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Everything posted by wombatboter

  1. I was close though :-) Sorry ! (still could understand it although the language is rather unknown to me)
  2. It's amazing how much Spanish one can understand without really knowing the language :-) A question : have you got any idea what you would want for the fretless neck (does it have the dots on the lines or between the lines ?) Muchos gracias :-)
  3. I had the pleasure to speak to Pino Palladino once in the lounge of a Brussels hotel for about 45 minutes and he was polite and friendly...They had played in the lobby to pay for their expenses in the hotel. He came up to me himself because he seemed to have noticed that I was a bass-player (one can not stop looking at him :-)) and sat down for a chat. He was very down to earth and indeed very humble about his projects.. When I asked him what his future plans were he said that he was leaving the day after for a tour with Jeff Beck.. Certainly not in a bragging way but only because I asked.
  4. You should check PSP live...I did and it floored me. Even if you're into more popular music and not a real fusion-fan it is inspiring. They're coming back to Belgium within a couple of months and I don't want to miss it.
  5. Still a nice and intrigueing bass...good luck with the sale. I'll come around your house shortly to check some of your instruments...it has been too long :-)
  6. Desolé.. on vient d'acheter le Pedulla il y a deux heures...
  7. Would be no problem but unfortunately the bass is as good as sold.. Pas de problème mais malheureusement il y a quelqu'un d'autre qui vient de l'acheter..
  8. [quote name='JensWest' post='1101003' date='Jan 24 2011, 05:40 PM']When's it made?[/quote] Serial number says 3809 (if I can read well) so it should be 1992... Funny to have you here, Jens.. if I'm not mistaken I bought my red Pedulla from you. It was my first encounter with Pedulla and I just took the risk without really knowing much about these basses. I got rid of my fretless Wal after I got the Pedulla's... Thanks for your bass !
  9. I have three Pedulla basses in my possession and I really like these basses.. Two of them are fretless and although both of them are excellent one has to go (I'm through with collecting instruments, they have to be played and not only looked at). I've had a lot of fretless basses but these Pedulla Buzz basses are in the top range imo : great sustain, stable necks, easy controls and just very reliable and classy.. I decided to keep the red one since the neck is a bit slimmer, the bridge pick-up is a bit further away from the bridge and the sound is a bit warmer than the blue one. The blue one sounds a bit more hi-fi than my red one. Some pictures of the blue one and a quick youtube-thing to give an impression of the sound (used only the bridge pick-up since that is my favourite sound) I'm asking 1100 euros, there is a Pedulla-case included and it can be picked up (the Brussels area) or I can ship it (have to look out for cardboard boxes since I've run out of them :-)). I prefer no trades.. Feel free to email me for anymore questions or pictures and thanks for looking Geert [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9g9y_spv08"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9g9y_spv08[/url]
  10. Bump for this topic... Been buying and selling a lot of basses but I'm really fond of my Pedulla's I own.. The Buzz bass is just one of the best fretless basses I have ever had... I own 2 for the moment (one of them has to go) The Tigermaple MVP has so much punch and is so versatile.. I just love it (reminds me of my Alembic and Fodera). and a small youtube sample I recorded this morning.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9g9y_spv08"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9g9y_spv08[/url]
  11. [quote name='Huwberry' post='1088257' date='Jan 13 2011, 05:28 PM'] Try as I might, I couldn't get the audio to stay in sync. Oh well, enjoy!![/quote] Wow, just great man.... nice to know that there are people out there trying out things on their basses (and with such good results)
  12. Great player and just really cool to pick up some new ideas which help you improve your own playing..
  13. A friend went to a music fair in Germany many years ago and met Ian Waller and Pete Stevens and ordered the very first Wal Bass around here in Belgium... No one had heard of those basses around here but he liked the sound and the feel. Years later he sold it to me but the electronics had broken down and everything was replaced by EMG circuitry I sold the bass later on and lost track of it. A couple of years later I saw an ad of someone who sold a Wal MKI around here in Belgium and I bought it. It's the one in my avatar When I asked the seller why he sold it he told me had this old Wal bass which he preferred above the MKI. Someone had told him that it wasn't an original one and that the "real" Wal basses were a lot better. So he took a plane from Belgium to end up in Manchester and bought an MKI only to conclude that he preferred the old one above the MKI (good for me since I was able to buy it). When I asked him if I could see this old Wal bass he came back with the old Wal with EMG's I used to own :-) He said that the EMG pick-ups sounded better in his opinion and it was his favourite bass.. As to say that the change in pick-ups don't make this an inferior instrument.. Good luck with the sale..
  14. Sounds great and versatile.... reminds me even of the sound I get from my Wal bass. Good luck with the sale..
  15. Beautiful bass... Are there only dots or also lines along the side ? Some basses have the dots on the spot where you have to intonate and other ones feature dots "between" those spaces..(if you know what I mean)..
  16. Euhmmmm...it's a parody It's a Dutch bassplayer who has already "changed" vids by Mark King and Victor Wooten..great shreds (and to be able to make a parody you have to first master it..) This is the bassplayer himself, have watched this vid a lot...sounds great imo [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-IfsSWV4Os&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-IfsSWV4Os...der&list=UL[/url]
  17. Heard the news yesterday and actually felt quite devastated...My thoughts went to him a lot more than I thought yesterday night. My non-bass playing friends don't understand the incredible loss but for me it's really losing a bass hero and someone who had such a huge influence on my playing. No one ever played like Karn...such a unique and original voice...even those weird slides sounded natural when they came out of his hands. A small comfort to know that someone like him might be no longer amongst us but that for the rest of my life his legacy will pop up everytime I pick up the fretless and a small part of his style shows up in one of my lines (not half as good as he could but sometimes I'm already pleased with that)
  18. I noticed this bass already when it was previously sold around here... Just one of my favourite basses in the world.. Looks and sound just have it all for me...too bad I'm not into five string anymore.
  19. Jaco Mark King Pino Palladino Mick Karn Paul McCartney
  20. I know, that's why we can't find àny gigs :-) (you should hear my attempt of Mick Karn-approach on Brown Sugar.. makes any Stones-fan shiver)
  21. It's not that a drummer has to be a virtuosos, he just has to be tight and keep a band together.. I'm watching the program a lot over here in Belgium and everytime I get annoyed by something which I cannot put my finger on, it turns out to be the drums. He's not a bad player but he misses that great groove and he seems to be on the edge of this playing. I have to admit that I mostly listen as a bass-player (I can enjoy everything from Sex Pistols to Santana) but I'm just thinking whenever I hear or see something : "Does it swing" and does it make me tap my foot ? There have been a lot of occasions during the Holland shows that I was thinking "these drums are not in the same league as the bass-playing is".
  22. I was so occupied with my intonation that I never could watch the belly-dancer... This seemed to be the solution
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