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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. Only skimmed through this thread, I was never a Beatles fan, not even in the 60s, so maybe I'm a bit biased. But what could you realistically expect from a Beatles Experience type of thing ? The Beatles effectively split up nearly 45 , [b]yes 45[/b] years ago, Time to let em go I think. Otherwise there are those who will cash in just about forever. As an aside, anybody else noticed McCarneys now has slightly strange hair ? Could it be a rug ?
  2. Thanks, Hadnt thought of that. Sounds like a good idea to me. Just two in series, opposite ways, or with a one stage pre amp or something to invert one of them ? I think I might try it.
  3. Theres been a lot of early 70s live stuff on TV lately, anybody else noticed that a lot of bands had 2 different Mics taped together for vocals ? I remember seeing it a lot at the time, but have never really been sure why it was done that way. Was one of them for foldback, or recording or what ?
  4. Is it me or are the tuner holes too small ? looks like its drilled for the little Goto copies that are on my old Eros. Decal looks wrong, there was a japcrap Bass that had the fretboard overhang at the heel, but I cant remember what it was, dont think it was Squier though.
  5. Had use of one of them for a while, Great sounding cab imo. Typical of HH quality back in the day.
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1341426902' post='1718897'] For the sake of clarity and defrazzling your brain... Two 16Ω speaker cabinets will give you an 8Ω load. [i][b]An 8Ω and a 16Ω speaker cabinet will give you a 5Ω load.[/b][/i] Two 8Ω speaker cabinets will give you a 4Ω load. [i][b]A 4Ω and a 16Ω speaker cabinet will give you a 3.2Ω load. An 8Ω and a 4Ω speaker cabinet will give you a 2.6Ω load.[/b][/i] If your amplifier states that it expects an 8Ω load then going below 8Ω is almost definately going to damage the amp. If you're unsure what your amp can handle then tell us what it is and we'll see if we can give you a definitive answer. [/quote] Quite so, But the power wont be evenly distributed between the cabs.
  7. [quote name='bob_pickard' timestamp='1341320536' post='1716929'] I think most self taught people go through the "bloody hell I can't play this, bloody hell I can and I'm brilliant, bloody hell actually I'm useless" cycle all through their playing career Bass playing is a journey and there's no right or wrong speed to go at or right path to take; [/quote] And Yep....
  8. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1341320504' post='1716928'] Personally, reading it, I think you're suffering from [i]Basschatitis - [/i]it's a condition, often foreshadowed by symptoms around feelings of inadequacy, as users bump into other users, who have played [i]longer, [/i]who know [i]more[/i], and who have [i]read some books[/i], which were very f***ing boring. A modest man can succumb quickly to this condition: he can start reading some very boring books, as both means and an end; he can start talking about want to become one with the instrument; and often be found musing over obscure musical frameworks. The only known cure is to go and have some fun. Because that's what it's all about. Not fretw***ing; not reading a book on theory; not listening to someone yack on about how they supported a guy who once tuned Jaco's bass and had a 5hr bass solo in his set. Just, plain and simply, about having fun and [i]the pleasure inherent in the enjoyment of things[/i]. If you don't like the bass lines: write some more fun ones. If you don't like the band: find a more fun one. [/quote] Yep....Or forumitis anyway.
  9. Horrible isnt it ? I had a bad bout of it a few years ago, which was partly responsible for me getting booted out of the band I was with at the time. My GP offered me an injection direct into the joint, which apparently not all GPs will do for some reason, I declined as I didnt have a band anymore, but would certainly have considered it if I was gigging regularly. But I would be a bit concerned about why some doctors dont like it, and do a bit of research first.
  10. Played in a lot of Blues bands, so I guess it should be A or D. But it aint, its almost always walking around C. I wonder what influences these choices. Whether its down to habit from early stuff you learn, pitch of your voice something that resonates in yer brain, or something more mexhanical, like fret spacing, or the angle of your elbow..
  11. New band, new horizon. No feeling like it. Enjoy, best of luck.
  12. I'd be more worried about mistakenly using the cab with the switch in the wrong position or forgetting to change it over.
  13. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1340928987' post='1711769'] Saw a black Motown Tribute band (American) whom, over the course of the 2 x 1 hour sets, must have introduced each other at least 10 times..... G. [/quote] I playd in a covers band from near Tamworth that used to do that. Big fish small pond, they thought. While the punters thought - put ncely.- legends in their own imaginations You can overdo it sometimes !
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340791135' post='1709549'] That pic puts me in mind of the back cover of Ummagumma... But looking at it today, it doesn't seem to be that much gear really, does it? At the time this amount of gear astounded me! Nice lamp, by the way. [/quote] Aint seen that for years, seems to be a lot less gear than I remember. Like I would have sworn that there was a whole Wem Festival PA on there as well.
  15. 'Shared the same stage with' is always a good un. Long as you omit to say it wasnt on the same night, or even the same year.
  16. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1340903558' post='1711370'] I saw this the other night and really enjoyed it. The 2 of them seemed to genuinely like each other and the banter (along with the stories and music) was very good. [/quote] I got the impression that McCartney was being a bit patronising and taking the pees at times. And them bloody jingles......Were they for real, or just for comic effect ?
  17. [url="http://skyarts.sky.com/the-ronnie-wood-show/episode-11-paul-mccartney"]http://skyarts.sky.com/the-ronnie-wood-show/episode-11-paul-mccartney[/url] Only got round to watching this last night. Its being repeated next Saturday. Much as I liked RWs first few solo albums, i'm not impressed with much that he's done lately. Not great, but macca fans might like it. Worth a look if you got nowt else to do.
  18. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1340817411' post='1710075'] Do this and I guarantee you'll never [s]get booked[/s] [b][i]want to [/i][/b]play again! [/quote] Fixed..
  19. I wouldnt fancy holiday camp gigs during the season, except maybe for just the money, strike me as being like upmarket WMC gigs, which I wouldnt really want to go back to. Not knocking those who do it, done it myself in the dim and distant. But what about the out of season 60s/70s/80s/Tributes/Rock n Roll weekenders. Been looking for a way into them lately, are they run by the camps or outside promoters, and is [i]all of it[/i] agency work ?
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340749900' post='1709254'] Werther's Original, anyone? [/quote] There was a B'ham based function band on Partysounds about a year ago who were looking for a Bass Player that didnt smell of Werthers Originals. Probably an age thing.
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1340749037' post='1709237'] Have a nice day What't this [i]little [/i]business? I thought we both agreed it was the biggest secret [/quote] Cant trust you anymore, You never took me to see the puppies either..
  22. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1340733592' post='1708894'] walked into the middle of the space and said: [i]Go on then, son, get yer cock out.[/i] [/quote] You promised it would be our little secret and you'd never tell anybody about that...
  23. Not sure, but didnt Rick Price, or might have been Ace Kefford play with a file on one of the moves TOTP appearences ? Sort of a B'ham version of playing with a Bow
  24. [quote name='Dingo' timestamp='1340437527' post='1704373'] To pick or not to pick, that is the plectrum. Like others on this thread, I struggle to use the things. But, I saw Dr Feelgood a few years ago and Phil Mitchell was using one and I thought he usually played fingerstyle. Chatting to him afterwards, it turned out earlier that day he'd cut a finger doing some DIY at home, so had to use the pick. Absolutely took nothing away from the sound. If that had been me at the time, I couldn't have played. Now I know that British Rn B is perhaps not the most technical musical form in the Bassoshere, BUT, a pro is pro. Phil taught me a bigger lesson that night than any instructional video - adapt and overcome. Blessings. [/quote] I reckon Phil Mitchel is a very underrated Bass Player. You read all this technical twaddle on here, but he has the thing that nobody ever seems to mention - A great feel for Bass. Thats the other thing that you dont get from lessons, or do you ?
  25. Like a lot of 'Heroes' especially at the time Bowie did some great stuff, but also a lot of real crap that he would never have got away with without the hype and the diehard fans - Mrs Brancini included - who would buy anything that he was involved with and think it was great. I just didnt get the Ziggy Stardust thing at the time, and still dont really, , but I watched last nights gig. and even enjoyed it, was surprised how good [i]some[/i] of it was. some of it was truly really awful though wasnt it ? Trevor whatsisface was far better than I remembered / expected though
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