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Everything posted by burno70

  1. I think that's the string spacing for the 4 strings. I bet the fivers are 16.5mm. I think it looks brill! If I get a new bass this year then it could be between this and the Sandberg Ida Nielsen.
  2. Yup - and I do think it was presumptuous of your guitarist to believe that everyone in the band would be happy to pay the extra money he decided to offer the replacement band. I really would not be happy about that and would let the guy know - if it were me. Personally I would have contacted the venue to let them know there was a problem as soon as the band knew. Then offered the landlord to help find a replacement, and if no luck then so be it, you've done all you can (or at least be expected to do).
  3. I can see these as being viewed as a bit gimmicky but they would be a great tool for learning synthesis.
  4. Fender Mustang's are really good basses and relatively affordable too. I have a Maruszcszyk short scale. It's a nicer bass than the Mustang but more expensive.
  5. These look a lot sturdier than the Phil Jones cans. If I was buying headphones again I would get the Beyer's.
  6. I don't agree Bazz, I think it's an excellent size for a back up amp. The smaller the better. Whether it's reliable with the heat it generates is another issue however.
  7. I use Phil Jones Bass headphones to go with their headphone amp. Great quality audio but they do feel a bit flimsy. http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Headphones.html
  8. So jealous. I got an omelette maker. I mean wtf!
  9. Zero this year - problems finding the right drummer then our singer decided to learn the drums and he's not bad at all and improving all the time. We have just about got a set of songs together and am hoping 2018 will be a really good year for us - gigging wise. Will be ace to get up there again. Also looking forward to some ghetto home recording.
  10. It depends on the riff but I do like using open strings to bounce off. They're particularly useful if you have to change fretting hand position. I don't understand why you would avoid using them?
  11. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magic. For me that's Flea (and the band) at their peak.
  12. Yup, it's an excellent point which I hadn't considered. Although this would only work out if you had a full board made of up these pedals - as Danny has mentioned. You gain nothing if you mix top and side socket pedals and I've already got half the board assembled with side socket pedals.
  13. Not even heard of the HGBM. The Cog 66 is actually a really good shout - shameless plug forgiven!
  14. Nearer the £50 mark mate. And aye, 'tis the mini version I meant.
  15. Sorry to Steve - If I've derailed your thread a little there!
  16. Brill! I love my Markbass TA503 with my BF ST2 which lives in the rehearsal studio so an MB Little Mark with a BF One10 would be my ideal.
  17. Nothing too spendy. I'd love an SFX Red Dragon but only if it pops up in the marketplace. Also, thanks Jo, I'll have a listen to that when I get back from work.
  18. I'm looking for something cheap but decent for my home nano board so space is at a premium. Thanks
  19. Thanks Cameron and Chris. But wouldn't some of them just jump from zero to too loud? For example, I actually bought a 20w Laney praccy amp which jumps from low, farty sound to a nice sound that is about the loudest I'd want to play in my flat. My Ashdown LB30 has a better sound at low volume levels - but again, there's not much room to play with here. Although a gain on the Ashdown would definitely help.
  20. But out of the amps being mentioned - how many are suitable for 'quiet' practice? Don't some of them jump to relatively loud at the faintest touch of the volume knob?
  21. Damn - I was hoping you wouldn't say that as I'm really gassing for one! Thanks for clarifying though.
  22. Brill - I'm thinking of getting that exact same mini-rig. Mainly for bedroom practice. How is it at low volume levels? Would it be doable in this setting?
  23. After the band's primitive forays into IEM, we've now managed to try out a mixer which we are likely to buy. We've just discovered that the aux out (which we are using for different band members mixes) is mono and and send a signal to our left only in ears. I take it we would need head phone amp to get a mono signal in both ears? We're all rockers and very nooby when it comes to this kind of gear.
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