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Everything posted by BassBod

  1. One offer so far...I'm thinking about it...keep 'em coming! BB
  2. I'd say jump one way or another. I used a fine 73 PJ (was fretless, though) and despite trying loads of pickups, I could never get a PJ combo that "worked". Either one on its own was fine, but they were very different sounds and needed some amp tweaking, so it was never that useful in a gig. Eventually, I realized that dear Leo never intended the P to work with a J. Had the same experience with a Streamer Stage I. These days I see them as two different things - a trad P with flats is a wonderful thing, but so is a J with rounds. Depends on the gig. Sorry if that didn't help, but it has taken me 25 years to get there........ BB
  3. There was one about two years ago in Rikaxe Music in Bristol...who knows, it may still be there? Might even be your old one...given the location. I seem to remember there were different makes of speaker used (Celestion/Bag End) but I don't recall which was the better. Good luck (and let me know if you ever want to sell the BB head) BB
  4. I've just put this up - see Amps For Sale section for details.... [attachment=5416:DSCN1094.JPG] BB
  5. It has to go. Easily the most useful amp I've ever owned (this is my second). This is the E version, with added chorus..and DI outputs, but also the very useful "boost" control which makes it a bit more "dirty" and warmer sounding - great for bass guitar. Excellent condition, comes with GK road bag (also in excellent condition) and manual. I'm looking for £400 and would prefer collection (M4 J18, just outside Bristol). [attachment=5413:DSCN1091.JPG][attachment=5414:DSCN1093.JPG] As always,Pm any questions BB
  6. I think the carpet came along later?? The early-mid 80's were all textured vinyl. The really early stuff was black paint. I'm finding it mildly depressing that I remember that sort of thing... BB
  7. If I can get there, I'll bring some Mo Clifton basses..examples of the lesser known UK luthier...picolo fretless 5 anyone?? BB
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  11. No experience of Wizards, but I was surprised how much I liked the the DM. I expected a more overblown/edgy/trying to distort sound, but its really more of a "hot" 70's P tone to me....rather nice. BB
  12. Interesting offer - I'll have a think (got any photos of the Takamine? I guess they'll be good ones!) The only problem I can see is delivering/meeting up? I'm in Bristol and really don't get out much anymore, particulrly to Notts...... I'll PM in a bit, if that's ok? BB
  13. Price reduced to £750 bump.......anyone? BB
  14. I'd suggest changing the pickups first - you may find this is enough of a change (particularly if you're already using an outboard pre you like). Read up a bit to get an idea of the common ones (EMG,DiMarzio Bart SD) but don't forget the little guys like Armstrong and Wizard. Also think about why you chose to play a Jazz - some like DiMarzio model J's are humbuckers, and sound very dark compared to a trad single coil - you may like this, or you may think it changes the bass too much. Others are designed to be hum cancelling, but retain more of the single-coil sound. I really like EMG's in a jazz bass - but I always turn the tone down a fair bit, to keep the brightness down...... Have fun! BB
  15. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes....... BB
  16. GK bag now fresh as a daisy....smoking ban is keeping it that way. BB
  17. awwwww.....I always liked the Nobby...reminded me of those old days when the Steinberger was scary and new, and everyone was cutting the heads off their normal basses to look trendy. I must be getting old. Really old. I still quite like the Nobby....but they could've improved it a bit (I guess they don't want another copyright fight with Mr NS?) BB
  18. Gentle,warm and woody acoustic style bump....big MOT bill yesterday, so looks like its got to go.....but trades still considered BB
  19. Here's my "old" setup. Was for sale (didn't) so I'm getting all nostalgic now its in storage pending a house move. All I need is one really loud gig to come in and I've got an excuse to dig it all out..... [attachment=4911:DSCN0816.JPG] BB
  20. Yes, it works with two conditions. Your preamp needs to match the input of the power amp well (don't know about the EBS) to get a good sound and the new power amp needs to be "better" than the power side of your existing head. I used a Sansamp/SWR set up the same way for ages - it works. Every preamp has its own character, so its really a case of deciding which you prefer (for which gig...can get expensive!) I'd run the EBS into the effect return of your head (use it as apower amp only) and see what you think after a few gigs? BB
  21. Thanks for the bump - and yes, it is a bit of a luxury bass. Lovely to play, sounds great (if not exactly loud..) even smells good (hmm..rosewood). Its great to have a bass you can just pick up and play without feeling you have to plug it in to really hear it. Anyway, I've also got a GAS list that includes Thunderfunk amps, Roscoe Beck Jazzes, Epi Jack Cassidy...I could go on. Feel free to talk trades! BB
  22. I hate "feelers" as much as anyone, but I'm really not certain, so here's a maket tester... Martin 00C 16GTAE acoustic bass, less than 2 years old with original hard case. Very good (almost perfect) condition. The Martin/Fishman under-saddle pickup has been professionally changed for a K&K pure acoustic (stuck under the bridge plate) and wired direct to the jack socket. The original preamp is still there, fully functional if you wanted to re-wire it. [attachment=4854:DSCN0885.JPG][attachment=4855:DSCN0887.JPG][attachment=4856:DSCN0886.JPG] This is the all solid wood version, around £1100 retail new, so I'm looking for at least £850....PM any questions, as usual... BB
  23. Thanks Beedster - that explains why I don't like the SPB-3.....I just don't like P basses with rounds on them (except PJ fretless...)... BB
  24. I just found it over aggressive - edgy and too bright, the low end was powerful, but a bit more than I wanted from a P bass. It reminded me of the old Trace Elliot "pre-shape" switch? Sorry if that's not a very good description... BB
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