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Everything posted by burno70

  1. I'm not keen on relicing per se, I'd rather have my own battle scars on a bass. But man, I love the Flea sig, it's just phwoarr!
  2. I tried one of these a couple of months ago in Dawsons. It's a really nice bass and I still intend to buy one! Due to my small mitts I always go for slim necks but with this being a short scale it just doesn't matter - to me at least. I ended up with a short scale bass that was 40mm across the nut (Maruszczyk) - wider than my preference on a full length, but really makes no difference on a short scale at all, with your hand being closer to your body. Hope this helps!
  3. Being pretty much content with my pedal board for well over a year or 2, I've only recently noticed the price hike - whether it be gradual or otherwise. I've taken to leaving said board in the rehearsal studio and have been toying with the idea of picking up a budget board for home practice use and so have started looking again. Wow! I'm looking at pedals I used to have or I was gassing over a few years ago and the price difference from what I can remember is quite staggering in some cases.
  4. I've got stock Maruszczyk jazz pups on my Elwood. It took a while to configure my amp to bring out the best in them but I've got them sounding really lovely now. I'd still like something different for my next build though - just for variety's sake.
  5. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1486068255' post='3229050'] Yeah, but they just got this... [url="http://bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Musicman_SR4_Starry_Night_HH.html"]http://bassdirect.co...y_Night_HH.html[/url] [/quote] Wow - just wow! And I'm not into Musicman basses!
  6. I love the colour - and the grain's lovely! Though I'd be tempted to try a black pickguard. I might get the Hausel's on my next one!
  7. Nah, I had to turn that off after a minute. It just hasn't got anything which I love about them in there.
  8. I've been playing the piano about 2 1/2 years now. Thought I'd pick up any instrument if I put the time in - which I have, and still do. But I still suck at it. I think it's the whole two hands behaving independently thing as opposed to two hands creating one note/chord. I'm still persevering and going for Grade 1 this year - but thought I'd be jedi on it by now.
  9. I'm surprised that I really like that! Would be ace in a disco band!
  10. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1484917045' post='3219660'] I'd be interested in trying out the Elf head, especially if it didn't sound like the old TE stuff! If it's not too dear [b]it would be good gig-bag spare amp[/b], in the way that the MB200 is. [/quote] That's my first thought - although I loved TE amps back the 90's.
  11. I'd recommend you look into the most minute detail of the bass you want - there's more to it than the cosmetics and electronics; weight, neck shape at the xx fret, pick up placement can be just as important. Best thing you can do is have a checklist ready with everything you can possibly think of and then have a chat with the luthier. I doubt you would ever end up with something worse than a 'regular' off the shelf bass - unless it's a crazy build, but I suppose there's always a chance that the ideal bass in your head doesn't really do it for you when it's in your hands. Although I'm not speaking from experience on that particular point. If you want to go British I couldn't recommend Jon Shuker highly enough.
  12. I'd struggle to play that beast with my little mitts.
  13. it was a stock short scale Elwood, Marusz. single coils. Very happy with it!
  14. Mine arrived today so I took the afternoon off to have a mess with it. Must say I'm very impressed with the fit and finish. Reeks quality and looks even lovelier in the flesh. A bit disappointed in the set up - fret buzz city, all over the fingerboard and took a while to tame this - although I'm not that great at doing bass set-ups. I've got it nice and playable now and it sounds ace. Amazing for £800! The gig bag is quality too - and also a short scale! Will get pics up tomorrow.
  15. Not a fan of V's - but I love that! Brill colour/finish too, looks like it's made of evil!
  16. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1481797740' post='3195173'] Nice! I saw that one on Adrian's website. [/quote] I prefer the red burst but it was out of stock and this one will do for my first dabblings on a short scale. If it suits me I may sell my main bass and get a custom s-s Elwood, we'll see.
  17. Yeah it has a gig bag included. Will be nice if its a short scale bag - do they even exist? Scrumpy MIke - it has the tobacco burst finish with the Musz. stock single coil pups. Fisheth - has it arrived?
  18. Ordered a stock short scale Elwood and just received the confirmation from Adrian, should have it by Friday - cannot wait!
  19. My mate recommended switching to short scale basses a while ago - and after trying out that Mustang the other day I've decided to take the plunge. I've been after a Maruszczyk Elwood for a while now and decided to get one of the short scales they had in stock. Can't wait for it to arrive! That'll be my Christmas prezzy to myself!
  20. Thanks Guile - but I'm into flats these days. Those La Bella's for the Mustang might be too long for the bass I have in mind - not a string-through.
  21. [quote name='Guile' timestamp='1481403128' post='3192126'] When I play on 34 inch I use 45-100 string gauge and when I play on 30 inch I use 45-105 string gauge. I just can't notice any difference in tension between the two of them. [/quote] After trying out a mustang in Dawsons yesterday I'm definately getting a short scale soon. I've been looking at strings and icouldn't see any in my regular gauge, 45-105, what strings do you use in this gauge?
  22. I'm gassing for one of these so badly at the moment. Not a big fan of road worn, but I love the colour and most importantly, the tone is gorgeous. Trying to resist til after Christmas.
  23. After getting a Squire VM fretless jazz a few months ago I'm now all out gassing for a proper jazz - which is weird as I've never really liked them before but the squire's so lovely to play I'm burning for an upgrade - albeit a fretted one. Head's turned between a nice fender, the Flea sig really floats my boat, a Sadowsky, or a Marucyxyzyc;) Some cool examples of these in the marketplace for me to drool over but I'm being sensible - I won't have the funds till after Christmas.
  24. Thanks mate. But we'd all like to here the click track - and be in time with a master clock and the other equipment synced to this. This is were I'm stuck.
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