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Everything posted by Mcgiver69

  1. What I always found is that her music sounds like a mix of Corea and Camilo. I love her and what she does and Tony is a great musician and a very nice guys too.
  2. [quote name='The Funk' post='458047' date='Apr 9 2009, 03:32 AM']Dude, not wanting to tell you how to live your life or anything but you have to do it! Texan girls are something else, man, seriously! Bloody well done.[/quote] +1000000000000 on that! Mate do it, I know that if I was single and a bit younger I'd do it in a heartbeat. Man you're not the only one who has done some work for free that has come back with even better retribution, Mr. Guy Pratt played in Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" and never got paid but he says that when people know he played it it's done deal!.
  3. No need to apologize, pop songs are meant to be silly and I quite enjoyed it in a silly kind of way. Mate that is part of your body of work and your legacy as musician so well done! keep the good work and good luck.
  4. - Crappy computer ( got it of a mate who was about to take it to the tip) - 80 gig hard drive - 512 mb ram - Ubuntu Studio (Jack kit, Aldour, Hydrogen, Rosegarden & Audacity) - A couple of USB interfaces (Midi, USB to guitar) - Zoom B2.1u - Behringer Bass V-Amp That's all I need and the results are great! Total spent? £40 in USB interfaces.
  5. Would you consider to split the cab and the head? I'm more interested in the head.
  6. The first patch is one of mine.
  7. [quote name='obbm' post='378637' date='Jan 13 2009, 09:14 AM']It's a completely stand alone circuit so I would say yes.[/quote] Then you got yourself a deal! Do you accept paypal?
  8. OBBM can I use the midsweep in conjunction with another preamp, say an EMG preamp? if that is positive then I'll have it.
  9. Nice to see some love for my compatriot Michel Camilo, I remember that gig, it was my first Jazz concert ever. Thanks Bilbo for the video and the memories you brought back. To the people who criticise the music as being "soulless" I think you miss the point, to characterize that piece as soulless you need first to have listen to latin music and then you will understand the context of the tune, it is all about having fun. Because it doesn't contain any Rock, Funk or Soul element it doesn't make it soulless. I know that everyone to it's own but a bit of education goes a long way. Sorry if this sounded a bit patronizing lads.
  10. Andrew Levy, Paul Denman and Tony Grey are other missing on the list of British finest. Looking at the list I come to the conclusion that Britain is the home of some of the finest bass players on earth. We are more than well represented in the world with those cats.
  11. [quote name='Prosebass' post='364836' date='Dec 28 2008, 02:22 PM']Rock Frog USB bass / guitar interface Simple unit for getting your bass / guitar (any analogue signal) into your PC via the USB port. Good for practice as you can plug phones into unit Disk with drivers for OSX and XP If using Vista you will need to download drivers from the interweb (32 and 64 bit supported) Plexi amp demos on disk have been registered so may or may not work Selling due to upgade £20.00 including UK postage [attachment=17786:IMG_2136.JPG][/quote] Do you accept paypal?
  12. [quote name='SJA' post='309209' date='Oct 18 2008, 01:17 PM']didn't see Later, but I can't tell Friendly fires apart from Bloc Party- same feeble singing over post-punk-lite Gang of Four-rip-off guitars. White lies were similarly pointless on Later- as if we need yet another Joy Division-lite Interpol/Editors clone.[/quote] That is called "The NME" syndrome all bands that appear in that magazine are made of the same material and cut with the same scissors. Haven't seen one of those bands that I can say that impress me. All of them sound the same, look the same, sing the same and in the same way, jump around like a bunch of tw@ts (the same) and even use the same basses and amps (P basses and Ampeg). The whole story short "Boring". Sorry rant over.
  13. I bought a red cherry like the one on the picture, I have to say that is the most comfortable bass I've ever player. Being an active guy I dropped a Bartolini NTBT 2 band preamp in and it turned out to be a beast. I love this bass and definitely is a keeper.
  14. You've been pm'ed regarding the Bass-Vamp.
  15. Basically it's Billy Sheehan with an extr P pickup close to the bridge. Sounds very well though
  16. Michael Anthony is a natural left handed but plays right handed. Keith Horne is natural right handed but plays left handed. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4FzbbrtPqw&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4FzbbrtPqw...feature=related[/url]
  17. Yeah top bloke with a brilliant sense of humor and humanity. God bless him and good luck to him where ever he is right now. He will be really missed.
  18. It is the great Tony Grey and proudly from Great Britain!!!!!
  19. Hi guys, Just scored this bad boy (girl?) on the Bay for a song and wonder what do you know about these basses, I know that they are similar to the Dyna basses (Made in USA) but made in Korea. This on is passive with twin buckers and vol-vol/tone-tone electronics. [attachment=11540:aba9_1.JPG] Cheers, The Mac.
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