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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. [quote name='Commando Jack' timestamp='1343922259' post='1757402'] Ok own up, who bought it? [i][b]And how many used Johnnies did you get him to throw in for the price ??[/b][/i] [/quote]
  2. Thinking about this subject, I should have been a sub thread to Where to put your Bass at gigs...
  3. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1343817068' post='1755574'] Ah... but it's your band too, don't forget You always get that tentative early stage, when you don't want to seem pushy... but you want to show you're interested Anyway, glad they arrived at what sounded like the right decision [/quote] Glad to hear it. But remember next time you come across something like that - and you will, we all do. The rest of the band are not your employers nor are they your teachers, and most oftem wont sort it out for you. You need to sort this kind of asshole out before it wears you down and turns into a sort of bullying.
  4. Difficult one that. Talk to the others if it feels right, theres always a chance that you could look like your whining though. So keep it brief and dont go on, Failing that, kick him in the Bollox, and tell the others its you or him gorra go..
  5. Couldnt resist a quick look at his feedback. Would you really buy a Bass from a man who sells out of date rubber johnnies in packs od 20 for 99p ?, or odd legs, and upper chest parts from female manequins ?
  6. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1343650787' post='1753055'] I've used Rotosound 66s for the best part of a decade, never had any fret wear issues from them. I love the fresh from the packet sound. My only issue is that they lose that clank too quickly. I'm looking for a string with a similar sound that lasts a bit longer, if anyone has any suggestions? [/quote] Tried Life strings ? Cheap from Janikas in Nottingham. I bought a couple of sets of Nickels via ebay early last winter just to try em, put one set on a P and one on a Jazz necked bitsa. 8 months and theyre still too klaknly for my tastes. Got red silk on em as well, could easily pass for Rotos. I put a set of roto 66s on my 'goto' P at about the same time and theyre nice and dead now as i said in an earlier post.
  7. Rotos used to seem to last better. i did wonder whether the ones I'd been using were oriental fakes, or had been swapped for cheapos - had been getting em off ebay - but tbh, the freebie ones seem about the same.
  8. [quote name='Looper' timestamp='1343477436' post='1751264'] I bought roto's for my first change of strings in years. Was looking for a 70's sound so thought I'd buy strings that have been around since then. Do seem to be hard on the frets and I don't have much fret left in places. Anyone recommend a 70's sounding string that's kinder to the frets? [/quote] Back then i used to use Picato, mainly cos of the price and availability though. Only went back to Rotos a few years ago, they do seem to be harder and klankier than they used to be, but that could just be me. I dont think I'll be going back after the ones I have got are finished.
  9. They do take some playing in. The 66s I got fot free after the last Roto thread are just about right now. Fitted em about a month after they arrived. Been through the inital klanky phase, and the dull phase, now they seem good to go. Never had fret issues with Rotos, although I've only ever tried Swing Bass, nor sore fingers. But maybe thats down to indiviuals skin.
  10. Somebody mention Delilah ? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0fT9BHpImI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0fT9BHpImI[/url]
  11. Heres a great cover of a great number. Cant understand why covers bands dont seem to do it Pity about the sad 80s rock image and the bloody awful video. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdR03mhwKW4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdR03mhwKW4[/url]
  12. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1343295946' post='1748373'] Well she must have heard it somewhere, but Orbison's version was released in the early 90's. Don't know about Wiki - but Disc dogs...which is always right.. Says................ [url="http://www.discogs.com/Roy-Orbison-I-Drove-All-Night/release/949041"]http://www.discogs.c.../release/949041[/url]# Both good versions IMO. Garry [/quote] Both great versions agreed. Gues we'll never know who did what first. Couldve been in the can for yonks, put out on a sampler in the U.S, released on the back of the Willburys success, who knows.
  13. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1343250354' post='1747896'] Neither of em wrote it, but Roy Orbinson released it first So there.... .... I think ! [/quote] Wouldnt want to split hairs, nor argue with wikipedia... which is always right But I clearly remember hearing Cyndi Lauper being interviewed on the radio, on a Saturday afternoon when the single was current. and stating how much she dug the Roy Orbison track, and reasons why she covered it etc etc Orbison was a little bit out of fashion at the time I think..
  14. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1343248869' post='1747849'] Hate to say it but Cindy wrote it and Roy covered it. sorry [/quote] Neither of em wrote it, but Roy Orbinson released it first So there.... .... I think !
  15. Dr Feelgoods cover of Bo Diddleys 'I Cant Tell' a real classic. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL4Z3EWu4Ws"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL4Z3EWu4Ws[/url]
  16. Cindy Laupers version of Roy Orbinsons 'I Drove All night' Wish I'd thought to put Cindy Lauper on the recent Guilty pleasures thread come to thik of it.
  17. Anther side of this is the so called charity gig, where no one seems to know which charity they expect you to play for. Especially in pubs where the landlord is still making money.
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1342710811' post='1739785'] Favourite Charlton Heston quote; when Parkinson interviewed him he asked "Do you think God gets annoyed that most people think he looks like you?" [/quote] No he doesnt, he looks like Morgan Freeman..
  19. Santana and The Doobies, Louis Prima of course but only if the suns shining. Nothing wrong with that, but in the winter I'm partial to a bit of Mud, Slade, or even Sweet.
  20. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1342689035' post='1739194'] So tell us more - what's a simple way to do this considering most have XLR plugs on the cables? Any circuits etc? G. [/quote] They always seemed to be two different mics, rather than two the same, probably a reason for that. I guess with a balanced mic, you could reverse the two unscreened wires in the XLR, or open the Mic and reverse the wires to the insert, with a single screened lead mic youd have to reverse the wires to the insert.
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1342640912' post='1738598'] I like the Beatles to an extent and can see the attraction. I've heard some of the music that was about before everyone heard them and for the most part it was bloody aweful so its easy to see the attraction of them and their music. The Stones are touring simply because they are still alive (although they don't always look it) They were overshadowed in the 60s by the Beatles and by Led Zeppelin in the 70s. If anyone happens to be in Liverpool for Beatles weekend then check out the band's website [url="http://www.getbackband.co.uk/gigs.htm"]here[/url] and give me a wave if you happen to come along to one of our gigs. I personally cannot bloody wait. [/quote] Good points there, but... As I remember it, during our 60s, not the one up in that London, No one actually dressed in Carnaby St fashions anywhere else. You were either a Beatles fan or a Stones fan, Both had a lasting impact culturally.but they must have been influenced themselved by what was coming from ther bands at the time. The stones were a bit of a spent force by the end of the 60s, at least singles wise, So I dont think Zepelin had much to do with it. look at just about any singles chart from the 60s, and most of it was dire, we just only remember the better stuff, like the weather, the sun didnt always shine in 66 and 67..And if that was the summer of love we kinda missed out where I lived, although I was only 13 nor 14.
  22. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1342630128' post='1738298'] he does! It's called "Get Black"! *lights blue touchpaper & walks quietly away* [/quote] Wasnt meaning the colour anyway, it just looks wrong somehow, but as Eric Morcombe used to say, "Cant see the join can you?"
  23. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1342629355' post='1738274'] I think there was an interview a while back with macca where he was having a laugh at himself telling the story of his early attempts at hair dye where under the lights of a sweaty gig it started to go a funny purple colour and start coming down his forehead... [/quote] So with all that dough, he still dyes his hair himself..... Yeah Yeah Yeah, course he does.
  24. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1342628709' post='1738259'] I wouldn't bet on it. Ever been to Salzberg during the annual Mozart Festival? Or Bayreuth during the annual Wagner festival? The Beatles have already passed the first test of musical immorality, that of having new generations of fans who were not even born when the band existed, so I don't see them fading from cultural memory anytime soon. That doesn't mean you have to like them of course. [/quote] Not suggesting we should forget they exiisted. I've seen 50 years of Beatle fanatics, and judging by the title of this thread, theres still hype. Still people who think of them as some sort of prophets. Some people bought anything they did, or said. Some even bought the white album and Yellow Submarine. They were just 4 (slightly upper) working class kids from Liverpool. Time to let go and move on.
  25. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1342627408' post='1738217'] That's nothing. Beethoven died 185, [b]yes 185[/b] years ago but people are still cashing in on him. [/quote] Yeah, but are there Beethoven weekends in Cologne ?, Does the local council cash in on it ? OK theres a Beethoven Hotel in Amsterdam,( just had to check) but its not full of people wearing Beethoven suits wanting to watch tribute pianists is it ?
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