rotten in the state of Denmark ! :-) Thanks Kim !
  13. Friend of mine saw the show in Brussels and really enjoyed it.. He said that Rhonda was good but that she didn't blow him away like Tal Wilkenfeld had done (we saw her with Jeff in Peer in Belgium : I wanted to stop playing bass)
  14. I watched the show last night (pretty obvious that there's a re-edition of "Band on the Run" coming out shortly since he played two songs from that album) and I wasn't too enthousiastic about his bass-sound..couldn't really cut through. I share the feeling about good engineers succeeding in making it sound "fat". The difference between Macca and the next bass-player in "Later.." was huge..suddenly you could feel and hear bass. Good performance though from Macca..he sounds a bit "ropy" every now and then but now it was really rockish..
  15. These are great basses..I have a Pedulla buzz and it sounds amazing to me.. If I would be more into five-string basses (still struggling a bit with the Roscoe Beck 5 I just bought around here :-)) I would surely buy this one..A similar one sold on ebay last week for 1900 euros so this is a killer price.. Good luck with the sale..
  16. I said to myself that I would stop buying basses but this is just a trick of the devil to get me going again :-) I can't find anything that I dislike about this bass (the wood is just so beautiful) but I would have to sell one of my other basses to justify this one.. Maybe I will :-) (this is the devil talking)
  17. Thanks for these kind words, Nik...The pleasure was also all mine, great transaction :-)
  18. A friend of mine is a sound engineer and has worked for a lot of bands including Glenn Hughes.. A couple of years ago I was at his place and there was a gigbag in the corner..I asked what it was and it turned out to be Glenn Hughes' Vigier bass. I was allowed to give it a try and really liked the feel of that bass..
  19. If all the transactions would be the way Nik handles them I would buy even more basses... Just bought a bass from him and it's just perfect : friendly communication, honest chap..wish it would always be like this. I have absolutely nothing to complain about...thanks a lot, Nik (it's very much appreciated here) Always welcome if you would ever show up around here in Belgium for a beer and a chat !
  20. Thanks ! If all goes well it is as good as sold, sale pending..
  21. I have owned around 11 Wal basses the last 17 years... At a certain moment I had five but now I have only one left (the one you see in my avatar) When I first heard "This is the House" in the eighties by Eurythmics with Dean Garcia on his Wal bass, I was blown away and I thought it was the most beautiful sound ever. I wrote a letter to Electric Wood and I got a reply from Ian Waller with all the specs of Garcia's bass. I still have that letter locked away. I didn't have the cash so I started with "cheap" basses. The last twenty years I have tried numerous basses (around a 100) and I flirted with Jaydee, Alembic, Sadowsky, Fodera, etc.. In 1993 I bought my first Wal which I sold (I hope to buy it back this year) because I was curious about other basses. In the end I still go back to my MKI Wal bass which I bought later on... I can't express just how amazing it is and how it surprises me still. It's got a way to cut through the sound of any band like no other bass can. It has loads of sound possibilities but funny enough I keep going back to the same position which nails it for me (bridge and neck pick-up on 4 and a tiny bit of treble added with the volume pulled out). I had around 29 basses two or three years ago...I kept selling all those who were redundant and in the end all that'll be left is my old Wal. It isn't the easiest bass to play (the necks are a bit chunky) but the "snap" you get out of it is unequaled (not even my Alembic Mark King had that) and I still haven't found a bass which has the same sound as a Wal. Something in those mids and that "honk" which seems so right..
  22. Annabel Lamb...I just loved what Steve Greetham did in those days.
  23. I'm a huge Mark King fan.. he changed the way I think about bass. He has a great sound on this Midge Ure cover of a Jethro Tull classic..shows that he's able to play on other artists' records (remember Easy- Nik Kershaw) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3HEYD0U_t4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3HEYD0U_t4[/url]
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