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Everything posted by pete.young

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  2. Plywood double bass body, 3/4 size. Could make an interesting DIY project for someone - bookshelves, cocktail cabinet, maybe a novelty planter for the garden? Collection from Ipswich area.
  3. For the LS-02, I think you need A+B Mode, Synth dry out into LS-2 loop A, Synth wet into Delay into LS-2 loop B, output into amp. You'll also need a dummy plug in the main input to switch the unit on.
  4. And is one of those Aux outs fixed to post-eq? In which case it's not ideal for a monitor mix.
  5. Peirre Vernier. Who invented the scale in 1631, so clearly a brilliant man ahead of his time. It was probably another 150 years before the machine tools existed that could make a Vernier Caliper.
  6. Thomann used to be really bad at this, and so did GAK. Thomann have seriously cleaned up their act, and I haven't ordered anything from GAK since, so I have no idea.
  7. Can only see tiny thumbnails. Do you have some bigger pictures, preferraby one that shows it mounted on a bass please?
  8. 2 1/2 grand for something that looks like it was made in my shed by me! No thanks.
  9. Worth keeing an eye on the forums for a second-hand: Tecamp Puma Classic 112 Eich BC 112 Phil Jones Bass Suitcase Any of these would fit the bill and will drive an extension speaker if you need to make a bit more noise for the punk band. Provided it's a pretty quiet punk band, they're not going to keep up with Marshal 100W and 4x12s obviously.
  10. Not sure I'm seeing the dog biscuit connection. More like what comes out of the other end of the dog after it's eaten the biscuits.
  11. Interesting, I think that's the first time I've seen the words 'Sting' and 'bell' in the same sentence without the word 'end' .
  12. To fit the bridge properly, you need tape some sandpaper to the belly and shape the bottom of the bridge feet by moving the bridge side-to-side., like you are trying to use it to saw the body in half.
  13. Matt Schofield Trio. Organist uses his left hand to play the basslines. Sounds fantastic. But organists good enough to do that don't exactly fall out of the nearest tree when you shake it.
  14. It seems that this crook is still active, and using the email address [email protected] , a close friend got ripped off by the same scam . An OC3 which appears in several of the screenshots about. Just in case anyone is keeping score.
  15. Sounds like something that an LS2 will do. Effects loop might work, if it is parallel, but you will have no ability to control how much of each signal unless you have a blend control on it. And you have no guarantee that a line-level loop will work as expected with instrument-level pedals.
  16. Timely article from the Guardian, reminding us that Ed is not the only musician who wanted to put an end to bogus law suits. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/apr/10/john-lennon-morris-levy-beatle-v-mobster-1976-court-battle
  17. Remembering to switch it from bass mode to guitar mode is probably a top tip. I hadn't even realised there was a switch originally! I've been using mine with guitar (actually, acoustic lap steel) and the pads and organ sounds really add something. The bass specific patches are better with bass than guitar, and there are some which are just useless for both (thinking of the lead synths particularly). The arpeggiators are awesome fun with a guitar, haven't tried them on bass. What I'm really missing is an expression pedal. I think that will make it a lot easier.
  18. I've just acquired another tenor, a Gold Tone TS250R but it will be set up for Irish trad playing, GDAE octave down from a fiddle. This came fitted with a Plectrum neck which I've removed to refit the original tenor neck. This has been slightly butchered by the previous owner to fit the hoop, but is servicable if anyone wants to try and use it for a frankenbanjo. In the UK, besides trad jazz the other place you find plectrum and tenor banjos is so-called BMG groups or orchestras, Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar. There used to be quite a few of these when I started playing in the '70s but they've mostly died out.
  19. I don't bother with a power conditioner. The UK mains supply is relatively clean in noise terms, unlike the US, and a decent quality amp such as Eich will have filtering built in to it's internal supply. Use an extension lead with a surge protector and save another space in your rack.
  20. I remember that stuff too. Turned beautifully on a lathe. Made loads of screwdriver handles out of it.
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