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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. I dont do it myself, I prefer the jaunty 'lean it casually againts me amp' style. But how come nobody has replied that they just lie it on top of their amp ?
  2. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1339676594' post='1692471'] I know it's a silly Q and most of you will cringe at the thought but I want to cover a bass body with fabric (perhaps upholstery fabric). How would I go about it? [/quote] Just came across this, looks like its been done with a folded strip of fabric and some Brass Tacks around the outside edge.. [attachment=110785:sigurrossg.jpg] All you need now is 3 of those duck oranments that people used to hang off the wall. Stuck on the front of your cab,
  3. like my old mum used to say when I first started trting to play, and couldnt get it right.. It.ll never get better if you pick it.....
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1339865129' post='1695629'] Now you're just being deliberately provocative. [/quote] Yep. Actually, I'd say [i]Bassists[/i] might plectrums, But [i]Bass Players[/i] use fingers.
  5. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1339856239' post='1695473'] Hmmm... And stop calling them picks.Real bassists use [s]plectrums[/s].FINGERS [/quote] [b] [/b]
  6. Really old school treatment my old man used to swear by was Friars Balsam. Asked my GP about it once and he'd never heard of it, bot you can still get it at pharmcies. I think I read somewhere that the Army still use it as a treatment..
  7. I've only skimmed through this thread, but I reckon it should be down to what the the song needs. Anybody still play wth their thumb ? I started with my thumb, then 2 fingers then 3, Allright, I know... Nowadays only 2, the rest dont work right ....Fingers always looked more 'Pro' to me when I was a kid. I have used a pick, but didnt for so long that it takes an effort now. Can you still get those completely unuseable thick felt picks that used to be around ?
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1339774951' post='1694206'] And I thought I was behind the times by still running XP. [/quote] Only Kidding, I am running XP Pro. Even downgraded my newish laptop. Most of the CCTV & Access Control kit I work with wont run with anythng newer. We have still got a few old systems that will only run on 95, but I aint going down that road. Wasnt kidding about IE though.
  9. I'm stuck with IE, it remembers all the passwords I've long forgotten. Time to moved up from Win 95 soon though I spose...
  10. I always sound like that anyway. Used to have a singer who swore by that aniseed stuff tht has sticks in the bottle, cant remember what its called, bet somebody on here will know. Dunno if he gargled with it or just knocked it back. Sore throat or not, he was always pissed anyway. Tried gargling with crushed aspirin in water ?
  11. [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1339701410' post='1693087'] [i][b]aston birmingham?......dude...badgermine is well bad!!.....[/b][/i] id strip the guitar and use mount spray as it would remove quite painlessly,buy enough material and experiment pva the finished job [/quote] Tried google translate but that cant understand either....Whats a Badgermine ?..
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1339693976' post='1692919'] OR... you could grow a lawn on it, instead. [/quote] Naah, green is boring.... [attachment=110416:minilb.jpg]
  13. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1339692152' post='1692882'] Funny, but not so daft. Some of the multi-output PSUs I've seen would take up about the same space! Get a 4-way power strip, plug in four PP3 battery eliminators and put the whole lot in a suitable box. Spray it a nice colour, add some fancy blue LEDs [i][b]and Bob's your Dad's Brother[/b][/i]. [/quote] Sister in my wifes case.
  14. How about doing the cover in two halves, a front and a back. Then get a long zip from an upholsterers ? Might work if the material was stretchy enough. There used to be a firm in Aston that would spray your car, or anything else with adhesive, the blow flock on to it and apply about a million volts to make the flock stand on end while it dried, leaving a furry finish like a No. 1 haircut. That might be worth a try if you can find somebody still doing it.
  15. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1339687811' post='1692753'] I used to love the old pop 50s. The best 12" around at the time, that I could afford anyway. [/quote] £15 each off RSC ? or was that the Pop 60 15" one ? They were marked 8 to 15 ohms dunno how they worked that out, might have been their idea of quality control..
  16. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1339688134' post='1692760'] Yes, it certainly is - so what would be perfect is if i could find a "multi" supply that has a floating ground so i could power both units (4 battery clips) from one plug - though from what has been mentioned it probably doesn't work like that... (though i will ask t-rex about theirs) [/quote] ........ [attachment=110400:gsmmains_adapt_large-500x500.jpg]
  17. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1339679177' post='1692539'] IF - it was me - big IF - I'd do the front and back in two halves, using spray on glue so that you can cut the cavities. Before I started I'd cut a groove all the way around the edge of the body about a half-inch deep where the two halves would overlap. Once the glue was dry tuck the edges into the groove & then seal them in with the piping that's used on an amp or cab. IF - it was me. BUT - you'd have to seal it somehow so that any spilt drinks or sweat didn't stain it, which would make me more inclined into seeing if it's possible to get S/A vinyl with a giraffe print on it, kinda like the skins that Rick Parfitt was doing. [/quote] ++10 for this way. Didnt someone make Rexine ( like coloured tolex ) covered guitars and basses in the early 70s. Cant remember much about them, but they were definitely around. Bit like a smaller SG shape I think. My mate had a 2 tone one. Might be somebody on here old enough to remember them.
  18. Dunno about 10s, Up till fairly recently I was using a 2X15 with Fane Crecendos in it and they were excellent. Really popular speakers in the 70s. Even the Pop 60s werent all that bad considering the price. Fane have been around a long time, and while not always fashionable, the quality has always been excellent.
  19. Two PP3 eliminators is still by far the simplest isnt it ?
  20. [quote name='daflewis' timestamp='1339599925' post='1691255'] A dc/dc converter - would that kind of do option 3 that silent fly was talking about? [/quote] Not quite, you put 12V in and get two seperate 9V supplies out. All for under a tenner. But you'd need wire it to two PP3 battery clips etc. and put it in a box.
  21. An option that hasnt been mentioned yet as far as I can see is a DC-DC Converter. This one would need a 12V supply, But there are probably others if you look for them, and as long as you use a certified 12V supply all should be well and it wont break the bank. [size=4][url="http://uk.farnell.com/xp-power/jah0212d09/dc-dc-converter-2w-dual-9v-o-p/dp/1859077"][u][color=#0000ff][color=#0000ff]http://uk.farnell.com/xp-power/jah0212d09/dc-dc-converter-2w-dual-9v-o-p/dp/1859077[/color][/color][/u][/url][/size]
  22. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1339536921' post='1690312'] I think a lot of them used the same production facilities. Mine has a sort of "two-tone" Headstock. Seen the same on an Ibanez bass. The history of Jap Crap seems to include a lot of incest!! [/quote] My old Eros Jazz has the same two tome headstock, but with the truss rod adjuster at the head end and , completely different - Gibson style - tuners though. Probably a just way of getting more necks per tree by glueing on the bottom part.
  23. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1338303939' post='1672418'] I try to remember a stand. If not I either prop my bass (strings against) on my cab, or at gigs where I think this is too risky, I put it back the case, [b][i]lid unlatched.[/i][/b] [/quote] Thats only ok till some prat decides to move it, and picks the case up by the handle surely..
  24. Yrah, Goto lookalikes. I broke one last winter and somebody on here very kindly found me half of one so I could repair it. They look ancient, but are smooth and stay in tune. and have outlasted the ones on my Fender which were knackered after about 10 years. Same Bridge as well. There is also a hole under the neckplate, I wonder if there was a version with an adjustable rake ? I remember Kopy Kats, but cant remember ever playing one. The Logo badge looked cheap and narsty, bit like a top Twenty...Now they [i]were[/i] really crap.. I would have thought an Ibanez would have had a S/No. somewhere.
  25. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1339497407' post='1689209'] Sadly, in these increasingly litigious days, those are very good points. DIY electronics is fine for personal use but once things become commercial then such complications can raise their ugly heads - especially when safety-critical components such as mains PSUs are involved. I wouldn;t think twice about building an effects pedal powered from 12v, but I'd still buy in the mains PSU to power it because it will have been tested and certified as meeting all the required safety regulations. I suppose it's technically possible to argue that a DIY PSU doesn't legally need to be CE-marked or certified for electrical safety (and EMC standards) because it's not being "placed on the market", but it's not an argument I'd like to have while combing through the smoking remains of my last gig venue. Also, because there's no real financial savings to be gained by DIYing a mains PSU and there's no significant technical or functional advantages either, I really can't see any practical reasons for not just buying a commercial PSU. [/quote] Flyfisher - The voice of reason. Thanks very much, nice to see somebody else living in the real world.
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